messages to aosid:
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from the-grey-one :
i miss your writing! you should come back.
from the-grey-one :
yes.. odd sort of beautiful, indeed.
from the-grey-one :
your entry is incredibly moving and heartwrenching. just.. yes.. very strong.
from the-grey-one :
yeah, diaryland has definitely saved me on many nights like that.
from the-grey-one :
ah, i meant to say sir, not sie. because i dont even know what sie means.
from the-grey-one :
love the entry about wanting. spot on, sie
from the-grey-one :
i am fumbling for the right thing to say, but i believe it may just be "thank you."
from frankie123 :
i am so glad i just ran across your diary from that box on the right -- you've really got something great
from the-grey-one :
wonderful poem.
from the-grey-one :
i appreciate that, thank you : )
from the-grey-one :
yes it can be pretty difficult. i think it becomes easier with practice. keep practicing.
from the-grey-one :
good luck.
from the-grey-one :
woah, aosid... that last entry about seeing someone.. .. just. yes. excellent entry.
from lullaymarie :
wow. great writing. definitely impressed with your work.
from the-grey-one :
oh my goodness. i often quote peoples words back to them, like, hello yes, i love these, and i quote back to you the entirety of your 2013-07-15 entry. because dang man. goosebumps.
from the-grey-one :
: )
from the-grey-one :
2013-06-16. sigh. i love this entry. you're really quite the writer.
from the-grey-one :
yes, i've tried the whole stats thing before. it can drive a person crazy. i'm fairly certain i won't be in need of a password though, and soon i will be back to blissful ignorance over who might be reading. :)
from the-grey-one :
oh man. such lovely words! sigh.
from the-grey-one :
lazy and simple and free all sound pretty fine to me.
from the-grey-one :
" 2013-04-10" so lovely.
from the-grey-one :
solidarity is wonderful, and so is this "it's easy to forget that painting yourself as a misunderstood outsider only leads to uncomfortable french novellas." hehe. :)
from the-grey-one :
oh man. that dashboard confessional album is one of the only albums that i continually have on my mp3 player. i first heard it when i was too sad to get out of bed. it was all i could do to cry and mumble along with lyrics under the covers, for.. a few weeks probably. too long. still though... i look back fondly on it. being so desperately sad and connecting so desperately to that music. you'd think i'd get sick of the songs by now, but no. . anyways! nice soundtrack!
from the-grey-one :
"She was many things, all of them echoes of warmer months.." dang man. dang.
from the-grey-one :
a lot of my bold statements are usually held within a sling of timid words. t'is a good trick.
from the-grey-one :
just so you know, i'm always so pleased to see you've updated! and thanks for the word petrichor, i can't believe i've made it through my life this far without it.
from the-grey-one :
" my bird-heart hops and i return the greeting." hehe! love that line!
from the-grey-one :
'no matter how the world turns from now on you'll always own a little piece of my skies'.. damn, man.. damn.
from kateness :
"He knew he could be with me forever the day he realized he would never love me." -- stunning. thank you! kate xx
from the-grey-one :
thanks for the note! perhaps they are more like blueprints i can refer to, after i've fallen apart.. as for your words, as long you keep writing, i assure you, i will keep reading.
from longitude :
"he found something to write about: not a sweeping worldview or a bold proclamation or even an attempt at bottling some sweet evening, but something." - gratifying
from the-grey-one :
your diary has blown me the fuck away. i am crazed with jealousy with your skill over word. please don't mind if i follow your thoughts.

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