messages to anigma:
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from soxixrun :
Yeah, I think he does have mental problems. My friend Jen said that he left his dead mother on his kitchen table for a whole week. He use to be in the army also. I had a nigthmare with him in it the other night. Really strange. -Cassie
from sanetwin :
Happy 16th Birthday!
from hamiltonian :
Great entry.. sad.
from fadedivision :
Hi! Thanks for leaving a note! Yeah, I was upset that "The Grudge" didn't turn out like I wanted it to. If you see it, let me forewarn you, you will be really disappointed with the ending. The whole theater grumbled when the end came and the credits started rolling. I wanted my $5 bucks back!
from im-a-toilet :
I got your message, and I've been meaning to reply back. Sorry it's taken so long. I have another diary that isn't locked.. it-goes-by. You can read that one if you want.
from hamiltonian :
i also like your journals name too!
from hamiltonian :
I like your journal... I'll be back...
from tearsof-rain :
aw thanks, and nice to hear that your annoying neighbors are gone. I get annoyed by overly social people too. i need my space
from tearsof-rain :
hey! well you are awesome because your diary is great, mine's not so much but of course you can have the password. PW/UN: lemon/red
from punktart :
aww. i like your diary!
from sanetwin :
Thats so sad about that little girl in your town :(. And the worst part is everyone knows it and no one really does anything.
from sanetwin :
You're going to learn to play guitar? That kicks ass!
from sanetwin :
Thank you so much for adding me as a favorite :). I promise to read some of your entries on Monday!! I like your layout.

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