messages to a177:
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from projectavoid :
Mr., can I borrow the key to your diary, please?
from thesenotes :
from aghostisborn :
from projectavoid :
That is one hell of a Happy New Year Party Dog!
from shesajar :
please see the new me at:
from projectavoid :
Oh man, dude! Wink Wink Pelvic Thrust all over the place!
from nowait :
Because it's "after" 177, heh.
from nowait :
Have you heard both versions?
from anglewings :
Cool diary, I'll try to check back to read more Latezzzzzz
from shesajar : you should send me your addy so that you can trade mixes with strangers. i think you'd like it.
from neighborhood :
you know, i read that thing in the cat and girl forum and i think that person who was laying down all these definitions of a "hipster" was getting a little carried away. it seems to me that the real hipsters who people complain about endlessly really don't give much of a damn about real politics and social causes in the first place. i wouldn't give it a second thought if i was you.
from nowait :
You might also count the em-dash and en-dash, though the hyphen might be the same thing as one of those, I'm not too sure how the printing terms overlap. Commonly it's just called a dash, I think, but it's not used in the same way as the hyphen is, which is to join words for meanng, it's instead used to join and break up phrases. People commonly type "--" in ASCII for this punctuation symbol.
from nowait :
Doesn't McDonalds offer a "McVeggie Burger" in the U.S.? They do in Canada.
from neighborhood :
n.n. and kandinskij seem almost like the kano sisters to me.
from nowait :
It doesn't really seem like those two examples are different forms of the same construction. "She stole his heart and his wallet" is a grammatically valid combination of two common phrases in a way that's sort of similar to mathematical distrubution, like how x (y + z) is equivalent to xy + xz, whereas "he died for a kiss me quick" is sort of making the subject of a sentence a phrase when it can't be (in terms of grammatical validity). What makes this sentence interesting is the fact that the phrase that you want the subject to be can be one of two parts of the sentence, both making use of the word "kiss". So this "subject phrase" is either "he died for a kiss" or "kiss me quick". Since these two sentences happen to have a word in common at their end and beginning, respectively, they can be combined. This construct creates tension since there's two different interpretations, and it's centered around the word "kiss", making it doubly hot. Therefore Elvis Costello sang a brilliant lyric on his album "Trust", or I just misheard it.
from projectavoid :
Shucks! P.S. It should be required that all pillows involve pockets.
from boyfromks :
Too bad the decimal point wasn't misplaced to the left. :)
from brianraymond :
Hey, I miss you. -B
from shesajar :
yeah, that's practically reason to purge a bunch of intellectuals right now... as governments have done throughout history (Russia, Cambodia, Czechoslovakia, etc.). hell, kill anyone who questions anything. and i imagine this is even more absurd because it's coming from academics, aspiring intellectuals themselves, who's whole work is about gathering and analyzing work just like Chomsky. nice post.
from projectavoid :
Happy Birthday Diaryland Note!
from wubby :
Happy birthday, Mr. McGeezer. Somehow you made it--you became a real ninja.
from sdtergf :
"Human beings, we all devise these elaborate ways of depriving ourselves of everything beautiful, we always find our ways to stay out of the sun." "I have been wondering lately about how maybe what I am desperate for is a person who loves the fraud and makes it more true by helping to perpetuate it. Assuming that I have always lied to everyone about everything I am, then there can be no such thing as love, there can only be the people I have convinced the strongest to support me in my delusions. As if in thier gaze my own fraud becomes less and less apparent." If you were looking out for yourself and committed to growing as a person you'd get real and drop out of these silly games with "X". ... Your reaction to that statement should tell you how you really feel. Go with it.
from wubby :
It's hard to get feedback sometimes. Most of the people that comment on my site are various fictional characters.
from a177 :
Hello to everyone who might want to leave a note.

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