messages to alldecadence:
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from givemeabreak :
YAY!!!! Congratulations!!!!! I am so happy for you!
from givemeabreak :
Where are you oh smitten one? How is Justin, how is the fam, how is the cat? How is life in general? Hope you are doing well. Miss ya, Teri
from givemeabreak :
Suze - your new year's eve sounded dreamy. I am sooooo enjoying your new fandangled romance. I am so happy for you - you deserve it sweetie. Yeah, so like we got 9 fucking inches of snow THIS AFTERNOON while I was at work. Oh, to be in San Fran instead! :0)
from givemeabreak :
I am so excited for you and Justin. Wheeew. Kuwait. Who would have ever thought one could say Kuwait, whadda relief? I am glad to see you online and look forward to more Justin details! :0)
from givemeabreak :
HOly shit, am I a dumb shit or what? When you wrote in my guestbook, I went and read EVERY entry you have at this site...gee, why didn't I realize you ARE Susan. I'm a jackass sometimes. I am so happy for you and your new beau. It sounds divine. Be sure to divulge all gushy thoughts and is great!
from givemeabreak :
Champagne flutes and chocolate chips...great combo. Thanks for the great signage in the old guestbook. I finally got a chance to read your profile and I am guessing you are a friend of Susan (forallweknow). She is awesome. :0)

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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