messages to babymakes3:
(click here to add new message):

from anita-girl :
It was nice to see an entry from you! I can't belive that Westen is going to be 2! So fast! Hope your doing well!
from emaciana :
aww... i've cut zach's hair once. yes, he's only 3.5 months, but i just had to. it was sticking out all over! i didn't do a very good job, but at least you'll prolly get it professionally done so it will look good.
from lerin :
As if his face wasn't sweet enough already! :) I think we have our tattoos in the same place. :)
from theflyingrat :
I hope the potty training goes well!
from leebeenz :
Westen is so cute! And boy does he ever look like you!! And that wee puppy of yours is darling!!
from leebeenz :
Oh, look at him standing. Wow he is getting so big. And he is just as cute as ever!!
from lerin :
Precious, as always!
from theflyingrat :
Aww, he's adorable! I love the snow photos! ♥
from lerin :
Strictest ettiquette always says a thank-you note is appropriate, but saying "thank you" in person is fine too. It's up to you! I always think sending a note is a nice idea. :) As for his discovery... that is too funny!
from theflyingrat :
For people who were at the party, we didn't send thank you notes because Riley said thank you to the people while they were there. But for people who sent gifts but couldn't make it to the party, we sent thank you notes. :)
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, he's so cute! I didn't send thank-you's after logan's birthday parties because well, I did it while the party was still goin' on and when everyone was leaving. I did send thank-you's at logan's baptism. I really don't see a 'need' to send thank you's for birthdays BUT if it would make you feel better, you can.
from emaciana :
it's great how jonathan gets along so well with westen. i think you're amazing for letting him be around so much and to be so close to your son even though he is not technically "your" child. i don't know if i'd be able to be as welcoming as you are, but it's a good thing for westen that you are!
from theflyingrat :
I really enjoy reading this diary. It takes me back to when Riley was that little. I LOVED that time in his life... when he was toddling about and learning all those new words every day. It's so good to see that you are really enjoying your little boy. He's adorable! And I can SO identify with the hair thing. My advice would be not to cut it until YOU are 100% comfortable with getting it done. I STILL regret letting everyone talk me into having Riley's hair cut and that was MONTHS ago now! ♥
from theflyingrat :
P.S. Great photos! Your little man is absolutely ADORABLE. ♥
from theflyingrat :
Westen IS advanced if he's saying that many words already. The 'average' is 4 words - Mama, Dada and then 2 others. So yes, I'd say that as far as language is concerned, Westen's a bit ahead. :)
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, cute cute photos!!! :)
from leebeenz :
I loved the pictures. He is just the cutest wee boy. You must be such a proud Mum!!
from lerin :
What a sweet letter! And the pictures were darling. I love his little cake... I'm still crazy about rubber duckies (you should see my kid's bathroom decor!) and I'm 25. :) But I have to tell you something... you shouldn't post pictures of cake where a pregnant woman who hasn't eaten lunch yet could stumble across them. It just isn't right.
from anita-girl :
Happy Birthday Westen! So big already! The party looked great!
from emaciana :
happy birthday westen!!! those pictures are priceless. looks like everyone had a great time
from xx-angel-xx :
yay for westen walking!!!!!
from theflyingrat :
Yay for your little man! That's so great. I miss that cute stumbly walk in Riley, haha. I can't believe your little guy is almost ONE already! Doesn't time go by too fast?! ♥
from lerin :
Oh, he is officially a TODDLER now! I can't believe it. We learned way back in my Early Childhood Education days... that children walk that way because they have to regain balance between each step. Isn't that amazing? Treasure these first wobbly steps, beofre you know it... he'll be a pro!
from emaciana :
I think that he looks more like you. and i'm not just saying that cause i read your journal. i really think there is more of a resemblance to you. i love the last pic though - what a beautiful family.
from leebeenz :
I love the photos! Westen really is such a cute wee thing and he looks just like you!
from lerin :
YOU! Really, he looks exactly like you. :)
from lerin :
Okay, on bottles... Westen sounds like he eats very well, and a variety of foods. His weight doesn't sound like it is an issue. He is totally ready to give up daytime bottles! BUT... that being said... It sounds like the bottle is part of his bedtime/naptime routine. You know that will eventually have to stop, and it is easier to do when they are younger. The older they get, the more ingrained the habit becomes. I would definitely, if you are still allowing it, stop him from laying down with the bottle. Infant tooth decay is a very real concern. But as for whether to allow the bottle just before bed... that is YOUR decision. Isabella still has 8 ounces of milk before bedtime. It's her way of settling down, and her weight is such an issue that I love getting the extra calories in right before bedtime. We tried to give her the cup instead before bedtime last week, and she cried and cried... pushing it away and asking for her bottle. Adam and I talked about it, and really... I'm not worried. I am going to let her keep her bottle before bedtime until she either gives it up or until she is old enough to reason with. She won't be on the bottle when she is 22, but she may be keeping it until she is 2. It's okay for them to be our babies for a little bit longer. Just make sure you are NOT laying him down with it. As for night-wakings... Isabella started doing EXACTLY the same thing! Obviously, it isn't separation anxiety because I am working or anything... but she does have to have ME and only ME when she wakes. I cut her from 2 naps to one long one in the afternoon, and the night wakings stopped. Maybe you could cut Westen from 3 to 2 and see a difference yourself. It takes work to keep them up and get them used to a new schedule, but it really is time. He needs to be getting good rest at night, and so do you! :) I don't think it is a "need" for our sweet babies to wake up... I think it is purely behavioral.
from lerin :
Oh, and GIRGEOUS is even better than GORGEOUS, in case you didn't know.
from lerin :
GIRGEOUS pics! :) Thanks for sharing the link.
from sameoldfears :
Those are really good pictures..even though he sure didn't wanna smile!:) You look so pretty.
from lerin :
Wow, first birthday coming up already?!? It doesn't seem like it has been that long. I hopoe you post the one-year portraits! :) Have fun planning his birthday party.
from emaciana :
wow, i can't believe he's gonna be 1!!! you've been a mommy for almost a year now!
from xx-angel-xx :
awe how adorable!!! I just realized he's going to be ONE soon!! gosh, how the time flies by! are you doin' anything special for his 1st birthday?
from theflyingrat :
I love when babies/toddlers pronounce words 'incorrectly'! :) Your little guy sounds like SUCH a sweetheart. I cannot believe he is already going to be one this month! It goes by so fast, doesn't it? ♥
from emaciana :
what a cute entry! he does sound like an angel. i am glad you're enjoying him so much and all the adorable things he does.
from xx-angel-xx :
did you change the password?
from lerin :
Oh, the "First" holiday season for your first baby... this is such a special time. :)
from lerin :
You are so pretty it almost hurts! Really, your hair and smile are so gorgeous. Westen looks just like his beautiful mommy! I can't believe how big he is. I have a skewed perception of baby sizes now that I have such a tiny one!
from button2006 :
Whoops... logged into the wrong diary (this is theflyingrat!). Anyway, you look great and Westen is as adorable as ever. I hope you had a fantastic birthday. ♥
from anita-girl :
Ahhh! So cute! I love that lobster costume, not Jonathan's though, that was scary! He is getitng so big! YOu should put him in it again and put a big pot of water boiling on the stove and have him next to it (you holding him) do you have a chef's hat? It would be hilarious!
from theflyingrat :
Aww, he's so cute! And that lobster costume is completely adorable (even moreso since your little guy is so sweet). ♥
from emaciana :
your little lobster is so cute. i love the pumpkin pictures too, he looks so curious, studying the pumpkin. what a cutie pie
from xx-angel-xx :
omgosh, the is one of THE cutest costumes i've ever seen!! I've NEVER seen a costume of a lobster before.. hehe.. he's def. a cutie!
from lerin :
I can't wait to see the pictures. :)
from lerin :
Yes, you are. :) Poor little guy... hope his ear clears up quickly!!
from amommaslove :
Poor little guy. I know how you feel though. Blaze had his first ear infection at 3 mo. and one every mo. after that until they put tubes in his ears at 18 mo. then we had 6 mo of peace before strep throat started in every month then they took his tonsils and adenoids out at 2. I had a very sick little boy that was born 10 weeks early. Andrew and I were 18 newly married clueless and scared. It was a great mix but we made it through and so will you! I have faith!
from theflyingrat :
Your poor little man! I'm so sorry about him being sick. I remember the first time Riley got sick, I was so worried. I'm sure he'll be fine though. I think us moms have a harder time with our kids being sick than our kids actually do! ♥
from leebeenz :
He is just such a wee cutie!!
from xx-angel-xx :
aww, he's beautiful!!!
from anita-girl :
Ahhh those pictures are so cute! He is getting so big already! Ariel also has that Leap Frog table and loves it too!
from lerin :
He is too precious!!
from sameoldfears :
He's so cute! I can't believe I haven't added this diary before. :(
from theflyingrat :
Again, he is so darn cute!
from theflyingrat :
I don't know HOW I missed this post before but I'm glad I checked again because your little man is SO CUTE! ♥
from lerin :
As always, he is precious. He is so expressive. It was cute to see him with Jonathan too. :)
from leebeenz :
Awww, those photos are gorgeous!! He looks just like you.
from leebeenz :
I meant to say CUTE!! haha
from leebeenz :
He really does sound like a clever wee man. And too too cue!!
from lerin :
Today, he steals binkies. Tomorrow, it'll be hearts of all the girls in Illinois.
from xx-angel-xx :
You are SO lucky to have a baby still sleep that much!! I'm jealous right now, haha. How much he has grown and how much he's doing now! You must be extremely proud and happy!!
from lerin :
Of course you feel that way, because he is precious and he's yours! :)
from emaciana :
i think you are really pretty and westen is ADORABLE!!! umm.... oops... i lost the password for your other diary ashnwesten, could you email it to me or leave me a note please? sorry!!! [email protected]
from leebeenz :
Awww, he is so cute. And he looks just like you!
from lerin :
He is such an adorable little boy! He looks exactly like you, doesn't he?
from tootiturtle :
He is such a cute little guy. Those two little bottom teeth...they just make me want to go *awwwww!*. :) You must be a very proud mommy.
from emaciana :
i love the pics!!! try using mspaint or some other paint program to shrink the pics down... but so cute!!!
from lerin :
Look at that baby getting kisses from Daddy! I love his squished little cheek.
from bitterwineuk :
What lovely lovely pics. Those big brown eyes and you look stunning too.
from imazook :
Aww, he's darling! You're so pretty too:)
from theflyingrat :
What a sweetheart! He is too cute. ♥
from xx-angel-xx :
awww, he is SO cute!! And YOU look wonderful!
from lerin :
He looks SO much like you, Ashley! He really does! What a beautiful family.
from lerin :
"Dada" is much easier for babies to say than "Mama." The "da" sound is less complicated! I remember that from Infant Development. ;) I think it is great that you got through the birth without the epidural. It's very sad that some women feel like having drugs made them less of a woman/mother. The ways we come up with to feel guilty... it's so silly!
from emaciana :
i'm glad to hear you didnt have an epidural. it seems like almost everyone has one, so just to hear that you survived without one gives me hope. take care!
from leebeenz :
Have you written your birth story? I would love to read it. I love reading people's birth stories, seeing how everyone experiences this wonderful moment differently.
from lerin :
I just love reading about him. He makes my heart MELT! You do need to get him on video soon... these moments are so fleeting, and you're never going to want to forget how his little voice sounds right now. As for the way he doesn't cry when you leave and just seems casual about when you return... that is actually in the realm of Early Childhood, a pretty good thing! He is not overly clingy, thinking you've left him forever and he never needs to let you out of his sight, nor does he cry and scream. He has so much confidence in your love for him, that he knows he is "safe" with someone else for awhile and he knows you are never going anywhere. Just thought I'd let ya know!!! I'm overly informed on some of these things, had to write essays about them even! And look... I still do. ;)
from emaciana :
thanks so much for the tips on baby stuff. if i dont' need it, i don't want to buy it. although it's hard not to go crazy and buy tons of baby stuff because it's SO CUTE!
from leebeenz :
I have to see pictures of your wee man, he just sounds so adorable!
from lerin :
I can't wait for new pics! :)
from theflyingrat :
A pacifier is HARMLESS to a child's teeth until they are over the age of 5... about when they start getting their permanent teeth. It's much better to give a baby a pacifier than a bottle at night. If his baby teeth were to get cavities then it would carry through to his adult teeth, making them more vulnerable. Anyway, I don't mean to lecture you! I just wanted to reassure you that a pacifier is just fine! ♥
from leebeenz :
With Emily she never had a bottle before sleep and I can't even remember how we managed that! And we actually tried to give her a pacifier, but she didn't want it! And with the teeth, Emily got the middle bottom two then one of the top ones off to the side. She looked like a little hillbilly (hehe). But the middle teeth did eventually come through, so don't worry. :)
from lerin :
The pacifier is MUCH better than the bottle for soothing back to sleep. I did a lot of research on the pacifier issue, as Isabella uses one for naps and nighttime. Oddly enough, the pacifier use at tHIS age isn't the probelm. The child simply cannot suck hard enough to force the front teeth outward until she/he is 18-24 months. Infant use of pacifiers is fine, and shouldn't cause orthodontic problems. I figure I will allow her to continue using it until she is ready to give it up, and if she needs a little postivie incentive as she reaches the 2-year-ol mark, I'll use one. Until then, let him have the pacifier NOT the bottle!
from emaciana :
thanks for sharing the pw with me. i've read almost 1/2 of your entries and i'm hooked. it's great that you kept this diary of your whole pregnancy. what a great souvenir for you and for your baby. take care.
from lightupnight :
Thanks so much!!!! I'm up doing some late night packing right now... just about to move into the new place!!!
from lerin :
Isabella is a bit smaller than Westen, and she's four months older! Thst makes me so sad!
from theflyingrat :
I can't believe he's 6 months already. My nephew is 1 day older than Westen - I didn't realize how close they were. They seem to be at exactly the same place on all those things too. Your little guy is perfect. ♥
from lerin :
I can't believe you've had your angelbaby for six months now. Have I really been reading you for like a year? Wow.
from anita-girl :
Hey! Westen did the same thing Ariel did with the soother! Although when Ariel did it she was alone in her crib and really freaked out! I had to get new soothers with bigger sheilds, she was using the Nuk and I got the Nuby (they have ones that have precious moments on them and are practically the same with biggr sheilds) Since these ones she hasn't done it! Ariel did start to sit up until she was 7 months, because she would keep her legs straight in frount of her. Some people's babies didn't start to sit up until they were 9 months old! Don't worry!
from xx-angel-xx :
oh no.. not a tooth.. Ahhh, beware of crabbiness Momma! hehe :)
from leebeenz :
He sounds just delightful. And it will probably take a few days for him to get used to not only other people but all the noise that goes along with it!
from lerin :
I'll bet your right... being with 8 other children would really overwhelm any baby his age.
from i-found-him :
Westen is such a cutie...and you're so pretty! I really enjoyed seeing your pictures. :)
from lerin :
I do! And I ADORE the new pictures!!!
from lerin :
Email me at [email protected]
from anita-girl :
I totlaly understand the annoying part of people telling you that Westen is big. I get that a lot for Ariel as she was a bigger baby from the begginging. At least now she is skinny and long. People always think she is older than she is, at least now it's becasue it's in height. I actually only give Ariel bottles when I go out since I nurse 100% of the time. Ariel has never had formula, I love nursing and dont' have any problems with it so I keep going. The only thing is that before bed I have no idea how much she is getting. What I think it is that she wakes up and doens't know how to fall back asleep since she is used to eating than. I used ot be able to give her the soother and she would go right back to sleep for several hours but now she is too awake to fall for that. I have one friend who wakes up quite a bit at night to give her baby the soother. I hope to teach Ariel soon to sleep longer.
from bitterwineuk :
Oh wow!!!! I've just looked back at my older entries and found that I went public with my pregnancy JUNE 3rd 2003( and from day one my baby was going to be Matthew or Abbie spelt i.e. how strange is that? Becca
from leebeenz :
Well done with the weight loss!!! :)
from lerin :
Wow, Westen and Isabella weigh the same, and they are four months apart!!!
from bitterwineuk :
Glad to hear all went well. In the UK now they don't reccommend feeding babies BEFORE 6 months. But that's stupid. I was told that when Matthew was born in January. 2 months earlier, my friend had a baby and was advised 3 months. Stupid system. Sounds as though Westen enjoys his food and if there's ever anything he wont eat, try mixing in a little mint jelly or apple puree to sweeten it up then gradually use less and less until he doesn't notice it missing. Thats how I got veg into Matthew and he loves his veg now. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are doing a wonderful job!!! :) Becca
from bitterwineuk :
well done on getting in the old trousers. Thats fabulous well done. Keep up the good work. Becca
from leebeenz :
Yay for your weight loss!! Well done. I wish I could say that mine was going well, but I have been having a few setbacks these past few weeks. Anyway, congratulations!!
from lerin :
I wish I could say that was MY weight!
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, Happy mothers day ( a little late) I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel much better, Soon! Oh how Big Westen is getting, so fast!
from midwife00 :
Hello from a new diaryland journalist. So happy to find new mothers to say hello to this way! I am a homebirth midwife in Colorado with 3 grown children and 4 grandkids so far. Write me sometime if you'd like. I'd love to hear from you! Warmly, Lynda
from midwife00 :
Hello from a new diaryland journalist. So happy to find new mothers to say hello to this way! I am a homebirth midwife in Colorado with 3 grown children and 4 grandkids so far. Write me sometime if you'd like. I'd love to hear from you! Warmly, Lynda
from lerin :
Poor little baby boy! It breaks my heart when babies are sick. :(
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, i hope he starts to feel better!! ((hugs))
from lerin :
Thank you for your last note. I can't even begin to tell you how crushed I was. But you know... I needed motivation, in any form. Maybe I can turn one of the most embarrasing moments in my life into something good for me and my future health.
from lerin :
I'll bet he loves it as much as you do!
from anita-girl :
Great job with the weightloss! Ariel always sucks on blankets, well anything they can! Soon Westen will put everything and anything in his mouth! Often in the morning the top of Ariel's blanket is all wet! They never choke unless the item is too small. I sometimes give Ariel a washcloth to play with as it has such a different texture and they love that! I know it's hard not to worry, for example Ariel slept so well after cereal today that all of a sudden I worried that she may have thrown up or chocked so I had to go and check, which I think woke her up! I am sorry that the Nuk story scared you! Hope all continues to go well!
from xx-angel-xx :
awe, thats so sweet!
from xx-angel-xx :
yay for the weight loss!!! I'm sure that makes you feel wonderful!! Westen sounds like such a wonderful bundle of joy!! I wish Logan was still that small. lol. Enjoy it!!
from ladyanne01 :
i'll love the password to ur diary.. i'll try this weekend to fix that and thank you for letting me about links not working
from starlight42 :
Yes, I'd love the password!! Thanks for the congrats.
from anita-girl :
Sorry I didn't get a chance to telly ou how much I enjoyed your pics. Westen is soooo cute! Good job with the weight!
from lerin :
I love to read about your little baby boy... he sounds so precious. Congratulations on reaching your first goal, girl! I'm so proud of you. Isabella has had the worst reflux I've ever heard of, and the only thing that helped was when the doctor doubled her prevacid to 15 mg per day. She does pretty well now, althought we still have issues occasionally.
from xx-angel-xx :
i didn't even see the entry with new pictures!! He's so adorable and little!! :)
from lerin :
He is so tiny and sweet! I love the new pics.
from i-found-him :
Hi!!! Thanks for letting me know you're checking out my diary. May I have your username and password so I can take a look at yours? If not, that's okay. My e-mail address is linked on my diary. Thanks!
from lerin :
Is it scary how identical our answers for everything are? I agree... don't do diet pills yet! You are doing just fine. Westen isn't even three months old! :)
from lerin :
Working out and exercising are the best, healthiest ways to lose the baby weight. But do be patient with yourself, love! :) Your little Westen is only 8 weeks old. Remember the old saying... 9 months up, 9 months down. You're doing just great!
from leebeenz :
Hi, my name is Leigh and I am also part of the dietmommies diary ring. I just wanted to know if I could get the password to your diary? I am always interested in Mums who are doing the whole weight loss thing as well, and we seem to share quite a few favourite diaries. If you want, have a read of my diary and if you feel comfortable giving me your password, my email address is [email protected] If not, I completely understand :)
from lerin :
I checked out the pictures... he is SoOoOoO adorable!!!! I can't believe how beautiful he is. My favorite pictures are of you two just after birth... really, there is nothing more beautiful than that. I approved you for the dietmommy ring and its lerin/mcskinny to get in. :)
from xx-angel-xx :
Oh my, isn't he darling? and you all three are sucha beautiful family!! Congrats!
from lerin :
Go talk to his pedicatrician ASAP! Isabella has awful reflux that just gets worse as time goes by, and I think it added to her not wanting to eat much of anything because it hurt her. They put her on a reflux medication and she is doing so much better now.
from myphyreskape :
CONGRATS!!!! I'm glad to hear that your baby boy was born happy and healthy! Whenever a preggo goes a couple days without posting I always worry and/or wonder if they're having their baby. Also, I'd like to read your other diary (you can email me at this diaryland account -- it'll send it to the proper email address.) Thanks!
from babymakes4 :
Hey. I'd like the password to your other diary, if you don't mind. I have another diary (theflyingrat) and I will give you that password too if you want it as I'm not writing here anymore. My e-mail is [email protected]. Thanks. ♥
from marilynstar :
Hi! Can I have the password to you diary? I bet we have a lot in common!
from xx-angel-xx :
I'd like to read your other diary, if you don't mind! [email protected]. Thanks!
from anita-girl :
Hey! I would like to continue to read your parker fmaily diary email me the info at [email protected] please! :>
from xx-angel-xx :
thanks for your userinfo!!! I got in just fine! I'll be trying to catch up, asap!
from xx-angel-xx :
I've been trying to contact you for awhile about your newpassword but, it kept saying you didn't have a profile so, i couldn't leave a note or anything! I was wondering if you could send me your password/user info? My e-mail is [email protected] OH and Congrats on having your little baby boy!! I hope to be able to read about him soon :)
from lerin :
I'm sorry I am so late to comment here! It is totally normal for babies t o nurse CONSTANTLY at first. He is simply bringing your milk in. The more he suckles, the more your body will produce milk for him. Please don't give up! Contact a La Leche League consultant if you want some in-person help and advice. All babies need to nurse very frequently at first, and most of them do lots of spitting up. I know Sophie AND Isabella did. When you milk first comes in, you make an overabundance... it's like your body thinks she needs enough milk for ten babies instead of one. Then as time goes by, your body settles down a bit and responds to the baby's needs. That may be why you don't feel like you have as much milk. Oh, Iwish we were neighbors! I'd love to help you more than I can from a computer screen in Texas. All my love!
from anita-girl :
Don't give up! It is very uncommon for a woman to not produce enough milk (although in today's society you hear a lot of women claim that) what it might be is that he is not sucking hard enough to tell your breasts to make milk. Make sure your watching how well he latches on, if he doens't take a lot of your nipple and areora in his mouth break his suction with your little finger and try it again (in the beg I had to do this often) And make sure he is awake while he eats, maybe take off his clothes so he is just wearing a diaper shirt, play with his ear, play with his toes, blow on him, tickle his tummy. Also try pumping after a feed to stimulate your breasts more if he isn't doing it enough. It is totlaly normal that he is spitting up (I almost find that my baby did this when she got too much food.) Watch what your eating, no spicy foods, brocoli, orange juice, tomatoes, not too much chocalte, caulflower. I find that I need ot eat lots of fruits, and veggie and nuts. Especailly fruits to make sure my milk was 'sweet' enough (especailly when I ate somethign new) I read the book called Bestfeeding and didn't have a hard time breastfeeding at all, any edition of this book is good. Maybe call a lactation consultant, and consider tube feeding also, he may like the bottle better than you, so try to stay away form it. Also seriously drink tons of water and milk, I can tell when I don't drink enough. I hope this helps, if you want to email me my email is [email protected]
from jane-dreams :
from anita-girl :
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and your husband on the birth of your little boy! Enjoy this time as he will grow so quickly!
from jane-dreams :
Yep, it is going to happen very soon!
from anita-girl :
OOO it's coming!!! It's so exciting!
from myphyreskape :
Hi! Did you change your password? -- Can you email me the new one? (you can send it to me at diaryland). Hope everything is going well with your pregnancy!!! =)
from babymakes4 :
Hey I'd like the new password - I was away for a bit. [email protected] Thanks! ♥
from jane-dreams :
WOW! You can totally see his sweet little face!!! Thanks for the link, I loved looking at the pictures! You are so pretty, and completely all baby.
from jane-dreams :
Yes, all the pains there and that feeling is totally normal. I feel sorry for you with the hip and pelvic pain at night. I rememer how bad that was with Isabella for like six weeks, and she was much smaller than your baby boy. It's almost over, and you'll have him in your arms before you know it!
from jane-dreams :
I'm sorry I have been absent lately! I was going to tell you, I didn't feel the BH contractions with my first either. And no worries... There is still plenty of time for little Wes to turn himself the right way! I don't think you are simply 'hearing' the baby more than others, considering that people around you can hear it too. You may never know what that was all about! You are so close now. :)
from babymakes4 :
Haloscan is the one comments site I know of, other than a supergold membership to diaryland.
from myphyreskape :
Hi Ashley -- thanks for the notes on our site! A part of me thinks the 'gas' might be the baby... but I've been so gassy with this pregnancy (TMI, I know), it's hard to tell. Right now we're just waiting for Thursday to roll around -- that's when we get our ultrasound and will hopefully be able to find out the sex of the baby! =)
from myphyreskape :
Hello, would you mind mailing me the password to your diary so I can read along? (You can send it to the diaryland email thing). Thanks! -Erika
from babymakes4 :
I went to 42 weeks 1 day with my first son. I was 41 weeks before I got stretch marks! But chances are if you don't have them yet, you probably won't. I'm sure everything is fine with the baby, he is going to be one loved little guy, I can tell! ♥ J
from jane-dreams :
I have absolutely no idea what it could possibly be. But it seems the baby is fine, and that's the main concern! I'm so sorry. I know you must be going nuts over this.
from jane-dreams :
Don't let worry take over. I'm glad that you can hear his heartbeat and hiccups on the doppler, and oit should reassure you that he is fine. Be careful about getting regular meals. You may not feel "hungry" but the baby is! Your appetite may continue to diminsh throught the pregnancy as Westen gets bigger. I found that I was still ravenous but after like 1/4 of my regular meal, I was stuffed! There just wasn't any room in my tummy, but I'd get hungry every couple of hours to make up for it. Is there a way you could set a timer on your watch/computer/cell phone? You should have something, even if it's small, every 3 hours or so. Please don't worry too much, love. :) Your doctor is going to find out what's going on.
from babymakes4 :
I gained about 51 pounds with my first pregnancy... my doctor complained to me about it, too. I am back where I was before now, though. And I didn't even have to work that hard. ;)
from babymakes4 :
Thanks. I just started reading through. That popping noise is strange. As for the pain you mentioned... "down there" I had that same thing when I was at about 28 weeks with my first son. ♥
from anita-girl :
Hey! I noticed that you added me as a favorite! Thank you! I would love to read you too, could you email me the info? [email protected] Congrats on the baby it is so exciting!
from childofmine :
thanks for adding me as a favorite! i would love to have your password, if that's ok. you can email me at [email protected].
from jane-dreams :
Totally and completely normal pains! And it's normal to have them this early too. I'm sorry, it is really uncomfortable and it's not going to stop until after you have your little Westen. And I am so curious about those noises... I can't believe you stumped your nurse too!
from babymakes4 :
How odd that we chose such similar user names! Congratulations on the baby. I'd like the info for yours too ([email protected]). Do you use your diaryland e-mail or something else? Let me know and I will send you the info. -J
from jane-dreams :
Oh my goodness... I've never heard of that before. Is it painful? I am curious to hear what the doctor tells you.
from kickme-tryme :
Hello, could i have the password please? My e-mail is [email protected]
from jane-dreams :
I never had problems with my ribs and back with Isabella, but I had this one point of pain in my hip with Sophie and it radiated to my back. Having someone push on it or leaning against a door frame for counterpressure helped. My OB told me it was displaced pain... somehow, the pain in my ribs was showing up in my back. COuld be the same thing for you, but yours sounds MUCH worse. And Family Guy... Adam has all of the DVDs too and much of my first trimester was spent parked on the couch with him in front of them. :) I felt too sick to do ANYthing, and Family Guy was the only thing that could make me laugh at that point. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your long holiday with Wes!
from jane-dreams :
I emailed you the new password information. Thanks for the note!
from mom-to-be :
Hi there, thanks for the note :) I'd love to red your diary... my email is [email protected] Thanks!
from jane-dreams :
Thank you for your note! All the girls of the house were sick this week, and I literally could not make it online! :) Okay, I have SO much to say about your last entry, of course. I truly believe your body will gain what it needs to for your baby's health. As long as you aren't drinking a ton of sugary juices and pops or eating high-fat high-sodium fast food, your body will naturally do its job. By all means, sweetheart... if you are hungry, EAT! Your baby is telling you that he needs some food. Listen to your body! Please don't start worrying about wieght right now. 36 pounds at 28.5 weeks is perfectly acceptable. I gained almost the EXACT same amount of weight with both of my pregnancies, even though I was so sick with Isabella that I initially lost weight. My body has a pre-programmed wieght to get up to I think, and it does that regradless of what I do. Now, 6 weeks postpartum, I do have quite a lot of work to do to get thin again. But guess what? *That's okay!!!* Your body is not your own right now, you know? And I am SHOCKED that the midwife said the things she said, especially since she has had a baby herself. Small people naturally gain more than larger people, it's a fact of life. And OF COURSE you gain weight "all over." Your body is storing fat right now, and IT SHOULD! Please don't fret, love. You are perfectly healthy and your baby will be fine as well. Please don't let something like this put a wet blanket over your joy... this should be a magical, beautiful time for you, not one where you are in tears of every pound. I am so pissed at your midwife. Please listen to Wes and your family and your own intuition. You are doing just fine!
from ladyanne01 :
hi! added u to my favorie list.. my email is [email protected] so i can check ur diary
from lightupnight :
I noticed that you added me as a favourite, thank you!!!
from jane-dreams :
Aren't hiccups the weirdest sensation?!? Have you visited anita-girl before? She just delivered her baby girl, and she had a *perfect* belly but stretch marks on her backside! She also said she didn't grow much there either. It's funny how our bodies work! The skin all the way over there must be stretching to accomodate the belly. I just now found one stretchmark on my upper inner thigh from Isabella too. :( I think I wouldn't have had any on my belly with her because the growth was so gradual. I think that makes the difference... genetics and how quickly/suddenly your skin has to stretch. Anyway, I *loved* seeing Westen's website! It was so neat to see your picture too... I always love having a face to go with the words on the screen.
from jane-dreams :
A word on stretchmarks: I was so happy because I thought I didn't have any with Madeleine, and after I had her I was devastated because they were all on the underside of my ginormous belly and I didn't see them until she was delivered! Of course, they are low enough to where I actually wore a two piece last non-preggo summer without shame. I really, really hope that you are one of the lucky ones though! It makes me so sad to see the marks on my skin. I didn't get any extra ines with Isabella, but she was SO much smaller so I think that had a lot to do with it. Don't worry about "bugging" your doctors ith phone calls... you (through insurance) are paying a LOT of money for the services, and you should get your money's worth! :) Better safe than sorry. About breastpumps, I've used a handheld Medela and a single-electric Medela with baby #1 and for baby #2 I splurged on the Medela Advanced Pump-In-Style. Everyone I ever talked to recommended Medela and I have LOVED all of their pumps I've used. If you are going back to work full-time, you really should spend the extra money for the Pump-In-Style or Advanced Pump-In-Style. Both of those types of pumps will keep your milk supply up and will express milk quickly. I have really fast let-down anyway, but the pump totally does the job! :) Good luck! (And I like the new spelling of Westen)
from xx-angel-xx :
from jane-dreams :
Congratulations! I am so glad you can start calling the baby by name now! Of course you had tears running down your face and a smile on all day long... you just got to see your beautiful baby growing inside of you! You aren't a dork, just a proud Mama! Crossing my fingers that your glucose was okay! Congrats again!
from jane-dreams :
I'm thinking of you this morning! I can't wait to hear all about it. I am so excited for you!
from momma-at-17 :
I would love the password if you don't mind. My email is [email protected]
from jane-dreams :
Email me at [email protected]! :)
from xx-angel-xx :
I remember my last few weeks of being pregnant. They tell you that you should get as much as sleep as possible BUT, you can't because your just so uncomfortable. Hopefully you'll be able to squeeze in some restful nights before the little one gets here. I can't wait to hear about the little one. Do you have a preferance on which sex you want it to be? (sorry, I'm trying to read your archives so, if you've mentioned that, I apologize for asking again)
from xx-angel-xx :
I read you! When you lock up I'd like your password, if you don't mind, my e-mail is [email protected]
from bubbles11090 :
hey, can i have your info? thanks!
from jane-dreams :
I got caught up on your entries. Your fears about breastfeeding are pretty valid... so many people start and then stop for various reasons. It *is* very painful and difficult, but only at first! If you just stick with it for like 2 weeks, it gets much easier and there isn't any more pain. I think it is a question of determination and will. If you open up to a breastfeeding mom at work, I'm sure she would LOVE to help you. I can't wait to find out the sex of your baby. I just keep thinking "girl" because I have two girls. And I love the name Abby... so precious. I had gestational diabetes with Madeleine Sophie, and it really wasn't that big of a deal. It is hard to deal with checking blood sugar and insulin shots, but don't be afraid. The baby will be okay. I would mention the swelling to your doctor though, because it does seem a bit early for that. Are you getting enough water? Okay, I've rambled long enough. :) I'm glad you are unlocked again. I am so excited for you... there really isn't anything like having your first baby. I kind of got to experience that two times. I had MY first, and then I got to have OUR first. I bet Wes feels the same way.
from jane-dreams :
Are you sharing your password? If so, email me at [email protected] or leave me a note/comment. I hope all is well. Thanks!
from bubbles11090 :
hey, can i have your new info??
from momma-at-17 :
Love the new layout. Although your picture doesn't show up.
from myphyreskape :
Hi and thanks for the note! There are still moments (actually, most of the time) that I don't feel like I'm pregnant (except for the nausea). I'm a bit concerned that my first visit w/ the OBGYN won't be until my 13/14th week... is that normal? Anyway, glad to hear that things are going well with your pg. I can't wait until I'm as far along as you and can feel the baby kicking!
from momma-at-17 :
I meant to do this: ~♥~
from momma-at-17 :
I breastfed my son for 3 weeks. It was something that I really wanted to do. I never did get the "hang" of it. The only reason that I stopped was because I wasn't making enough to satisfy Taylor. I did however have a TON of support. I really did. If you'd like email me at [email protected] and I can send you some of the helpful sites that I went to when I was feeling a little doubtful about things. I believe that if it's something you truly want to do then you'll be able to. :) **HUGS** It'll be ok. Just don't doubt yourself. Everyone is different. It's all a matter of how much you want to do something is all. ~&hearts~
from jane-dreams :
I can honestly tell you that your fears about "the worst" happening are completely normal. I don't have them this time around, but I was terrified that something would be wrong with the baby or that I would bleed to death or something with my first. It is completely fear of the unknown. And believe me... I was actually secretly HOPING for a c-section with my first, even though I'd seen two of my friends in recovery from c-sections and knew it took a lot longer to heal. I just thought... there's no way I can do that. I thought my strength would give out and I was terrified of the pain! Since I've been through it once, I do hope I can have a vaginal birth for my second as well. It is a lot of pain and effort, but SO many women do it everyday, and I lived to tell the tale! :) And I'm even doing it again! ;) Your fears are normal, and no matter what I say, you'll still have them. I know that no matter how your baby comes into this world, she (or he) will be worth every moment of your pregnancy and delivery. You will amaze yourself. Your body is capable of such an extraordinary thing. :)
from jane-dreams :
Ohhh... Abigail Claire would be *perfect* for a girl. I've decided on Isabella Clare for my little girl. I laughed out loud reading your food-on-the-shirt issues. I get a spot of food on the top of my belly EVERY time I eat. I think it's because, once the belly is this big, you can't lean in to the table. It's just one of those things. :) I've had lots of trouble breathing for both of my pregnancies. You get "rhinitis" where your nasal passages swell a bit, on top of the fact that you have a baby jammed on your lungs. I wouldn't worry, but I know it's uncomfortable. It's so nice to read about how you and baby are progressing. :)
from xx-angel-xx :
I just found your diary and I'd like to congrats you on your pregnancy! I only read a few entries but, I'll be back for more, if you don't mind. I'm 20 yr old and a mother to a one year old :) have a great day!
from jane-dreams :
I absolutely LOVE the name Abby. I think it's perfect. I've never been a fan of creative spellings though, just because I think it causes the child way too much trouble to constantly correct everyone. That's just my humble opinion though, so take no offense please! :) I don't get the month thing either... 40 weeks from your last period seems like 10 months to me. Technically it's 9 1/2 months I think. I am 34 weeks and I never know whether to call myself 8 months pregnant or not. I have about a month and a week to go, so it sounds right to me. I hope Jonathan gets his little girl. ;) He sounds so cute.
from bubbles11090 :
Hi!!! I just found your diary, and I just had to add it to my fav list! I am 21 and I have a 10 1/2 month old son, Riley. I love reading new mommy diaries!! Take care!!
from jane-dreams :
I opted to skip the test bith times. I really considered it the second time, but basically... all they do with the blood test is evaluate your "risk." I knew there was no way I'd agree to an amnio or anything that could harm my baby, so what was the point? Also, I would worry and worry knowing it was a possibility and I know that kind of stress is bad for a pregnant mom. Good luck with your decision!
from jane-dreams :
Send me your info, I would love to keep reading.
from musicchick44 :
Your diary is adorable! I can't wait to be a mom (someday), and it was so cute to read about how happy you and your husband are. Congratualtions. =)
from hertinyhands :
I saw you are brand new to the mom's in their 20's diaryring, and I'd love to read you. Leave me a note with your password if you want to share.

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