messages to bananaseat:
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from bananaseat :
avantbedroc! I have tried to write back to you but it only tells me that you're not a registered user. I'm not ignoring you, I swear. Thanks so much! Yeah, I love Keanu too. Whatta'r ya gonna do? You're gonna watch him be foxy in some bad movies, that's what.
from avantbedroc :
Really enjoyed you ripping apart one of my fav movies. I'm now embarrassed to admit i liked it, LOVE Keanu though despite how stupid the plot is. "She also was very comfortable with the idea of a time traveling mailbox quickly and easily. 8. They are both totally okay with having the same dog and neither questions the fact that their dog is time traveling. They take this fact for granted." :-D
from avantbedroc :
hello, i looooooooove your live-blogging lifetime movies- cracks me up
from bibles :
Happy 10-year anniversary and I'm so sorry to hear about your job! Nonetheless, 10 years is a great achievement in our not so marriage-friendly times!
from inwardblink :
people keep getting married off around me o.O sometimes its good, sometimes its bad.. not for them, for me... and I hope that doesnt sound too weird. Good art. I am already addicted!
from coldandgray :
The Gilman flyer is great & the sleeve photos are so well done. Kudos.
from dulligirl :
Before reading your 10/29 entry, I had not heard of Jens Lekman. But your description of his show intrigued me so that his name stuck in my head. Then I downloaded his latest album off of emusic. Soon after, Entertainment Weekly had a positive review of his album. Then I saw an ad for the album on the back of Bust magazine. After listening a few times to the album, I decided he reminds me a bit of Belle & Sebastian and Rufus Wainwright. But most of all, he reminds me of Jonathan Richman. I really like him. Thanks for writing about him.
from shinythings- :
I fear the same thing. :(
from shinythings- :
Yeah. I just don't like it when people say, "She posed in Maxim. That's so degrading." I'm like, I like to walk around in my underwear anyhow. I wish someone would pay ME lots of money to take pictures in them. =P
from oh-sweet-pea :
there's a lot i do like about diaryland (like the things you mentioned) but i hate other things, like when i'm writing a post and then open another tabbed window, more than half the time my dland post will have disappeared! also, i like the communication features that lj has (commenters on every post), etc. dland also seems kind of dead now. sigh.
from shinythings- :
He is a funny guy, and he is attractive. I stayed with him, though, because he's been my friend for such a long time. At some point, though, I guess a long-standing friendship isn't enough to make a relationship work. =\
from demoderby :
ahhh lj filter problems! i've been there. but don't worry about "suddenly exploding with so much personal info" -- i just hope you don't feel like your privacy has been invaded by me or something!
from oh-sweet-pea :
yup, i saw it on you tube (hosted by some political blog) and they played a bit of it on the daily show. it was awesome. i watched it yesterday morning as i ate my breakfast.
from requiel :
Oooo...go see "The Illusionist" (IF you haven't already. I loved,loved,LOVED it!
from dulligirl :
Hey, I just tried to sign your guestbook but it went all wonky on me so I don't think it took. Anyway, I wanted to say that I recently discovered, as I said in my latest entry, that my creep-o-meter is also still accurate. It never fails me! Also, I've added you into my favorites.
from oh-sweet-pea :
stoopid signmyguestbook aint working! so i'm here to leave you your very first note. congrats on the great job! it sounds awesome just like you!

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