messages to als-pals:
(click here to add new message):

from princessreva :
GOOD GRIEF I have have so worried about you!!!! I don't NEED pictures, I want to hear about you and pregnancy. POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from princessreva :
if you don't update soon, I am going to KILL you. Seriously!!!
from meandmyhouse :
Gratz girlfriend. :) God bless!
from princessreva :
Oh, and I totally thought about giving the test to my parents as a gift or something, but then it occured ot me - there's PEE on it. SOI ended jsut just telling them;)
from princessreva :
HOLY CRAP CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't expecting that - and apparentl;y neither were you!!! I'm so happy for you and all that happy fuzzy stuff but FIRST you HAVE to post pics before you gain a preggo tum (which is totally different than chub, no worries). AK this is the best news every and I'm so happy for you and Jer - you are going to be the cutest, funniest, most wonderful parents your little girl could have asked for (we knew it was a girl immediately and were dead on, so boo ya!) LOVE YOU!!!! Enjoy the next few months becuase parenthood is crazy, although I think it might be a tad easier in your own country, but then again, I'm not the best judge of that. And be nice to Eden - going to see the fam for Thanksgiving is always nuts becuase the fam INSISTS on being the only ones you see. Silly family!
from princessreva :
Yaaaayyyyy for updates!! Would you and Jere ever leave the Phoenix area to finish school?? That just sounds like craziness!!
from meandmyhouse :
Quick, uber quick, update. Email me sometime [email protected] or something. still in school. 4.0 gpa. moved to old ward (61st) into house 1 month ago, back with rob, things still mending there. my sis lives with us, for now, she goes to school with me also. um . . . oh, doing chemo. hair fell out two and half weeks ago. bleh. um. yeah. rob lost job last week. sucks. gonna end up losing this rental house if he doesnt get one soon, and it's not likely to happen. graduate in october. kids start school next week. um. cant think of anything else. thats the recap. i'm on myspace, username rootin_tootin or something like that, just look me up sometime for pics of my kids or anything. im gonna be back to d-land eventually. i think. we'll see. "Life comes at ya fast", no joke!
from meandmyhouse :
from princessreva :
Okay, that picture of Jere and Tater playing cards made my uterus clench up just a tad. Well, that and I'm having constant contractions (the practice kind) but dagnabut it's the cutest and funniest picture EVER. And you still look wicked hot.
from princessreva :
i'm ina total rush to get to sleep can't write much but allll I finally got to see Tater and she's adorable and holy crap you look SEXY I loves it!!
from princessreva :
Yay! You DO exist!! I'm so sorry about the school district being morons - my dad has a freaking PhD in music ed and was a band director and the school district now has him teaching computers. Bah! I loooove not working in public education!!
from princessreva :
My mom agrees with you. My husband doesn't - and I am SO not the one telling my band if we do move out of the country. They're going to CRUCIFY me. I'm just smiling and pointing at Mr. Braniac becuase I'm not the one that is instigating this. Poor like violin teacher, meek and humble, moi? I can pull off the victim here - even though if we do move, it will make Jared oh so happy and dagnabit, it's addicting to see him all happy, grrr.
from princessreva :
ahhh, not working does help for the updating-ness:_ I was a performance major too - some people are just cut out to be teachers and I love 'em for it. Some of us just aren't and it's our job to be okay with that fact. (private lessons are different - we can really mess with them then;)
from princessreva :
bah, I used to be lactose intolerant but I was very intolerant to thant diagnosis. It went away with age, I guess, which is FABULOUS becuase soy cheese was NOT cutting it for me, and my grandpa made me drink non-diary creamer in my cereal. Start the gagging there, ak! YES I want a picture sooon (although I terrible at putting them up myself) and no, I don't know who kinbo is either - she's come by my site too and I'm dying to know who she is!
from meandmyhouse :
I guess I'm a loser. 121 movies! lol
from princessreva :
Okay, number1 most irritating thing about having a zit and teaching - invariably, some leeetle kiddo with point to it and ask me "what's that?" I just say oh - it's nothing let's move on but they won't stop staring. That's when I shove a bow in their eye. And you are a brave, brave woman. Because Jonathan scares me too much, I can't watch it for too long without getting freaked out. Yay for getting out of school early!!!!
from princessreva :
Oh my gosh! What a day! I feel so much for your sister in law, what a horrible thing to have happen! I feel the worst for the kids... it's honestly the same thing as the couple that left the church - there are some hard trials in this life, but they're for us to learn (I know, it's easy to say when it's not me) and it just breaks your heart when you see wives or husbands give up when the going gets tough. The blessings we get from sticking with the right path far outweigh how tough it can be at the moment (okay, I'll stop preaching to the choir now:) It's just - if my husband hit a rough patch and found that moving to remotest Alaska would bring a little more financial stability for his family, ooooh I'd hate it but I'd go. And that poor wife who is leaving the church with her husband... I just heard these crazy stats on marriage, like 1 in 2 fail, but if the couple is religious, it shoots to 1 in 100 and then if they pray together regularly it's like 1 in 1,000 - why would you leave the safe place like that?? Crazy people. I'm too preachy in the morning, I'm just so excited you posted I can't contain myself:) - btw - sooo with you on that BSing teaching thing. If I had to do that one more second I think I woulda popped. AK!
from princessreva :
wooohoo!! You said my name, I'm all a-twitter:) Jared kind of has that problem with me and his prents - mine are alllll the way in Colorado and his are just a 30 minute drive across town, and they are super sweet people, but I still get all werid around them. I try not to- luckily his siblings don't live around here becuase they totally make me freak out. But I am dutiful and we hang out every once in a while - which is good because then we get fed. And I like it when it's someone else doing the feeding:) OOoo, and I stayed with this lady for a few days who snored like a motorcycle, and if I wore earplugs, I didn't hear a peep. Of course you'd miss your alarm, but you'd also miss Jer sawing logs, it's a give and take thing. have a sexy day!!
from princessreva :
AKAKKKK!!! Okay, I was sooo thrilled to see that you'd written an entry FINALLY but you're making me wait to see pictures?? If you make me wait 2 months for the pics, I'm coming out to AZ to personally poke you in the eye!! Glad life is treating you so well though - and booya on that working out thing! I got an elliptical machine and I'm trying to use it well, but it's so freaking hard to get up and get on that thing when I'm so tired and nauseous all the time, ak. Please don't make me wait too long for pics!! Thanks for the update!!!!!
from meandmyhouse :
Just a note to say Hi, so you know I'm doing just fine. Alive and well. :)
from princessreva :
Sorry about the NY entry! I'm doing a crappy job at d*land lately myself. HOT DANG your pictures were cool - you looked cuter than Christina Applegate AND your Christmas pic was insanely hott. I'm soo happy you are well, and I now teaching is geat, but ooo yah, not doing stuff just feels so good:)
from princessreva :
I. MISS. YOU!!!!!
from laughinplace :
I was at Disneyland, then I got back and got sick for two days straight (puke city) and then been dealing with puking kids and puking whiner, I mean, er, husband, and then . . . well, been busy. ALMOST took the kids to the zoo today, now I wish I woulda! lol Those baboons never do ANYTHING funny when I go! lol
from laughinplace :
You look SOOOOOO damn good! Er, oops. Sorry for the swears. But you do!!!!
from princessreva :
You are the incredible shrinking woman!!! You look so healthy! I LOVE LAUGHINGPLACE!! Thanks to her for zee gold, I loooove the pics!! Now, I just have to try and be patient for Als - the Swimsuit edition - woohoo!!!!!!!!
from princessreva :
okay, you have me so desperate for entries that I actually flipped out when I saw you posted and didn't realize I'd waited an entire month for it:) 90 pounds?!?! How do you feel?? How are you emotionally about looking at yourself in the mirror? I eman, do you recognize yourself, do you get excited, or freaked out that some strange lady is in your house, hangin' out in your mirror? NOW POST PICTURES -- I thiiink it looks like somone surprised you with a present? or if not - I'm princessreva at the hot mailing place. I WANNA SEE NEW ALS!!!
from laughinplace :
Okie dokes, shortly you should be able to post pictures. *hugs* :)
from princessreva :
I'm so bad. I'm so demanding. I WANT PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from princessreva :
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
from laughinplace :
hey, glad the surgery went well. please let me know if you need anything, i'll be glad to drop anything and do anything. :)
from sunnflower :
Hi from Suburban Island. I was reading your entry about the rain in AZ and how nice it to do the wash and get things straight. That is a nice feeling.
from laughinplace :
R says that debt consolodation loans are just as bad on your credit as a bankruptcy. (Creditors consider it much the same, for reasons unknown to me.) Just wanted to let you know. Outside of that, I know nothing.
from cathieanne :
I miss being at d-land, too! But security became too much of a concern when I realized that I could no longer avoid giving Blair (aka THE BOY) my URL. So I locked it up over here, friends-locked all the entries at LJ that talk about him, and continued with caution. I still don't like the thought of him reading everything, but what could I do? Sometimes I write things that are specifically directed at him, although he doesn't know it. It's all so...weird. End rambling now.
from laughinplace :
AMAZING RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!! I totally forgot! :( :( :( :( That, my dear, sucketh!
from hopeanew :
i'm doing my best, but today i got a serious case of the crying jags. :( i'm not doing too hot, some of it is the withdrawal from the anti-depressants i'm sure but i just ugh. can't take it. not doing good, but trying. i want to get the heck outta here for a few days!
from wifemotherme :
About the diary awards: Ok read any entry in my 100+ then go read this entry by la-sage: See why some are award worthy and some are just diary entries? : )
from hopeanew :
sadly the old kids aren't coming back. their dad lost his job, so he's looking for a job and they can't afford daycare. i feel terrible for them, they really didn't need this right now (who ever does?) i hated it when rob was unemployed, and i know you know what that's like, it just sucks. anyways. thanks for the note!!! :)
from joeparadox :
I hate Colin with the fire of a thousand suns. I can't be responsible for what happens to his "boys" if I ever met him in person. He makes me seethe.
from hopeanew :
you need to go to bed earlier! lol j/k, i should talk! hehe. anyways, i loved your entry tonight, cracked me up! really! :D
from kooltuo :
Hey! just thought I'd jot a note here because I see your layout used quite a lot ;) Have a good one.
from chubbychic :
I met a guy online about 2 years ago. We've been dating for about a year, and have met twice. (Yeah.. kinda sucks.) I don't talk about it much because I usually don't have nice things to say about anybody, hehehe, so I don't want to wreck the relationship this early on!!!
from wifemotherme :
Write! The rest of us dont think your boring - You do make me laugh and think - LIke right now I am thinking what does "I am hungry and want to go play with me dad" mean? Hehehehe
from hopeanew :
i hate gastric bypass, i know folks in my ward that have had it done who WEREN'T fat at all! now the one lady looks anorexic or something. *sigh* no one does it the old fashioned way anymore... anyways, i love secret garden! dicken is my fave, or maybe martha and her fine white horse . . . i love the songs and everything, i have never seen it but i have the cd and have watched the movies and read the book . . . you have to let us know when it starts! i am soooo there!
from princessreva :
I can't make it tomorrow night, I have that darn graduation party!! but I wanna go one of the other nights, I totally will and I'll scream for ye!
from sweet-malice :
hi, I heard you needed someone to design a layout for your site?.. if so, I can help. If I got that wrong, plz disregard :)
from hopeanew :
i've moved to this diary, if you still read. i just wanted to let you know, in case. i'm sure you'll be able to figure out who i am when you read a few entries. ;) toodles.
from wifemotherme :
I have been reading you for a while now...geeze thanks for noticing! OK i am terrible lazy about leaving notes. I can really realte to your entry today. I am struggling with my weight and maybe a touch of depression these days.... but wait until I get manic again... you'll have notes out the ying yang!
from cathieanne :
Hi! Thanks for the message! It's always nice to know people aren't thoroughly bored by my ramblings. And somehow those darn cysts result in the grossest stories. I've refrained from telling all but the most general details, but yeah, they're DEATH! PS, your layout is so supercute!
from princessreva :
crack! I forgot to write you back about this weekend!!!! I didn't ahve any time for cheesecake, seeing as I was ridiculously busy with crrraaaaaappppy boys (and one decent one) but we much do it soon. I'll inform you as soon as I have a clue:)
from flyinby :
Carson has such a great voice! :) Nichole isn't an easy person to like, really. She thinks she is, tho! lol Nah, she's just INCREDIBLY obnoxious, and lately kinda hard to live with. lol
from flyinby :
Carson? (That the friend?) Anywho, um, that's strange! I didn't know I had any real life type connection to ya - my sis-in-law was into theatre . . . But SHHHH! Please! I beg ya! Don't tell anyone about my diary! I think I'd die! *begs*
from princessreva :
OH MY HECK!!!! thank you so much for your sweet letter to moi!!!! I'm so glad you came and that you enjoyed it!! (I enjoyed it too, but I had no idea what the heck you folks thought out there:) We have got to meet! Cheesecake, anyone?? thanks again sooooo much!!!
from too-kute-4-u :
Ur site is really cool. I hope u can check my site out too. I'm new here but a few people go to my site and like it. *sigh* It is nice to have friends on the internet. Bye *~Kutie~*
from polkadot7815 :
Thanks for the note! Wow, I'm getting really excited about this one has ever given me a chance with a (semi) lead, so I'm going to milk it for all it's worth. *laughs* If you would, could you just describe your interpretation of Vi's character? (Quirks and Perks) I got an opinion from Kristen (, but since you actually played the role, maybe yours is different. Anywho. Yay!
from yellowducky :
Happy Birthday! By the way, I don't know if it's my limited knowledge of the internet, but I can't find those pictures.
from polkadot7815 :
New reader? Yay! Tell her to leave me a note or something, and to ignore the depressed tone of today's entry. *changes midstream from the sucky-life dance to the happy dance* More good stuffs: I aced the Algebra quiz. (woo!)Anywho. Let me know what your voice student thinks...
from polkadot7815 :
Ah, well since I'll never do Broadway stuff, I can enjoy all the gay guys that occupy community theatre. The hair stylist/makeup artist for Brigadoon was exceptionally gay...and soooo funny. He wore nail polish. I think he's the only gay guy I've met that talks like the stereotype.
from polkadot7815 :
catsnapples rocks, doesn't she? *laughs* I don't know anyone on diaryland in real life...that would be nifty. J&H...I love, love, love it! I saw the show first because I had a friend in it (I've never seen anything on Broadway), then had to get the CD. Strange coincidence: The theatre that did J&H last summer is doing Ragtime this summer.(I've never seen it) Perhaps it shall become my new favorite musical. *laughs* Shows I've seen. Hmm. I haven't really seen all that much in the way of professional theatre, except for an occasional traveling group that comes through. As for community stuff, I'm usually in it. Have you ever seen Titanic: The Musical? Good stuff.
from polkadot7815 :
Hi there! I've missed you! :) Footloose. Bleh. I'm being forced to do it with my school. I'm not much looking forward to it, because all the students are terribly uncommitted. I think I'll audition for Wendy Jo or Rusty...or the other girl...(can't remember her name). I've been told I'm not really lead role material, so perhaps I've got a shot at a sidekick. (Ariel's out) Of course I've seen Jekyll & Hyde! (three times...) Why do you ask?
from catsnapples :
You are toooo funny! I always thought Wal-mart was evil, but my beloved Target too?
from polkadot7815 :
Epistles in my guestbook? Umm...I'm not exactly sure what you mean. (my stupidity is showing) Glad you enjoyed the entry...woo for my stage boyfriend Billy who I don't know! (but soon will..haha) Branching out, I suppose.
from chubbychic :
THank you so much for your sweet words in my guestbook. You're awesome. :)
from joesimone :
Thanks for reading my diary. Talk to you later.
from princessreva :
too true! Carousel sucks!!!!
from polkadot7815 :
You've done some way cool stuff. I hope I look back on highschool as being a fun time...most of the people I know look back and hate it. *sighs* It is nice to have the parental units pay for stuff though...haha.
from polkadot7815 :
I're really are! I can't do karaoke because I don't know anything but showtunes(and try to sing with perfect techinque which limits my nasal pop abilities), and I've so got food issures...mmm...bean burritos...and the subway diet! I'm definately not made of money, though, so I'll have to stay chubby. Hmhm.
from catsnapples :
Hmmm. how in the d-world did you find ME?
from libbyo :
I am so glad that you had such an amazing holiday! What a gift you received! *hugs*
from polkadot7815 :
And thank you for your note as well! I would love to have another reader...especially one with experiance of being props on legs. Tell him to leave me a note...haha.
from polkadot7815 :
Yay! You're back! Awww...that's so incredibly sweet about your wedding ring...*sniff*
from polkadot7815 :
Happy New Year, Ally!
from polkadot7815 :
You may understand more than you think! I was so internet illiterate when I came to dland. It's been a learning experience. Ahh...I wish I could have a merry first day off...but alas. I must work. Curse the man who invented the printshop. *sigh*
from polkadot7815 :
I assure you, I'll have no problem enjoying my two weeks off from school! Whee! I know I'm too hard on's a bit of a bad habit. (perhaps I should have listed that rather than nail-biting)Mmm...I found a site you may enjoy if you'd like to know how to do all those "clever" little diaryland things (guestbooks, links, etc.). Just head on over to It may prove useful...I wish I had found it sooner. It contains all the goodies that took me all summer to figure out. *sigh* Haha.
from polkadot7815 :
Thank you for the lovely note in my guestbook! You are what I want to be in ten years. *sighs* Musical's life. Yay for fat character actresses! (I'm so there..)Oh, and straight plays aren't all they're cracked up to be. You really get to miss the music after a while. *smiles*

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