messages to avalonfaery:
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from sketchedpony :
Haha, I must be nuts. I think guys in cowboy hats are the sexiest things alive.
from duchessofted :
Babe, if you want to be on the Sisterhood birthday list, give me any of the following you feel is necessary: nickname, real name, birthdate, URL, e-mail address, snail mail address, AIM name, and any other important info. Thanks!
from sketchedpony :
I really think they should be annoymous. That way it gets picked by the way it looks and not the person that did it.
from dreamflowers :
Hey you!~Glomps~ Allright, looking over the criticism and re-reading what I did I completley agree. I am glad you liek the opening, chaos, paranoia and such is basically what I was going for. And well, she isnt a Heroine in the true sense,'ll see, part two will be up tonight, please let me know what you think. I may also go back over the description, thanks for the crit luv, I truly apprevciate it! ~Hugs~
from ivyvalentine :
from jessi76 :
the fact that you actually quoted a tolkien poem labels you as a true fan, and not one who likes the men of the movies only. Sometimes I think I'm the only one who actually read the books. It's nice to know someone else took the time to do so:)
from ivyvalentine :
~Huge squishy hugs~ I mailed you about Tues last night sis, and I know what you is hard to get out of that rut and even harder to stop being so hard on yourself, but we have eachother which means the most!~Huge hugs~
from ivyvalentine :
Hey Gina, your guestbook no workie so Im leaving a note. Thanks, for what you said in my G-Book, strength, perhaps....but Im not sure, I am honest, and I odnt know about resilient, but I try, I consider myself lucky to be getting to know you though....~HUGE HUGS~

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