messages to aim-e:
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from m-u-l-l-e-t :
hey babe, happy belated b-day!! <<33 and omg, have a fucking good time at your wwe event!! be crazy. lol. i wish i could go to another one sooonn....not soon enough. laterz :D - amber
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
heyyyyyy what's shakin bacon?? i'm doing great, just got back from the chiropractor. :D omg you have to go!! wwe events rule! is it a live raw or a house show? either or, you'll have tons of fun screaming and shit. i was dancin to the music myself....couldnt head bang, too crammed in. lol! keep it real...i gotta go and do an entry :))) <<33 amber
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
hey aim-eeeeeee just checking out yer diary since i havent done so in forever. omgosh the rock on raw next week....W0000000. laterz...:)
from anglewings :
Hey, looks like I made it back . Latezz
from bbreviews :
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from anglewings :
Hi have to say like your diary. Might just come back, smile. Latezzzz <3
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
haha my rvd shirt had rvd written across the front in gold...and it had yellow ying yang signs with rvd jumping in a circle type's awesome. yeah i was at the end where mick jumped the barrier. you can see the red in my sign but not the '3:16' damn. yesh it was an amazing time!
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
woooooo thank ya. oo the clock is winding down...the whole damn day went so slow. bout 45 minutes till i leave here :))) when stone cold comes out i am gonna go crazy!!! hahaa. hopefully i'll be on tv...just look for the red 3:16 sign. <<<333 talk to ya soon.
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
hey you have a problem with me boarding for 20 minutes? lol! jk. i kept falling down and getting snow down my pants...not fun. i went back up with the guys 10 minutes later...ok so i'm a nerd! lol <<33 $$$ i've got the money now.
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
haha yeah i'll wear something cool. my bondage pants that are black with purple stars <3 hehe. i dunno what shirt im gonna get yet. and i need to make my signnnn.......lata.
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
yeah i gotta watch my money since im prolly gonna go crazy at RAW. lol. i neeeed the goldberg beanie. ;p 3 week countdown! yeah. hopefully i'll be on tv, hehe.
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
hahah im too lucky sometimes. :D yeah, maybe it is you! that would be fun. <<33
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
omg rvd is amazing. i saw him in novemeber --2002-- at a house show here and he is truely an awesome athelete. hey that would be awesome if we could go together :) later.
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
heyyyy yeah raw was so awesome tonight....not to mention their coming to my area febuary 2nd!!! w00t im getting [hopefully] close, camera side seats...anywho back to raw, stone cold was hilarious. he was wearing a sheriff badge around...hehe it was cute. teddy long cashed in his favor and was gm for the night....and at the end stone cold chased him around the arena with a fourwheeler!!! ahahaha funny. im soooooo excited...! later.
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
snoboarding is awesome .. even tho im not that great, but hey i can just go down a hill n not fall! hehe. i dun go to the big slopes i just find small hills .. best way not to embarrass if u ever wanna chat my aol sn is amberderby. <<33
from m-u-l-l-e-t :
hah yess hardy boyz 4 life....i support the reunion!! i wear my pendant everyday :))
from blackfetisha :
thanks for letting me know about those links! I have changed them for the time being hopefully have a new layout soon, someday! lol
from blackfetisha :
Hey love the layout and Finding nemo is a awesome movie!
from bbreviews :
Wanna review? Why not try Bondagebear reviews?
from twisted-mind :
hi just wanted to welcome you to the amy diary ring. Thanks for posting the code.
from caspia :
Hey fellow Minnesotan! If you're a fan of the Wild, or love the Twins, please join the Wild, or Twins-fan diaryrings. Let everyone know we support them. Thanks and have a great day.

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