messages to asphixian:
(click here to add new message):

from i-am-jack :
Could you give me a password?
from luvmy2girlz :
Dude, I happened to stumble in here a few weeks back and noticed you were back. All I have to say is Wow. I laughed alot at the one that looks like a poem... Observing people. That's a riot, dude. So yah...
from i-am-jack :
It is good to see you back.
from chrrrl0221 :
I love you too!;) alot
from i-am-jack :
Well, it was cool while it lasted. Still, I am going to miss reading this.
from i-am-jack :
The username is "fuck" and password is "this"
from i-am-jack :
Damn. I am the exact same way with wanting to remember every little thing, good or bad. It is to the point that I can not even throw anything away that has any sort of memory attatched to it.
from i-am-jack :
There is a lot of truth in the things you write. You are not an asshole, you just say the things that other people won't because they are too busy being "nice". Fuck "nice."
from somstar :
Lol that's because she has a lot of issues and to omuch hair.
from i-am-jack :
Looks like you locked up too. Could I have a password please?
from soulstyce :
It *is* good for 3 weeks! Sorry they work you like a horse, but at least they are upping the pay. Keep on em and maybe they'll put it up every 3 weeks?
from soulstyce :
I'm sorry its so gay. We have to figure out a way to monopolize off the coming apocolypse (I can spell, but not before 10am, sorry). Bye bye!
from soulstyce :
The paper lady alas may never be stopped, although I've tried to aim them all into a box which I take away periodically...i dont know if its helping, but i tried :)

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