messages to absurniverse:
(click here to add new message):

from browndamask :
7/28/24 - This one is particularly nice, all that soft white and yellow
from bantenhut :
I love your photos! I don't post my photos here, but I like to take street photography. (Just with my phone though, nothing advanced). Anyway, I live in Los Angeles, and it looks like you probably do, too! Cool!
from babyhead :
Your pictures don't seem to post on your diary.
from dangerspouse :
Great pics! But we gotta get you a polarizing filter ;) (2/16/2018)
from raven72d :
01 Aug 16---- just found you: love the photos.
from samcorday :
love the pic of the smiling monkey teddy :)
from avantbedroc :
40,000 in 3 years!!!! wow
from fivethree :
good luck! beautiful picture.
from avantbedroc :
iphone photo contest
from avantbedroc :
how did you go with the comp?
from tremendo :
So! I'll no longer be writing in tremendo. If you care to follow me look up "fivethree" and leave me a note so I can give you access.
from tremendo :
I've had a lot of fun following you on facebook... You've seemed to improve 10 fold - your eye and your style and even the picture quality it seems - so keep it up!
from bliss-sad :
Your work is fantastic.
from waterstain :
your pictures make me happy. (no doubt that was your goal; congratulations for succeeding!)
from tremendo :
very nice portrait, very intriguing comment

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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