messages to eibisch:
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from meeshapeesha :
Five People You Meet in Heaven is a wonderful book! I highly recommend Tuesdays with Morrie as well in case you haven't read that one either. I also thought they did a great job with the movie. Jon Voight is the man.
from meeshapeesha :
Thats exactly the conversation i have with my nephew. Isn't it cute how they can't pronounce stuff?
from meeshapeesha :
And congrats on kicking the ass out of me Alma Mater. Kent didn't stand a chance. What was the final score? 64 to 2 or something?
from meeshapeesha :
I feel the exact way about marriage and kids. I've always felt that i never wanted kids but no one believes me. They think i'll change my mind. And i don't have any prospects really. Sad but true. Secondly, I lost my Jasper book! And it's due back at the library today. Doh! I never finished it but i will start the first one ASAP. :)
from thecritic :
Your mom will follow you if you ever move out?! I'm picturing her as Kathy Bates from Misery now. Next thing you know she'll be hobbling you so you can't run away. Sleep with one eye open!
from meeshapeesha :
I haven't read the Eyre Affair..maybe i should read that one first? And don't you hate it when bands/artists you hate make covers of songs like that? Especially when they are so not worth to do it? I think the one i hate the most is Sheryl Crow's cover of Sweet child of Mine. Granted, Gun's N roses is no Elvis but that one had me reeling. The only justice i got was knowing that it tanked and everyone else on the planet hated it too.
from meeshapeesha :
Hey! I started reading "Lost in a Good Book." You read that right?...So far it's a little confusing to me but it seems very interesting. I noticed it at the library and thought of you. Okay well, i guess this was pointless. Just like leaving you notes! I'm so retarded.
from warcrygirl :
I loved Princess Bride! Found you through Meeshapeesha *waves* and I'll be back.
from meeshapeesha :
I spelled your name wrong in my guestbook entry. DAMMIT!
from meeshapeesha :
No one is ever a dork for loving Ren and Stimpy.
from meeshapeesha :
I love History! That's cool tha you majored in it. If I could go back in time and chosen a different major i would have chosen History. Thanks for enlightening me!
from meeshapeesha :
Ugh!! I hate when i can't sleep! Especially before a big day like that. Good luck on your exams (although they're probably over by the time you read this).
from meeshapeesha :
Congratulations on your Cher tickets! I thought her farewell tour ended last year? Hmmm...guess not. Enjoy!
from leebozeebo :
Major difference - you pay fees that have nothing to do with taxes so you can go to your Community College. As part of any state's education program, they're required to wholly subsidize educational instutions through grade 12, but beyond that they cut way back. Hence, why you have to pay to go to college. This makes any college, even community college, like something akin to a private school. Nobody is requiring you to go to college at all - you go of your own volition, same as taking that class you're in. The same rules don't apply.
from meeshapeesha :
I will pet him and love him and call him Arturo. Awesome. You can start hating Hoobastank..or possibly Train. They're awful.
from meeshapeesha :
Time to dominate the notes again. So i was catching up on all my buddies diaries and i felt like something was missing. And then it struck me, "I haven't read lovely Eibisch's diary dammit!" So off i went and as usual, i'm thoroughly entertained. As for my recent theater experience, i witnessed the most disgusting, repulsive display of unhealthy eating ever. Turns out theaters now have a butter dispenser on the counter for patrons to use AFTER the theater workers put butter on your popcorn. Yes that's right you can add more butter and clog your arteries better than ever! I talked loudly enough so that the already obese people adding butter to their popcorn heard me say, "You want some popcorn to go with that bag of butter!?" I swear i've never been so repulsed. What's funnier is that the machine ran out of butter after the third person went up to use it. Nice America, nice.
from meeshapeesha :
I know what you mean about older men. I am always attracted to the guys in their late 30's early 40's. 27 to 41 isn't too old. Age is just a number right? Besides, he might just want to have fun too and not really settle down either. You might have more in common than you think. Just go with the flow is my advice.
from thecritic :
Hehee I like that simpsons joke where they say technically we're not even allowed to go to the bathroom according to the Bible.
from meeshapeesha :
I love that i'm dominating the notes. Nice. Anyways, that wedding sounded freakin great! I mean, entertainment-wise. Now all it needed was some "falling down in her heels" by the bride and maybe some confettii getting in her eyes. You should post that pic of her with the beer and cigs. What class! :)
from meeshapeesha :
Okay why am i the note queen lately? Hehehe,anyways, your entry about the wasps reminded me about the cicada bugs that are coming this summer. THOSE creep me out and scare me more than bees or wasps put together. Which makes no sense since they don't do anything at all. Except they're super super ugly. Trancejen wrote about them in her diary today and i thought of you! :)
from meeshapeesha :
Depends on what your taste in reading is but right now i'm reading "Devil in the White City" by Erik Larson. I also started 3 other books cause i'm nuts like that. "The Queen's Fool" and "The Other Boylen Girl" both by Philipa Macgregor (?) i think. And "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. All are pretty good so far.
from meeshapeesha :
Family Guy rocks your ass. As soon as i got the DVD's i spent a weekend in my pj's just watching every episode. I never left the apartment, it was fucking awesome. And! It's coming back! They are making new episodes as we write. :)
from meeshapeesha :
Eli Manning made the Whiner of the Week on Looks like you're not the only one who noticed his incessant whining this weekend. What an ass.
from leebozeebo :
I have no intentions of giving up on school. I'm just tired. I have a question for you, though - have you heard anything about Iowa State's English Department? I heard somebody tell me they had one of the best Fiction Writing subdepartments in the country, but that kind of speculation is hard to back up unless you talk to people who live in the area and know better.
from meeshapeesha :
Wasps are the enemy make no mistake about that. You and my dad should get together to discuss. He had a nest outside our garage. He made a plan of attack consisting of traps and poisons and all kinds of shit. Didn't work though. They come back every summer to wreck havoc on him. I think now they're just taunting him.
from leebozeebo :
Tell your mommy to tell Elijah's mommy that LeeboZeebo thought he was pretty goddamn awesome in Radio Flyer.
from meeshapeesha :
Love your diary, especially your opinion on The PAssion. :) Added you to my list.
from chubbychic :
Thanks for adding me to your buddy list! Your layout is so pretty! :D :D
from honesttruths :
You seem somewhat enamored with a certain Diarylander. Maybe you should take a minute to see his true cowardly, manipulative nature by reading the middle to the end of this entry in his "travel buddy"'s diary: Oh, that was just the icing on the cake since he not only tries to charm practically every girl he comes across online (the list of females on Diaryland alone is quite long), but he also seems to love to sleep around and lie about it to all of the women. It certainly wouldn't surprise people if he tried (or is trying) to make you one of his "conquests," too.

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