messages to bais-mom:
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from famguygirl :
By the way, I recommend getting a bagel from one of the vendors. It's an orgasm in the mouth. Seriously.
from famguygirl :
Well, isn't THAT lovely? lol. Stay safe, hun!
from famguygirl :
(No offense to any of you who are from NYC) Be prepared for RUDE people. And bundle up reeeeally well. Chicago may be the windy city, but NYC can be harsh, too. Especially if it's snowing and whipping in your face. But it's all good, because the Christmas decorations will be pretty and hey, it's NEW YORK CITY!!! Hope you have a blast!
from famguygirl :
OMG I can't wait for his Christmas special!! Walter is my favorite puppet!
from scrappergirl :
Oh man, Bailey does the "bad dream" thing too. I think our kids are some weird sort of distant twins or something! As for the root canal, I totally feel your pain. I ended up with dry socket after my wisdom teeth came out. They couldn't believe how well I did deal with the pain. I guess 2 c-sections will do that to you. ;)
from scrappergirl :
from scrappergirl :
The first one is the hardest. :)
from scrappergirl :
How's the tooth? Bailey's most recent loose tooth fell out Sunday evening. That's 5 now!
from scrappergirl :
You'll manage. They creep me out, too, but Bailey is about to lose #5 now and I'm getting kind of used to it. Right now he's got the big old no top front teeth gap going on (well, one is starting to grow in, but it's not really there yet). Breathe momma. You'll do fine. A friend of mine with daughters leaves a pearl under the pillow for each tooth. She told her girls the tooth fairy changes the teeth into pearls and when they're done losing teeth, they will string them all. I thought that was sweet, but my boys don't want to wear a pearl necklace. Wonder why? (Geez, it's bad enough that I have them loving show tunes, if they start dressing in drag Ryan will flip!)
from leila0618 :
***Your Personality Profile*** You are dignified, spiritual, and wise. Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself. You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books. You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life. You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world. A good friend, you always give of yourself first. That is the one I got...these are sooo fun!! hehe
from leila0618 :
How do people see you? **Slow and Steady*** Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment. They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it. I love this one too sherry...what do you think, I don't think this one got me right...maybe it did...who the hell knows
from leila0618 :
K, nevermind..I don't know how to paste the right way...anyway, I am a romance writer.... ***You Should Be a Romance Novelist*** You see the world as it should be, and this goes double for all matters of the heart. You can find the romance in any situation, and you would make a talented romance story writer... And while you may be a traditional romantic, you're just as likely to be drawn to quirky or dark love stories. As long as it deals with infatuation, heartbreak, and soulmates - you could write it.
from leila0618 :
<table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2><tr><td bgcolor="#999999" align=center><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'><b>You Should Be a Romance Novelist</b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><center><img src="" height="100" width="100"></center><font color="#000000"> You see the world as it should be, and this goes double for all matters of the heart. You can find the romance in any situation, and you would make a talented romance story writer... And while you may be a traditional romantic, you're just as likely to be drawn to quirky or dark love stories. As long as it deals with infatuation, heartbreak, and soulmates - you could write it.</font></td></tr></table><div align="center"><a href="">What Type of Writer Should You Be?</a></div>
from dangerspouse :
Have you considered Krazy Glueing her teeth in...?
from scrappergirl :
Thank you!
from scrappergirl :
UGH! The links worked when I first wrote it (a month ago). I'll see what I can do!
from leila0618 :
I am so happy for you and Bailyn too. She seems great!
from leila0618 :
someone's got a new any new dates planned with you and seal? Does Kim get to join in?? hehe, nah, that's just sick..funny though
from leila0618 :
you are now my hero..I think it is great. I am going to try the same thing..
from scrappergirl :
wow. good for you for sticking to it. bailey would go ballistic and not stop. he'd egg jared on, too.
from leila0618 :
Okay...mine was to spend more time surfing porn at work...LMAO!!! Ooookay, no! anyway, Hope you had a great New Years day/night! I tried calling you, I have to tell you about mine!:)Love ya!
from bindyree :
I hope you had a wonderful Yule, and I just wanted to stick my head in here and say Happy 2006 and to tell you thanks for the nice posts you make, and to tell you I'm glad you're on my Buddy List! ♥
from leila0618 :
LOL, too funny..thanks for the laugh.
from leila0618 :
Hey Girl! I just wanted to wish Bailyn, Kim and you a wonderful Holiday season!! I don't know if you got my message earlier but I got the box and it will be given to the person you wanted, with the other front of the right people ;). I love you all very much and wish we could all be together over Christmas! Tell Bailyn Aunt Weewa wuvs her and misses her. Tell Kim, Ashy didn't really want to leave him a message but felt I had to and to stop looking at my legs...hehe..and you enjoy the break from work and RELAX!! Love ya all!!! P.S. Look for me soon, I am moving in, the snow is killing me!!!!
from leila0618 :
That poor girl! LOL, just kidding. I think you all will be a wonderful "host" family. Bailyn will get some company and you will be helping a girl study here. You are a wonderful woman!
from scrappergirl :
ooohh...happy bunny!
from scrappergirl :
How, then, do you explain that I know exactly where I stand on the abortion issue? I am one insane chick! Seriously, though, I know exactly what you are saying. Thanks. Somehow it made me feel better to have someone else give me permission to be conflicted. :)
from scrappergirl :
OK, words have come....WTF???? *This* is exactly the kind of thing I was referring to. *I* don't want a Hanukkah bush. *I* want a Christmas tree to remain a Christmas tree. It is the assumption of other people that I want to be equal in the holiday thing. *rolling eyes*
from scrappergirl :
Wow. You've done it. I'm speechless.
from bindyree :
No *real* Christian would *ever* send a note to anybody that contains the phrase 'if this offends you, too bad!' What a bully. I can't stand bullies, especially the ones who use religion as a reason to do so.
from leila0618 :
Caption: Look how cute and innocent I am!!! I take after my Aunt Leila!!! So, she was "loving" barbie huh?? Isn't the cat's name barbie. She is such a cutie, I love her to death!! By the way, Reagan's hair is now that length..awww, our girls are little twins :)
from leila0618 :
wooohooo!!! I have become a valued member so that I can write you comments!!!You better watch out, hold on, you can't ban me can you??? ;) So, the CHRISTmas tree for you huh? Are you going to let someone tell you to get over it if it offends you?? Just kidding. You know how you are going to sending the damn email around..hehe, I will take one!*waving hands* "me, me, sherry, over here...send it is a CHRISTmas tree ya know!" Love ya girl!!! This is going to be fun...
from scrappergirl :
K, it looks like she was caught doing something and is hiding behind the cat. I'm not feeling especially witty or clever right now, but I'll give it the caption: Uh-oh. Cat's got my tongue. :P
from scrappergirl :
First, I'd definitely see about having her evaluated for an attention issue. While that process is going on, I'd dig. Is she doing some of the stuff (like yelling out numbers) for attention? Does she enjoy the reaction she gets from the teacher or other kids? I'd also let her know that unfortunately, part of being a big kid and going to school is reading and learning stuff that may not be her first choice or all that interesting to her at first. But, learning builds and her teacher thinks that this is an important lesson that she needs as a step to get somewhere else. I also wouldn't be against a trial on meds if it even comes to that. I've seen kids that were on meds and kept their enthusiams and brightness for learning, just dropped the disruptive distracting behavior. Think of it this way...if she is distracting others, her behavior may actually be interferring with her own learning as well. If you can curb the disruptive behaviors (meds, some kind of mind-over-matter technique, whatever) she may be able to go deeper into her own learning process.
from scrappergirl :
Oh man, I *knew* where you were going and I still laughed out loud!
from scrappergirl :
Feeling out of control with school? Sometimes when kids feel out of control in one part of their life, they resort to tantrums as a way to feel in control elsewhere. I feel for you. I have been a poo-poo head before, too. Hang in there...
from scrappergirl :
Thanks for the note. I'm hoping that with the holiday and putting the feelings into words, I'll be able to move forward. Thought I had, until all of those nasty emails when Ryan was sick. My best friend says, "I just don't understand how some people function. They think they live very full lives but from where I sit their lives are all illusion and very empty. I'm so sorry that your friendship wasn't valued as much as you valued theirs." Smart lady.
from scrappergirl :
Um, hmmm, yikes? I am speechless! Totally understand your dilemma and the fear of retaliation. Wow.
from scrappergirl :
Bailey has named it "pinky-pinky" and I called it "yikes!"
from scrappergirl :
:( Feel better B ai!
from scrappergirl :
Have you tried seeing what the rental places are selling? They turn over cars within 2 years usually.
from scrappergirl :
I reserved my copy back in December. I'm trying to plow through the library books I have out so that I will be done with them before I pick up my book (at 12:01 of course). And, duh, just realized today that I only read one update. Went back and read the rest just now. I'm sorry things happened the way they did, but sometimes you have to bottom out in order to crawl back up. Hang in there, and I'm here for you.
from scrappergirl :
I love it! Both of my boys are into "knock-knock" jokes that make no sense. The "Who's there?" is usually followed by some nonsense word or "potty talk" that sends them into fits of laughter. Then, of course, their laughter is contagious, so I start laughing. This leaves them with the mistaken conclusion that the joke is actually funny to people over 5.
from scrappergirl : know that I fully understand! While I may be a member of one of the big 3, I've had similar conversations with members of other religions. Really, there are such better things to be freaking out about, people.
from scrappergirl :
Woo hoo! Your first note...I feel so honored! I totally understand how you feel (says the mom of an almost-first-grader). Where has the time gone?!?

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