messages to all-mad-here:
(click here to add new message):

from genana :
Hey, just wanted to tell you that my new username is teanash...
from silently- :
Hiya... couldn't connect to your site and wondering what was up, then read the bulletin on your profile. just wondering whats up with the password and all that. thanks
from genana :
hey, good job on the layout! goes well with the words you write...
from gothicrage :
sure, you can add me to the list.
from gothicrage :
That has to be one of the most annoying things to me. I've been a vegetarian for five years and the number of times people haven't catered to my non-meat diet is probably triple the number of times they have. Soz for writing about basically nothing - just got me annoyed with meat eaters in general :)
from genana :
hey. just wanted to thank you for the password and tell you that i'm sorry your Canada Day sucked. i spent mine in the states, so i guess it wasn't that good either!
from genana :
hi there. i know i never wrote to you, but just wanted to tell you that i always read what you write and that i would really like to have the password when you'll lock your diary :)
from gothicrage :
cool, thanks :)
from gothicrage :
does that mean i get a password? i like your writings.
from gothicrage :
Australia's the same way, lol. It's THERE, but you never hear bout it. Makes me miss home more.
from sickriotgirl :
I'm sorry to hear your so upset. Hope it gets better :)
from gothicrage :
my hair is blackest black, but i don't get much shit. i got more shit as a blonde, ha ha. not funny.
from gothicrage :
He called you Samara? what a dick. But you have red hair? How do you make templates? (As well as being msically illiterate, I'm HTML illiterate. Gee lucky me.)
from gothicrage :
hi. i added you, i hope you don't mind. btw, im not a freaky stalker person. you can read my diary at, if you want that is.
from morticon :
You're quite like me, actually. Screaming at a lot of layabouts who love causing problems. My very favorite *pokes shout-outz*

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