messages to amydalayna:
(click here to add new message):

from mugwump63 :
Hey Ames, It's kinda hard to continue our e-mail correspondence if I don't have your address. I joined this silly site just so I could send you a message. Drop me a line with your new address, please. Tom Slopnick PS--I'm very glad to read you are safe and sound in Cally. Enjoy.
from lovejunky :
I had no idea you had AIM. I guess I am just slow. Slow like a Codeine song, yet not as fabulous. Anyway, on AIM you can catch me as Everyday Shoes (additional indie points if you know who wrote that song).
from lovejunky :
God damn. I long to escape my office too. It's killing me and every creative thought or urge I've ever had. It very well be time to a Generation-X. Props to Coupland.
from lovejunky :
WinAmp playlist: Lync, Modest Mouse, Damnbuilders, Mission of Burma, Superchunk, Ida, The Buggles and Poison. Fear me. =)
from lovejunky :
Hmmm... Modest Mouse... yummmmmm... xxxianxx
from ordinarykat :
yea- sometimes i have that problem keeping up with others in their drinking- take care...
from marisha79 :
hi amy - i miss you! hope to see you and ben again soon. my birthday party is on Saturday at my apartment. If you send me your email, I'll put you on the evite. hope you're well. xo M [email protected]
from emeraldblaze :
Hi, I realized that I was mad at people that would view my diary but never leave me a message. Silly me! I relized I do the same thing. So here I am changing my ways :o) You have a nice diary, and anyway enjoy and keep updating.
from hikingremy :
I think the idea you had for dads gift is quite good,he loves crap like that.Let me know,so then I can get him the other stuff.What do I want for Christmas?hmm,Clothes and jewelery are always good.Let me wake up more and think.Call me later.I dont know if were going to Maudes party,dads sick as a dog.
from x-x :
interesting diary, you signed my guestbook too! don't know how you stumbled upon my humble page, but uhh if you have an AIM screenname, feel free to talk to me... austerecoup
from chrldrcar :
Very nice. Reminds me of the good ole days

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