messages to andshewas:
(click here to add new message):

from forty-plus :
Sorry, meant to get here yesterday to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope your day was wonderful!
from forty-plus :
Thanks for joining the January diary ring. What day is your birthday?
from thecaper :
ohh another dream I have often is the one where I go back to school for some reason! The typical going to school on your pjs for example lol And being in the last year of school and failing...they keep coming back in different versions
from thecaper :
i used to write down my dreams in a notebook...until I realised half of them were about my ex who used to be a drug dealer. Then I stopped. God its been a long time!
from bindyree :
I think that you'll find that cotton candy fixes a lot of things. :)
from tool-nin-fan :
I'm jealous of your CD collection.
from katemichele :
I just read your diary back to... March. It read like my inner monologue, for whatever that's worth. I dug it, though. I'll stop by and read some more later.
from bindyree :
I see by your profile that you enjoy Ben Folds 5. I heartily recommend and think you are REALLY going to like Keane; their album is number four in the UK during its first week of release. :)
from ahhhhfuckit :
it must be great being positive! i hate your layout, its ugly and peppy that shouts "come on and be happy!". but everything else is good.
from sweet-malice :
hi, I heard you needed someone to design a layout for your diary?.. if so, I can help. If I got that wrong, plz disregard :)
from starfuxxer :
I didn't mean that in a bad way. It's mostly just because it's not one I come across often and the only Geggy Tah song I know is the one that was popular 21983981 years ago.
from starfuxxer :
It amuses me so that Geggy Tah is one of your favourite bands. :]
from anglewings :
Hi a smile to you, looks like I made it back latezzzzzzz
from apieceoftiff :
Porn in the car...well maybe a girl was down there and he just need a Qick one! lol But for real no poor thing
from the-elbow :
Whoa, I never got a note before. That was intense. So, thanks! I enjoyed looking at your Diaryrings. Is the "Gorey" ring for Edward Gorey? Because if it is I'm going to get over-excited real fast.
from apieceoftiff :
Love your instide on the dog barking...made me laugh lol
from anglewings :
Hi, was out reading, came across your Diary. Not bad lay out, might make it back. If not smile for me. Latezzzzzz
from nollie :
that really is weird.
from coffeeslut :
I am so sorry to hear about your great grandma. Funnerals are tough but you'll make it. I discovered that going to the funneral was the best thing I could've done for myself when my boyfriend died. If I hadn't done that I don't think I'd have been able to get over losing him. If you need someone to talk to I am here, just leave me a note or email. Sometimes it helps to talk to people. For me it was helpful to talk to someone who didn't know him. That way I got to talk all I wanted and they didn't get bored with the same old stories. I'm here if you need a friend.
from coffeeslut :
Glad I'm not the only one who fights with my cat.
from elle-sept :
"I know I'm a conformer but im sure it doesn't matter. My new friends are all adults and my old friends all have scattered." I love that song! and also I clicked on your list of c-d's and i have many of the same and if i didn't i was seriously thinking of where to get the money to buy them. Seriously, i was just in the car with a friend listening to the rushmore soundtrack wishing i had more then two dollars in my pocket to go buy it. well, keep writing good stuff. bye.
from raven72d :
Target *does* have good prices on both earlobes and kidneys.
from headtriplife :
just saying i like your writing style : )
from onea :
Hullo, I'm coming via Erin's diary to give you horror movie ideas. Check out Deep Red, directed by Dario Argento. That movie is awesome. Other than that, there's the typical Evil Dead, the classic Night of the Living Dead, any of the old William Castle movies, The Abominable Dr. Phibes and its sequel . . .
from weymouth66 :
I love that song (Another Saturday Night by Sam Cooke) - glad I'm not the only person who changes it around to suit my own circumstances!
from crash-cars :
I never really understood why people feel the need to starve themselves to be thin.

what really pisses me off. When magazines are like, no, we're progressive and would like to send all you girls a message about how bad it is to starve yourselves. Then, all that they do is hire models that are like, a size zero.

The Body Shop had this great campaign where they said that only 5% of the world had a body like that. Funny how they're the only ones who show up in my freakin magazines.

screw the world. I'm beautiful. I'm curvy. I'm not going to die during childbirth.

thanks for the note. Some other time when I don't have to shower and hussle to bed I'll read more of your diary. Until then.

you're all beautiful. All of you.
from harakiri :
Thanks for joining the Oingo Boingo Diaryring!
from astralounge :
you're welcome, glad you found it useful. :)
from astralounge :
you're welcome, glad you found it useful. :)
from gotmilkjugs :
from agiel :
I'm not quite sure why, but for some reason I think you're the coolest person ever. Now, this COULD be a result of it being 6 in the morning, but I prefer to think that it's the consequence of the cork-hair entry. Or possibly just that you have a casual writing style that somehow manages to capture a very beautiful POV. Your call.
from get-a-grip :
there is some strange cosmic fallout going on... many people i've talked to are suffering some major trauma, break-up, failing out of school, etc. good luck on your math final tomorrow. wish me luck on mine.
from thediastema :
*horror* I'm here if you need me. God, that's awful. *hugs*
from thediastema :
Thanks for pimping DollParts. *Grin*
from thediastema :
*Hugs* I'm sorry, Melissa.
from thediastema :
You do. And your Hallowe'en sweets expose made me crave chocolate. EVIL!
from andshewas :
I rawk!

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