messages to befuddled21:
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from baybear310 :
... whats wrong?
from amazinfuckup :
That sounds so great, almost like what I'd like to be doing. Next semester I'm going to start taking classes so that I can teach at a preschool.
from amazinfuckup :
Thank you :). And that's awesome that you're working with kids now too! What do you do? Are you enjoying it as much as I do?
from amazinfuckup :
Haha, thank you. She should be okay, we know what's going on now and her doctors have a plan for her, so things look okay right now. And I'm sure that job is out there for you somewhere, I just got really, really lucky. I could see you teaching, too.
from amazinfuckup : . I just thought it was trippy.
from amazinfuckup :
It's good that you are doing so well. :)
from discodave :
Spot-on, hon :) Dxx
from lady-fancy :
um yes, hello. i've noticed your name on my small list of people who read my dland? the question mark is becuase, well its strange to me. i would be quite pleased if you left me a note, i'm curious now.
from discodave :
I might give that other one a go - I can only do better with it than Heart of Darkness - I'm only about 20 pages in and have been for the last three days... Dxx
from discodave :
God no - I always thought lots of people were scared of him. The worst is when he plays a nice guy and smiles - I always think he's going to tear someone's throat out with his teeth... Dxx
from abusemyheart :
from talk-hard :
Good point. I don't know. I think when you stop caring about the band and only buy best of's/greatest hits, then you're an arsehat. If you buy them because you're a voracious completeist, then you still care enough about life to care about records which is important. If it's b-sides, then this point is null... Anyways, can't believe this is the first time I've read your diary. I like it. I'll return when I've got a bit more time, yeah? You seem like a neat character.
from suicideinc :
barbaric? you?! NEVER!!!!!! you write with such stunning grace. &&& i LOVE your layout.
from cdghost :
simple is the complex.. :)
from discodave :
Probably for the best. He really doesn't suit hair extensions... Dxx
from deester :
It sucked how was yours? I'm sitting at your computer right now so I will talk to you there....however you are laying face down on your bed right now....
from deester :
Hey amy. don't worry about losers! :)
from discodave :
That's kind of what I figured - xXx in space or something. Thanks, hon. Dxx
from cdghost :
wonderful words and beautiful layout.
from suicideinc :
you. are. fabulous.
from discodave :
Yeah, I saw it a couple of weeks back - It was good, but I think it's more aimed at people on your side of the Atlantic. Dxx
from sanetwin :
I read A Clockwork Orange about a year ago. It took me forever to get used to the lingo but once I did the book was really good.
from sad-doll :

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