messages to beltedweir:
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from mainsqueeze :
You left facebook and made me so sad! Hope all is well, Davey.
from elvisload :
from elvisload :
"shit the bed".. I love that phrase...
from mainsqueeze :
Hey, Davey? Wanna just say fuck it all anyway and go get married, or something? I want to have a farm and I will need somebody to build the barn plus I'm a healthy cooking champ, so win-win. : )) -Ang
from frances1972 :
i think they staged a walkout at signmyguestbook dot com. ain't nobody been there for months. anyhow, this is what i was gonna post there: you'll prolly be here before you get this but did she go to Norlina to fetch winter clothes cause she's coming back to go out with you? HOTDOG, man. the road goes on forever and the party never ends. happy thanksgiving, see you in a few hours. this is from frances.
from mainsqueeze :
I shoulda been there. I'm hot AND single. And I don't mind constant masturbators. : P
from frances1972 :
"or possibly a solar eclipse because it was light when we got in the car" -- laughin' here. This is from Frances.
from brittania :
I meant pacifier. Also known as: Binky Boo and Nook-Nook and Suck Bunny. Hello out there to you, fair sailor. There on Matlock Farm. XO.
from flusianna :
Ahhhhh! Tell me please??? flusi
from brittania :
Yep. Sunday. But I already feel better. No more throwing up. I've never been to Ft. Lauderdale. It's fancy, I bet. I live in the part of Florida that is really Alabama, just by happenstance on the other side of the stateline. Hey David! Hey hey hey. XOXO.
from flusianna :
What a beautiful place and space to remember. I always say that I would love to live in Tennessee, but I can't take the ocean there. And I cannot live without knowing the salt water is only minutes away. The sounds and smells clear my mind and my senses. Visit the mountains, but live by the sea. That's what I say. Florida Flusi
from frances1972 :
Oh, and I just read this about your toe and the Jonas' rabbit skins and the picture! Hotdog. More toe, please.
from brittania :
Well, lookie. I came to say the same thing Miss Frances said. I like my profile comments. Makes me feel good when a lot of the world is sooo mean. You can be my bodyguard, Mr. Weir. And I will be your long lost pal. XOXOXOXO.
from frances1972 :
You said nice things about me in yer profile comments. Took some hunting but I found it finally. (My head swelt up earlier today -- that food comment -- you got me with that, brother.) I read a cookbook tonight. I'm not at home -- I'm housesitting til Sunday -- I read a cookbook, how to make a lentil nut loaf, and helped a fourteen year old study for a civics test, The Glorious Revolution. You my buddy with the fucked-up toe. Hotdog.

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