Transitional//EN" ""> The fifth layer of hell
01 August, 2006 :: 3:24 p.m.
oh my

How I have forgotten about this. Well, I figure since I will have a new life, I should have a new blog. So here:

I promise it will less angsty and emo than this one. And to those last few who have been dedicated (crazy) enough to check this every day in the hopes of a new entry (I can see your IP's remember): thanks. Hope you enjoy the new one. As for this old thing, sometime in the very near future I will make this private, and you won't be able to read it. Not that I plan on actually writing anything in it, but you know. So, best read up on all my past escapades whilst you can, because in a few days, it will vanish!

See you in Greece :)

cabbages and kings
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