messages to bangetsavoha:
(click here to add new message):

from nepenthean :
You’re back! I’m STILL going. I like the old skool, non-social media-invaded old timey d’land vibe. Just looking at my old notes. Hope all is well.
from selfbiased :
zantanna for the win.
from selfbiased :
re:05.30.08 it's largely why i got married; now i don't have to clean my room. my wife does it for me. i pay for it though, i'm the one working another twenty hours a week.
from selfbiased :
this was some time ago. most likely i printed and processed the photos, and she cut them from the roll along with the other thirty or so orders that were also on the roll. she mentioned this to me a few weeks ago, and said that it was from a few weeks before that. pregnancy does odd things to one's memory.
from selfbiased :
my wife recently packaged some of your photographs.
from selfbiased :
from lime-reviews :
Review. <<>>
from selfbiased :
yeah, that was the "magic" i spoke of. how else can i get with the babymaking, eh?
from selfbiased :
you always do overthink things. such is the nature of your condition. sufficed to say, that you've little choice in the matter. if you don't think i won't knock on your door and track you down, you're wrong. i'm nothing if not persistent. and since i haven't seen you online, next weekend is when the magic will happen.
from raisinet :
(pssst! lisa is a babe!!)
from raisinet :
is that gary in your 4/10/05 entry? he's a handsome lad.
from selfbiased :
that'll happen. it's your first go around.
from kristinhank :
thank you for adding me, and for reviewing me. i really appreciate the both. have a wonderful day. (and i really mean that) kristin
from raisinet :
you have very large, beautiful green eyes and the cutest nose i have ever seen.
from theascension :
I'm glad to hear that. Are they continuing to stay leaning that way?
from theascension :
Things are copacetic, I suppose...and are things going well for you?
from selfbiased :
i like the new template... if only the approriate lines of text were italicized...
from selfbiased :
you made but one critical error: a return address.
from theascension :
Hope the holidays treat you well.
from selfbiased :
a third thought in as many minutes: you've seen that picture before. it's been in my photobucket account since june.
from selfbiased :
and yes, why is it that important to you?
from selfbiased :
consider it confirmed.
from selfbiased :
you do realize that those are old pictures of mister mofo...
from theascension :
from theascension :
Well, I am sure I could, but why would I? Even if things moulded me into what I am, I am still essentially the same person I would have been anyway; sans the mental disorders and the anger. Beat me to a bloody pulp, it wouldn't matter. I don't change for anyone, no matter what the incentive. Would you?
from theascension :
Almost no one does. Feel free to ask questions, but I doubt it will make anything clearer. As for why I am the way I am...let's just say that years of physical and mental torture lead to "serious deviant fucking behaviour." Bonds I forged out of fear and pain are the strongest; that doesn't mean their strong.
from theascension :
Your right, it should be, but it never is. The only bonds I've been able to find seem to be through pain and bitterness, and even those seem weak so much of the time. I suppose that's my fault, anyway.
from theascension :
I bid you thanks for your cooperation with my erratic questions. Sometimes simply caring for a person can overcome whatever they choose to put you through, but more than often it can not. The desire to simply isn't strong enough. That is why I don't believe in friendship. It is too fragile of a bond.
from theascension :
What made you choose those words and names? They have to be of some importance to you. And hate is a bit strong of an emotion, don't you think? That type of thinking can lead to a lot of pain.
from suta :
from theascension :
I wanted to personally thank you for the review. I appreciate the fact that you actually took the time to read more than fifteen minutes worth of my journal. I'm sorry my grammar is a bit poor, English wasn't my first language. I'm glad I can still make teenage girls blush in my old age... Again, arigatou. Ganbatte, ja ne. Oh, and by the way, I absolutely love the Bebop layout.
from etc :
I'm just playin witcha...
from etc :
I didn't talk about "boning" I talked about "getting my Bone on".
from raisinet :
i dont hate you. sheesh. that was just a strange day.
from orionreviews :
miss lisa, please check your gmail account. it contains vital information.
from selfbiased :
don't panic.
from xoxtasxox :
ok so I clicked on the link (i am a compulsive clicker of links) and now I can see why your obsessed. I got recruited to Midgetlegs Army and I'm an elf. woo-hoo!
from selfbiased :
not me. i'm the guy who types in italics, selfbiased. if there's one thing i pride myself on, it's consistency.
from xoxtasxox :
hey i'm lovin the new cowboy bebop template!
from raisinet :
425 710 9463. anyone who wants to make obscene phone calls can go the hell ahead. BAM! anyways, here you go.
from justreviews :
Your review is up!
from raisinet :
ahh, thats a tricky one. it transpires that until i get MY computer fixed, which is some indeterminate date in the future, i have to come down the college library and use THEIR computers, which for some reason do not have instant messaging capabilities. boo. but they let you use them for hours on end if you so wish, and no one comes over to bug you, so its not too much of a drag. it gets me out of the house, at any rate.
from raisinet :
well, i am so very pleased that you are happy! and kissing rocks, doesnt it?? it feels so nice and moist and warm. i could go on for days and days about how much i like it. everything here feels new and shiny as well, for the following reasons. 1. i am happy, because mostly everyone around me is happy. 2. i have a terrible sore throat that feels like im swallowing glass. so my grandma fed me some of her (non-addictive) pain pills, but she fed me one too many, so i am a little buzzed. but my pain is gone!
from raisinet :
WELL, miss missy. county fair drunkeness is the best. and...first kiss, eh? im ludicrously happy for you! kinda jealous too; i dont get to kiss anyone for a while. was it a nice one?
from selfbiased :
miss lisa, please contact me at your earliest convience.
from raisinet :
i love you, lisa!! im all warm and fuzzy from your comments about me in your buddy list!
from sicknick :
thanks for the note...username: sicknick password: vodka
from raisinet :
(spooky voice:) obsession!! i am honoured!!!!!!! what do you mean?
from raisinet :
oh, i would never lie to you, dollie. its not my style.
from raisinet :
we dont have any stamps, so i never got a chance to send your letter out. it is not dwindling, i say. it is not. bluh!
from invisibledon :
hope you come back !
from duckreviews :
Hello. Your review is done. You can see it here-- Thank you for waiting.
from sourballs123 :
how did you get music in your diary by the way i love you design
from usareviews :
Hi! Your review is up. Sorry it took forever!
from invisibledon :
have a most excellent weekend
from raisinet :
more like planes and trains. hes does, after all, live in illinois. :)
from raisinet :
yeah, 32-year-old men and all. im a regular man-eater all right. besides once they see how weird i am they run away and dont love me anymore.
from raisinet :
whatever are you talking about? theres no charm here...just hard, lean muscle!!! ick. im lying of course. (but really: huh??)
from raisinet :
im people, and i think of you. therefore your statement is wrong. hah. ("lisa says shes on the run...")
from invisibledon :
thanks for adding me to your favorites list
from crashreviews :
Your review is up!
from menteuse :
i am a rock! i am an island! (i cant believe i just said that.) signing off very embarassedly, adrianne.
from menteuse :
it isnt you! :)
from menteuse :
well, i would classify you as such (Pure Coolness) as well...even if it makes you blush and protest with mighty protestations. :)
from menteuse :
the ultimate She. i love that and i love you for saying it. makes me think for just a moment, that i am in fact cool.
from iranaden :
oh my little lisa-chick. its been a long long time and im a real butt for not talking to you sooner. i hope youre alright, and ill be around ((online)) from now on, not often, but if you ever want to say "howdy" ill be here, or there. --adrianne
from chick4film : u go 2 dunkirk high school? cuz if you do..ur guy cheerleaders are hott!! well at least the one guy is..haha. im a gowanda cheerleader (not a very good one, might i add ) lol but i just wanted to let u know how lucky ya'll are! gowanda guys suck! (im not trying to be mean, but im guessing u'd say the same thing..) ..Well you can leave me a note on my diary..if you want to. you don't have to. xoxo sar*
from selfbiased :
tyler talk?
from xoxtasxox :
hey. I found your diary throuh a duck reviews link. oh my gosh i love ur diary! the song was great (I have it on cd!) and in the Pics page I was pleasently surprised to find pics of Sora, and other Anime. I also read your fact sheet and we seem to have alot in common. Anyway, great site. roo
from checkit-view :
I finished your review. Enjoy. Sorry for the wait.
from prettyboring :
hey lisa... i can't seem to find any way to contact you from detroit except to leave you a note.i'm sorry i haven't been around lately but now that my "break" is over i'll ride gallantly back into your life on a friendly white horse with a nice, noble name like arthur, or cocoa the monkey. or something. no more conversations with cats. unless you want them. happy new year to ya, buddy, also we must do something tomorrow. "peace out."
from sweetvanny :
Hi, happened to come to your newly updated entry, just want to say I think you have a very good style!! I couldn't help coming back to read more of the older ones... ^______^
from iranaden :
oh lisa-lou, don't worry...things will work out, as they always do, somehow. and besides, when i go see owen for x-mas, i'm going to stop by dunkirk and pick you and alisha up and smuggle you back to seattle in my suitcase. won't that be fun? then we can make money at the public market by strumming guitars and siging lame-o hippie songs. and we can watch the hot fish-market boys tossing fishes back and forth and wrapping them in newspaper. and life will be good.
from buffy-fan13 :
Homecoming is gonna be a blast. Depressing, but fun...
from prettyboring :
buddhism sounds cool... just don't tell hannah haha
from prettyboring :
are you fucking crazy? of course i'd be unhappy without you. glad i'm on your list, though...
from ericintervw :
I hope your happy with your Interview post:)
from perceptionss :
Lisa, I wanted to say hello and wondered if you ever finished watching Donnie Darko? Also, *BIG HUG*
from boogabooga :
You got a diary?!? Woo Hoo!! :)

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