messages to akv05:
(click here to add new message):

from what---if :
Hahaha...didn't mean to scare you. My apologies. ;)
from daath :
Hrm, fair enough.
from daath :
Greetings and thank you much for the favorite. When I have time later I'll come by and check out your journal. In the meantime, best wishes.
from bionicgurl :
elephents pooing on people makes me laugh too!! thanks for adding my to your reads. i'm not to cool to talk to. serioiusly. chat me up.
from hattermad :
I know how it feels with headmeds and wondering about your real self. Good luck. Also, from someone fighting drinking to someone fighting smoking, I send you the best. Keep in the fight. And I don't know why you're having trouble finding someone. I have the same problem. (shrug)
from akv05 :
blah blah blah

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