messages to annarborsux:
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from wench77 :
I loved your blurb about authentic power. If I had only known as I took a greyhound through dark Kingston, Toronto, London, Windsor... amazingly got across the border to end up stuck at Detroit greyhound depot... no taxis, phones down, gas stations closed... my friends thought I was stuck in Canada, not a half hour from their home. If I had only known to look to my AUTHENTIC POWER. btw Jonathan Richman is just the greatest.
from mccullen :
seeing as the central tenet of my fashion philosophy dictates that baseball caps must always be worn to accent tight t-shirts, imagine the state of confusion in which i now find myself! what am i to think, with all of these sophisticated big-city style mavens contradicting my sartorial habits, and one another to boot! back to wifebeaters and propeller hats until i can clear my head. sincerely, Confused on Campus
from indie-snob :
Hey there! I just posted a review for the Spoon show I saw tonight and thought you may be interested. I have a bunch of other concert and album reviews here, too. Check it out, thanks!
from crazygurl30 :
I couldn't agree more with you about how much Ann Arbor sucks. I've lived here most my life and it is the worst place to live. Hell even the shitholes in Detroit have more excitement than we get. Keep up the great writing!
from vargasgirl :
the fact that your diary exists is like an act of personal retribution that someone has unwittingly erected in my honour. now, don't get me wrong, i've just spent the last 3 years of my life in detroit; a self-proclaimed shithole of a town, but at least there was a scene for chrissakes. i moved here because i got a job at the U i couldn't turn down. then i met my fiance-a straight up townie. love the man, hate the town. native ann-arborites are all stepford-y about this place, it's beyond creepy and i've yet to decipher their love for the place. please, oh please continue writing. your diary is the first thing that has verified that Hey! i may not actually be clinically insane for feeling like i'm suffocating here in ann arbor! anyways, thanks.
from onegotaway :
trampslikeus is right. But Discount Records was owned by Sam Goody - so it's even worse than having been a Harmony House, which is at least a local chain. Discount was like this crappy-ass, fake-local store that tried to pull off the local thing by being dirty and employing assholes. Assholes who, when completing your purchase, asked you if you wanted to join the Sam Goody club. So, to again clarify, I hate this fucking town. And it's always been this way.
from trampslikeus :
For accuracy's sake: Potbelly replaced Discount Records (Harmony House [which was a regional independent before it went under last year] was replaced by that gallery for the art school). Discount was a fairly useless and crappy record store but did once employ Iggy Pop, a distinction its fratty successor will likely never claim.
from onegotaway :
Oh, and email me for a password, if you want. I'm all locked up now.
from onegotaway :
You know, that Potbelly place replaced a Harmony House. And Cosi replaced a Hallmark. EMS? A ghetto party store that charged twice as much as Diag. Local businesses, my ass.
from muxxie :
I can believe why people don't know about CRISP, it's archaic! I am a senior and they disabled the CRISP system when I first arrived on campus and then all I got to hear about for the next two years was how shitty it was to register online. It's weird how these spoiled little rich kids would rather have one person do all the work instead of being able to log into a system whenever they pleased! I mean, for crissake if we were going to hold onto the CRISP system we may as well have held onto the Old School systerm of registration where everyone went down to Crisler Arena and stood in lines to get signed up for classes and then got in other lines to add or want to talk pain! My DAD did that when he was here and he says that it sucked! Now, I will admit Wolverine Access has its issues as does MPathways but hell, it's a lot faster than some CRISP lady...embrace the future!
from onegotaway :
There was a big movement on campus my freshman year to get James Earl Jones to be the voice of CRISP, and the U's most distinguished alumnus (next to Bea Arthur) said he would do it. Except his voice is patented or something, so it would have cost money, and the CRISP lady was free. But I'm glad he didn't do it, because I would have grown to hate James Earl Jones, and that would have been sad.
from slo-draw :
CRISP is the university's telephone registration system, which is run by a robot named "the CRISP lady".
from mccullen :
and yet i used only one parenthetical enigma, this mccullen!
from mccullen :
dear overrated: unless i'm overlooking the obvious(and by employing the word obvious i buy into your surveyor's naive belief that the city-specific meaning of the word 'crisp' is self-evident to all michiganders), the student might have been referring to the telephone-based class registration process that undergrads typically use to schedule classes every semester. that said, i think two parenthetical phrases is more than enough for a diaryland note so i hope that helps
from xcitada :
Interesting! I like your attempt to challenge thoughts. Keep up the good writing!
from mccullen :
one word, one despicable word: ypsitucky
from trampslikeus :
Seeing Final Destonation 2 at the Showcase is easily the funnest thing I've done in Ann Arbor in the last two months. Highly recommended.
from mccullen :
mccullen hopes to see annarborsux at this weekend's Bang! - 2/15 it is now SIX dollars. i guess i didn't realize that the cost of dancing and the cost of living were rising at parallel rates in ann arbor.
from kirby8it :
my $650/month ann arbor apartment is so small that when i roll out of bed i'm in the bathroom, but i peed in a cup yesterday just for entertainment.
from onegotaway :
The parking referee told me that the "towing fee" was so they could tow away the cars, plow the streets, and then put the cars back. Yes, that's right. PUT THE CARS BACK.
from onegotaway :
here's something fun for you to write about:
from jozkajozka :
i can attest to living in some goddamn shit-holes while living in ann arbor, and paying up the ass to live in such shit-holes. i know people in new york paying less to live there, than they ever did in ann arbor. and right now i've got the best apartment i've had since moving out of ann arbor (in chicago) and i'm paying half as much. right on, right on. and i'm dying to know what the MSA has to say about all this iraq business. have they "denounced" it yet? and is hideki still in office? actually i think he got ousted the last year i lived there. but i still miss that crazy son of a bitch.
from onegotaway :
I used to work at a "total comfort shoe store" on Main Street, and during the Art Fair one year - four days during which shoes are thrown at unsuspecting shoe sellers and people with ladybugs on sticks try on Birkenstocks - I walked up to NYPD for a slice. Here is what I looked like: shortish girl, blonde hair, wearing a black t-shirt and black pants. Eating a slice of pizza on the way home, I was the Center of Attention. Apparently it is a faux pas to eat pizza while walking down William Street. Even though it was the Art Fair, and just one block away there were thousands of dirty hippies to stare at, a girl dressed nicely walking down the street eating a piece of pizza was TOO MUCH TO HANDLE for the townies around me. For the next month, I looked for a writeup of my astonishing feat in the News and the Observor, but, alas, the local "journalists" were unable to articulate their astonishment into poorly constructed sentences by press time. So now I work for the cops in town, and I try to stay away from "downtown," but I still eat pizza and walk at the same time. (Only 37 days to graduation.)
from steviek :
I think your pal below should learn how to spell. You should totally take side trips to other collegiate paradises like Evanston, Ill. and Madison, Wis. and note the similarities. v.v. funny.
from rya :
if you think ann arbor sucks so much, then why don't you LEAVE???I'm just confused as to why you'd spend so much time and energy explaining why your lameass thinks it sucks instead of doign something about it (to make it better) or moving away. ????? please explain.
from queensiani :
After two years at college in Indiana, Ann Arbor feels like Paris! But your site is still very true and funny.
from slo-draw :
yeah, ann arbor is hilarious. the best way to enjoy it, as you seem to realize, is not to take the place too seriously. and if you think ann arbor is funny, you should hang out in royal oak, the second hippest place in MI. a night there might actually make you anxious to return to a^2. anyway, my advice is to spend time at the 8 ball, under the blind pig, and the fleetwood diner. oh, and always talk to shakey jake if you see him on the street.
from zabu :
from chicagokid :
As a kid growing up in Lansing, Ann Arbor was the coolest place i could imagine. All Ages Shows, dropping acid in the diag, hanging out with punk rockers. Ann arbor was what got me through high school. You just should remember that you're in *michigan*. Everything is pretty provincial there, which makes Ann arbor look like the land of milk and honey to everyone starving for culture or hallucinogenics. Did you think you were moving to Soho or something?
from babypeachmo :
i enjoyed reading your's fun to
from whangdoodle :
I concur that A2 (sorry) can suck BIG TIME in summer. I feel your pain. I used to live on White St/grad from Pioneer/went to uni/lived in co-op. Grab a frisbee, a shit load of beer, friends and go play at the Arb. Or drop and hang in the cemetery. Is the Tangerine Ballroom still open (nevermind all teenies all summer) um, Regae at The Union? Co-ops do have cool partys if your just into hanging. If your looking into more alternative or techno/whatever Y R U N A2 & not NYC? Is Red Hot Lovers still open? I'd kill to be there now.
from blue-scribe :
you sound cool.. and you listen to stereolab!... nice
from mosanto2 :
I figured I should leave a note just so you know your "weblog" is appreciated. It's so right on, it cracks me up. I'm impressed by how well you've got it down after only 9 months... Hey, if you ever need a bunch of smelly, ugly candles, you're all set, right?
from m1ango :
hey, I live in Ann Arbor, right down town, I'm a Community/Pioneer student, where do you can respond in my notes or just e-mail me @ [email protected]

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