messages to bathsheba:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
Hey, I just saw that you added me to your Big List o' Faves. Thanks!! Care to pass me the secret password to your own kingdom so I check out your writing in return? If not, that's ok...*sob*... (Hey, we like a couple of the same movies! I loved both Brazil and Das Boot. And I even went to see "Crumb" in lower Manhattan at an artsy studio when it was first released, and I still have the R. Crumb chocolate "Devil Bar" they gave out at the door! It's in my freezer wrapped in foil for safekeeping. Not sure what I'll ever do with it, but it's fun to look at now and again.) All the best :)
from missy-17 :
hey i am new to diaryland so i am mainly, just trying to get to know people here!!! so laterz mia
from inarticulate :
I have 268 items on my untidy and frenetic wish list, but it includes quite a few things I've already acquired and a handful of wishes not strictly my own, such as Adidas Primero Ultra Soccer Goal Keeper Gloves (White/Silver/Navy, size 12), Ballerina Fairies Paper Dolls, and Transformers Armada Optimus Prime Semi-Truck with Mini-con by Hasbro. I haven't shared my list with friends, because I only use it to remind me of things I want, but I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
from sparklytears :
if u ever come back, please tell me. i miss you so much already. [</3]
from sleepyskin :
she might be 'gone' but she is not forgotten. much love always. courtney/sleepyskin
from minstrelite :
Thank you for offering your condolences. I am missing her greatly, as where she is now located is inaccessible thus far by human technology such as internet or telephone. I do appreciate your note, and may all good things be yours.
from minstrelite :
Thanks for the well wishes, and I agree with you completely. By the way, I like Emmylou Harrris, Stephen Sondheim, and Elvis Costello. :)
from brittania :
Yep. You're right. Each time with the sex. Dammit. But, dear Bath, I'd rather blame the courthouse than my unquenchable penis. Va-room. XO.
from akagrl :
happy birthday bathseba! and a very belated CONGRATULATIONS!
from sparklytears :
Atticus looks like an angel, a little, tiny, perfect, baby angel. & you, how did you manage to looks so beautiful & glowing after all that trauma!? Congratulations.. he is just so cute, I can't stop looking at the pictures! xoxo [<3]
from cuillin :
He is absolutely beautiful; congratulations! You're both radiant in the pictures....much love to all of you. xoxoxo
from sparklytears :
oh my gosh. you are so preganant & so beautiful. best of luck to you & Peter! i can't wait to see pictures of baby Legolas! xoxo [<3] p.s. the library looks great.
from frances1972 :
It wouldn't let me sign the g-book, so... My Aunt Lois and Uncle Doc used to have bathroom books, trivia about Thomas Crapper and the like. There are very possibly no Chinese. I laughed out loud at that one. If it wouldn't be weird, I mean like if we could imagine a way this wouldn't be weird, I'd show you my air conditioner trick, which is a bowl full of ice water, packed full of ice, and me blowing across it to you. Yeah, see, that maybe sounds weird, but if it wasn't, it could be a nice thing to do for somebody 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant, yes indeed. This is from Frances.
from elvisload :
The reason you can't figure out why my name is being bandied because...I have that raw, untamed, primitive writing style that one only sees in the early works of great umm...writers...while you have a more lyrical, refined, classical style of writing, reminiscent of o..let's say...Guy de that's why...thanks for the note...cheers...and let's say happy birthday to Frances...
from molu4 :
I can't sign your guestbook, which is what I want to do right now but it's too soon (new guestbook LAWS, blah) and it's way too far and away beyond me to write email. I was just going to say that you and Peter should totally go, if you you're up and able and so inclined, to the This American Life taping in Denver. It's on Sunday (May 18) at 7 pm. It will bring you great joy if you go. I promise. Very much a lot of fun and joy. For more info: Go go go my darlings. You shall not regret it.
from sparklytears :
I am going to cry. I am your most faithful reader. And I have been waiting forever for you to update. And now you have, but your diary is LOCKED. :o(
from inarticulate :
Great!! Does that mean I can come in?
from meeyapede :
hey, i found you cos we share TWO favmovie listings and ONE favmusic listing. coincidence? i think not. I'm new to this whole bare-yr-soul online thing.... any advice? It seems a little strange to me, like, Why would anyone care? I mean, I DONT EVEN CARE. but it motivates me to write non-academic crap... thats all- LOVE your name, too (again, similar idea as mine, the "jessica lovejoy" part, NOT the meeyapede part...)
from flusianna :
Congratulations!!! I am friends with Brittania and read your diary faithfully! I have four children, mostly grown now. The adventure is just beginning! Be happy. (I know all about the cold turkey quitin stuff...that part is hard). ENJOY!
from frenchpress :
hello :)i was just listening to kasey chambers!the captain as i was reading your diary...i so love that song..anyways have a nice day!
from molu4 :
And have I mentioned how fabulous your new layout is? I am having a covetous moment.
from migrainegirl :
Dammit. Here he is:
from migrainegirl :
And since we are all but neighbors, perhaps we could work out an agreement to share Mr. Cusack.

But only I get to call him Johnny.
from migrainegirl :
HOLY CRAP!!! Forgive the shock and poor language. You are HERE?! In THIS pitiful town? Well then WHY in the hell don't I know you? I am feeling light-headed. Tell me more! And yes, I will buy that bowling bag; but not until March or until I am gainfully employed, whichever comes first. I'm betting on March.
from sfo0307 :
Today - in the elevator, a co-worker asked me how its going. I replied "The same old sixes and sevens." He looked at me like I was from Pluto. No one here seems to have heard the expression before! I did a web search - and, Google found your 11/29/01 entry "same old sixes and sevens". Where have you heard this saying before; and, what does it mean to you?
from pgagnon999 :
You are wise. . .or at least your SOUND wise. . .same difference, I guess. In any case, I've attached you to my list of favorites. . .so there.
from kodachrome :
hmm, bathsheba, don't be fat like me!
from kodachrome :
your tuesday entry made me smile (was it called manic tuesday? i need a new hardware!!!)...ok, so it began with herpes and i assure you it's not the thing which made me smile, ..., you're so adorable when being manic. (ah, yes, take it from a 22 year old girl).
from akagrl :
reactorcore told me that 3 asprin + zinc helps. in addition check out my entry 7/25 "herpes". i've lived with this virus for years and have some info that might be helpful to you. wish you well.
from cdghost :
maybewe meet in a bar and we have a lot of groovy groovy funk eh?coolsee my band play itsultraswooshy!
from broken-glass :
You have a wonderful diary - articulate, moving, and beautiful. Thank you.
from cdghost :
from kodachrome :
The mail has arrived, thank you, sweet, sweet Melissa. I'll be listening.
from akagrl :
you are a kindred spirit...i'm convinced. i just ready your latest entry (lying, loving, etc.) ....your words shook me to the core; to every cell that makes up my body; to the soft marrow in my bones. i feel like every word you write is a thought that i've had. you finish my sentances. (i wish to be as articulate though). it's eriee, but it's also beautiful. i don't know how to express how much your words resonate, how much i identify with your thoughts and feelings (and my god, even some of your experiences...). i am so thankful to have found you. (i don't mean to overwhelm you, but i felt the need to share this with you)-akagrl
from akagrl :
B, huh? i'm sorry.
from throcky :
I want to tell you how much I have admired and been moved by your diary. Especially in the past week---one of the places I go to hang on to the small remaining shards of my sanity. thank you.
from kodachrome :
as suspected, i don't understand. but still, good thoughts going your way.

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