messages to beotch:
(click here to add new message):

from atrandom :
Hmm. I want to correct "toy" but I can't recall what it was otherwise meant to be. In any case, I'm pretty much sauced and I hope you can dig it.
from atrandom :
Preface (and perhaps disqualifier): I'm riding on a sliver of a fraction of this toy that you are. I hear your you like I'd like to hear myself. But I can't hear myself when I'm taking to myself. I'm pretty sure you're not lost. You know what's wrong. You keep saying it. I hope you get as brave as you are so you can shake it off and be as awesome as you really are. Because you are.
from coldwars :
Death exists not as the opposite of life, but as a part of it. It's our final rite of passage.
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie, Will put up a comment section on my diary! The Guestbook people took it down before I could get a copy of my friend's notes to me. That really disappointed me. Johnny
from caker :
My birthday is November 2, but I don't want you to spend money for it. Why don't you email me a picture of you since I don't know if you are short or tall or if you have black hair or blonde or if you have black skin or white skin or brown skin or whatever. It doesn't matter to me because you are my friend but I am curious. If you don't want to do that then maybe you could send me an e-card. Mom said your diary said you are struggling so I would rather you send me something that is not free some other year. Okay? I'm mature and manly like that. Love, John
from caker :
And this:
from caker :
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Miss Maggie Mae, Happy Birthday to You! I have a surprise for you but I can't get it there by today so be patient! I wanted to send you this: but I am sorry to say it wasn't in my budget. It looks so cheery and pretty! I looked hard at all the online flower shops but there weren't any good values. Mom said you would like a little something with your magazine just as much. God Bless Your Day, Dear Miss Maggie Mae! Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie Mae, How are you feeling? We haven't written in awhile and I was wondering if you are depressed. One time Mom read your journal and said you were having a tough time of it. I'm not allowed to read grown up journals but you can email me if you want at [email protected]. If you aren't afraid to email me your address, I could mail you a copy of the magazine that quotes me. I know some people don't want to give their real address to strangers, so I'll understand if you don't want to. Love, your friend, Johnny
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie Mae, If he calls you Miss Maggie Mae, he must have good taste! You are looking for a good holy man, though. Those other punk hip guys will see another girl and just leave. Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie Mae, I've been writing, but where have you been? I prayed that you would find just the one for you, so you need to get ready and be just the one for him! Don't fret, Jesus loves us. Love, Johnny
from caker :
I mean "phenomenal."
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie Mae, I'm not exactly going to write a post right now because I don't want to bump down Sarah Grace's exciting graduation. Did you see my picture? The restaurant was phenominal! The kids' menu had grown-up food, not just mac and cheese and chicken fingers. I had fillet mignon! love, Johnny
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie Mae, I'll pray that your dream boy will come soon. Love, Johnny
from stepfordtart :
Hi! I found you through Caker. Hope you dont mind if I add you, in a 'any-friend-of-caker's kind of way. s x
from caker :
Miss Maggie Mae, I think I'll try to write more but they'll have to be shorter entries. Big posts take me a lot of time. By the way, my stats aren't working and I didn't get one of those notices that you wrote me a note. I guess my guestbook hasn't worked since 2006. They shouldn't do that to people. Aaarrgg! Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
My brother, Spencer, has his birthday on September 22nd! re: spinach... How about collards? I like them better. HaHa. (I wrote this in the morning and when I clicked "done!" it disappeared because Andrew was moving us to a new server. It took him all day.)
from caker :
I listened to Maggie May tonight. I didn't get the lyrics but I liked the song. It sounds like Hamlet music in the beginning. Also, I'm not man enough to wear a pink chef hat! Ha! Ha!
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie, I updated my journal today. You should go see it and you'll know why. Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
Dear Miss Maggie, I updated my journal today. You should go see it and you'll know why. Love, Johnny Caker
from caker :
What a relief! I didn't want to tell you that I'm not allowed to read your journal, because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. It's not you. I'm not allowed to read any adult journals. My mom previews some entries so I can read them. So, if you ever have any g-rated ones, I'll be by. My guestbook is broken which explains why I haven't gotten any messages since November 2006. It makes me wonder if I could have had millions of guests! Nice to meet you. Please write again. Love, Johnny Cakers
from caker :
Dear Ms. Beotch, Thank you for reading my journal. I got to read your journal where you wrote about mine. If you like tributes, you should read my dad's. One is called "Villa Tronco Tributes" and the other is called "To The Mattresses, Part Due" on Just click "tributes" on the list on the right. It made me happy that you read my journal. I hope you come back because most people quit coming. Love, Johnny Caker
from lass :
I have no idea when I left that and yes, I'm back at Diarrhealand.
from laughercurve :
Maggie, how are you? Why'fore your diary be locked? Are you still around Chi-town?
from lass :
Maggie Moo! Are you writing again or what?
from lass :
Or a gorilla!
from lass :
Where the hell have you been, missy? I just took you off my buddy list cause I thought you were gone forever. *cries*
from laquerida :
I'm excited for your happiness! I have moved to livejournal and keep a diary there - more options for their free account than DL has. Look me up as belovedrooster.
from heckafresh :
so nice.
from laquerida :
I know. When I was riding the great prozac high of Spring '04, there was no blocks to speak of. Now it seems I trip over them daily. How do we learn to get outside of our prisons?
from oldhippie :
maggie, you do, and always will, have my best wishes. anytime you'd like to talk, let me know... take care, Mike
from oldhippie :
*shock* wow!! i'm glad to hear things are going so well! that's a big step... take care mag, and try to update more often, ok? :)
from oldhippie :
not sure what kind of sunshiney fluff that last entry of mine was, but anyway, i seriously doubt it, maggie... but i will try to focus on positive thoughts.
from oldhippie :
maggie, this is just another step, a lesson to learn, that is preparing you for meeting the perfect one. take the lesson, learn from it, and go forward... something wonderful is waiting for you to be ready for it, and it's coming soon!
from laquerida :
Agreed. The closest we can get is email. Listen up, yo! I might shoot for the Chicago Marathon in '05 if NYC in '05 is a no-go. ;)
from laquerida :
These are good realizations, Maggie. It's okay for us to have faults. You are much wiser for knowing about them.
from laquerida :
Move to Seattle and we can be! ;) Actually, I don't feel that we aren't. Just because we have never met one anotehr in the flesh. Friendship is based more in commonality and mutual appreciation than it is about physical time together.
from oldhippie :
"I can't understand him, what motivates him, what he really wants, or how he thinks." this is exactly why you're attracted to him...
from oldhippie :
"This is childish. You win. I'm done" bravo! i'm glad you didn't text him the 2nd time... if you feel like discussing some of the reasons we make the choices we do, let me know - i'm trying to figure that out for myself as well...
from jozkajozka :
let's hear it for own moms. hope everything is well with yours. and feel free to steal the template. it was freely given to me. i'm not too technilogically minded.
from oldhippie :
maggie, knowing that i mean nothing to you, i still want you to know, strange as it seems, that i'm here for you - talk to me, tell me you need to hang out... if it's a weekend, chicago isn't so far to drive. again, i realize that, more than likely, you'll never accept this, but if i can, i'll be there for you, just say the word... take care of yourself.
from lass :
You're dating a monkey? Is that legal? :P
from laquerida :
??? Sounds delightful. I assuem this is refering to said guy?
from gur :
hey! if you're still into the vegetarian thing (i'm a vegetarian too), i came upon this article today. it has some good info about which foods to eat to be a healthy veg.
from lass :
Gretchen is to be hated. Vehemently hated. I say she's blowing Torrey Malatia.
from laquerida :
Yeah, the similarity of our angsty posts was not lost upon me. The funny thing is I have been having sporadic chest pains for the last 3 months as well. Usually for no discernible reason. Learn to love the demon? No. Learn to coexisist peacefully -- that sounds reasonable.
from nightlynews :,,166206_150643,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=1undefined
from nightlynews :
Maggles, Chest pains...probably anxiety related. Although "my heart is dying" has a lot more flourish. I know how you feel about the anxiety attacks, though. I used to have them back in Chicago, right after I'd broken up w/ my ex. They're so frustrating. Hang in there.
from laquerida :
Soooo --- congrats on the move towards vegetarianism. I made it nearly 13 years ago and it has enhanced my life in a multitude of ways. Let me know if you need recipe ideas, good substitutes, etc.
from laquerida :
Avocado Sushi = Culinary Orgasm. The end.
from laquerida :
from laquerida :
That $#&^$^&*(#@ bastrard!!!! I am really, really sorry. I am glad you found out about it now rather than later, though. Hopefully karma will swiftly bite him in the ass.
from oldhippie :
so, basically, he seems to be an immature commitment=phobe, who has effectively found a way to make it your fault. expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions is what copuples do, whether you've been together 2 weeks or 2 decades. he says he sees a long-term future, then says maybe you should be just friends!?! wtf? you know you deserve better than that, maggie...
from laquerida :
Dude. Homeboy needs to learn some tact. He was way too quick to jump to conclusions. I'm gonna have to toss my 2 cents in the same direction as old hippie, although mainly for the mixed messages thing. Games like that piss me off.
from oldhippie :
maggie, please don't be mad at me for this, but... he's not right. i see it. i know i'm nobody to you, but i do know things, and this isn't right. if you want to hear my opinion, let me know, otherwise, i'll shut up... take care...
from nightlynews :
Girl, just READING your diary gives me mood swings!
from laquerida :
That is a very good point. I recognize that I deserve that, but right now I don't want it. I don't want to be emotionally involved with anyone, and I don't want someone to be seriously in love with me, because I would be tempted to get involved to avoid hurting them, and that wouldn't be in my best interest. Very good point though. I'll try and remember that.
from laquerida :
Thank you for the update, even if you are feeling terrible. I'm going canoeing with Zoltan tomorrow; naturally I'll keep ya posted. Good luck with this friend!! At the very least he may pick you up for a bit and reinspire you.
from laquerida :
Where are you, Lovely?
from laquerida :
You didn't see the photos from teh Portland Marathon? Didn't I have the one of me in the tub with ice, leaning back looking like I was asleep?
from justdream :
hey, i just realized you left me a note. sorry :) i was actually just in chi. anyway, thank you for your words. i finally updated my diary just now. its my devun story :) let me know if youre ever around. ill most likely be in chicago quite a bit since my sons father is there and wants to see his son. so who knows, maybe we can meet or something.
from veg :
Dude, how could I forget "cheesecake"? Someday we should have a couple drinks and then go buy an electric clippers. Scary... but intriguing...
from oldhippie :
why do you think i will?
from laquerida :
ARGH! If I were in the vicinity I would take you out for tea. Or bring tea to you on a shiny silver platter. PLEASE treat yourself like the dazzling woman you are. Do something special for yourself today. Not tomorrow, not Monday. TODAY.
from nightlynews :
It's so dumb ass people won't find my diary when searching for "The Passion" or what have you on search engines. I get the most obnoxious googlers in the world. I always get "celebrity cellulite" and "13 year old tits" so I'm trying to cut down on the amount of weirdos that encounter my diary, and messing with the spellings of words does that. BTW, M sounds like a dear. xoxo, J
from laquerida :
Sorry you got sick, glad you realize he wasn't worth that. AND I'm ecstatic that you are treating yourself to good memories in seedy bars!
from laquerida :
Wow -- it's great to be able to have a healthy relationship with Lee. Take his advice - try not to dwell on this one. You *did* do the best you could...
from laquerida :
OoOo -- he IS adorable!
from laquerida :
I definitely do not discount the idea that my dislike of porn has to do with body issues. However, the main beef with my soon-to-be-ex was that my safety and sanity was not important enough to him for him to stop. Watching porn this weekend was somewhat amusing and frightening all at once. It didn't make me feel inadequate, b/c all the "women" were rather ugly and whorish. I still don't think pornography does anything positive for the spirit of humanity, though. So -- when are you due? My Aunt Flo is set to arrive between Thursday and Saturday. It's eerie that we not only have a similar cycle, but similar symptoms as well. Imagine -- you and I in a pastry shop downtown the week before our periods! The chef would be grinning ear to ear. Now I will DL "Gone" by Ben of the two-inch shoulders (that vag thing -- HILARIOUS visual!) and play it over and over.
from laquerida :
Sure, all men end up disappointing you, but can't the same be said for the women in your life as well? Doesn't it end up that everyone disappoints us in one fashion or another because no one is perfect?
from oldhippie :
you still have an email addy? wanted to write you, but not in public...
from an6elo :
for what it's worth, here's me wishing you a happy valentine's... hopefully your pissed-offness goes away later tonight...
from laquerida :
Ben Folds!!! I "discovered" him when he opened for Tori Amos this summer. The man makes piano playing so arousing it rocks my world. He definitely outshined the star act. He was pounding on this new piano so fiercely that we could feel it reverbertaing in our chests, and then he broke it! It was awesome. I swooned. My favorite song -- "The Luckiest". Check it out if you haven't heard it already.
from apothecary :
I will swear off your diary if you swear off mine...
from laquerida :
Incidentally, youa re right aout the human condition. I just like to convince myself I'm special somehow. ;)
from laquerida :
Wow. You must have some rock star qualities! I'll bet it is the fact that you are friendly enough to talk to strangers.
from laquerida :
Well at least I am not alone. I thought for sure you were going to suggest I get inpatient psychiatric care. Part of me is mortified that *I* can relate to those words. I expect myself to be beyond such things. I see these ideas in my head as childish and selfish and inane, and ironically, wish to punish myself for that fact as well.
from laquerida :
I bought it and started reading it this summer. I haven't gotten more than 20 pages into it though. Thanks for the reminder. I'll have to pick it up again.
from lass :
What is this "cool" you speak of? And what the're STILL sick? Egad, girl. Hope you feel better soon.
from oldhippie :
i've had that too, but this is more of a spasm... feels like the way people look when they defibrilate someone. (i'm sure it doesn't look like that, but that's how it feels...) i wake up in time to feel my legs fall back down to hit the couch. it's kinda freaky.
from nightlynews :
You're RIGHT, that would NEVER happen in LA! Which is why you should consider leaving the dreary midwest for sunny California! (LA has it's suckiness too, but at least the weather is fab.)
from nightlynews :
Maggers, I'm glad you feel better! Your deathly illness sounds like it was awful. xoxo, J
from laughercurve :
Worrrrrrrrd, Yeah, Ken is my boyfriend. Or as much as he can be from that far away (sniff). So I'm bi or whatever. Still "queer," but that's hard to explain, esp. given that K is my anticipated life-partner-type-person, and that we don't plan on going poly anytime soon. Anyway. What I am is a weirdo, I do believe. So sorry to read of your medical adventures--very glad you're better.
from lass :
Feel better soon, Miss Mags.
from sickday :
How glad am I (is this telling?) that I didn't make the list!! How glad am I that you're writing again. How dry I am.
from lass :
Maggie, EVERY day should be sex day. You hear me?! Of course, I'm a little obsessed right now because the object of my affection is 1200 miles away. Which, to coin a phrase, sucks donkey dick.
from lass :
Yay for sex! Er, I mean, Happy New Year! Yeah, that's it...
from nightlynews :
Haha! That was fucking hilarious. Strawberries and champagne...I'm still cracking up.
from nightlynews :
Maggily! Hi! Glad you're back...Lemme guess you finally hooked up w/ the dude from White Hen, didn't you? You just couldn't deny your passionate feelings anymore, I knew this was coming! xoxo, J
from laquerida :
Turtles are loveable partially for their low-maintenence. They each have a diffrent personality. I have one that "dances" for his mate before he butts her into a corner and jumps her bones. I have one who eats very daintily, like you would expect from British aristocracy, while the others eat like starving 8-year-olds who were playing outside on a hot day. I have one that will eat twice his body size in food each day if I let him. I have one that is very mellow, very Zen. She has a maternal wisdom about her. One smiles when he sees worms. Then the worms disappear. Turtles smile with their eyes, like dogs do. They fight over liver like kids over a stuffed animal. They have preferences for foods and mates, and will get your attention when they want it. The dancing worm-eater and the one who eats twice his size also let me know they are hungry by pacing at the front of the tank and bonking on the glass. One of the water turtles makes rediculously loud splashing noises to get your attention - like she is faking her own drowning or something. Some people have turtles that follow thema round the house like a cat or will only eat while sitting in their lap. There's actually quite a bit hiding underneath that shell. ;)
from laquerida :
And your fans waited patiently, eagerly... WOO-HOO! Glad to see you, Celestine buddy!
from gur :
glad you're back!
from lass :
Glad to see you back, Ms. Magdalena!
from ellisonkaye :
Well, it was always fun reading. Hope you're keeping the diary still, and one day we'll see it back up. I'll miss you, Maggie -- Even if you thought I was a jackass way back when. Good luck.
from banshee-rose :
Great site.
from laquerida :
Tell yamil you just discovered a nasty case of Genital warts and don't feel like dating anyone for awhile. (hee hee!)
from laquerida :
Oh, and I have no problem with obsessive behavior (as I'm certain you have gathered). ;)
from laquerida :
Thanks for being concerned, BTW. That was really touching.
from laquerida :
Yeah, I know. I'm not ready to toss the scale aside yet. It doesn't determine my entire day, just gives me an assessment of the situation. It USED to determine everything that went into my body for the following 36 hours, but I'm not that obsessive anymore. I fasted from the scale for nearly 2 years, then bought one when I noticed my pants were getting tight. I intend not to let that happen again, so I'm keeping vigil. I'm shocked that you gain and lose 80 pounds in the mirror as well! Isn't crazy how your mind fucks with you like that -- within 30 seconds, you go from being overweight to normal to good to overweight again. It's insane. Luckily for me my big-ass mirror, Bertha, is always kind to me. I have less-stable reflective surfaces in the house, and forget about dressing rooms. My moods have been eratic and twitchy, but they will stabilize again soon. And if they happen to NOT stabilize, I'll get myself on some pharmaceutical before I go back to where I was 6-10 years ago. PS -- If he has to mastrubate AFTER sex, he's WAY, WAY, WAY to enmeshed with his genitalia. That is some serious problem, there.
from lass :
Unlike the previous signee, I find the bananas disturbing. I like more tranquil, stationary fruit.
from laquerida :
I really dig the dancing bananas.
from gur :
thanks man!
from gur :
beooooooooooooooooooooootch!!!! i want to reeeeeeeeaaad!
from laquerida :
Holy Smokes! That is an absolute hoot! I bet you'll look mah-velous, dah-ling. Unfortunately, I have to put mine on the backburner a bit since our bed is giving me chronic backaches. Can't get photos done if I'm not getting any beauty sleep.
from laquerida :
That was great! What a beautiful exchange of humanity! I doubt I would have been able to give away the money, or that it would have even come to mind. That was a great thing to do. I'm sorry about Kitty.
from laquerida :
Just got back into town, hadn't read the entry and can't now. The insights are everywhere. Bummed to come back and find your diary locked.
from apothecary :
I didn't really think you were talking about me. I mean, it was the first thing that came to mind, but it didn't make any sense, so I figured it had to be something else. For some reason I was compelled to ask about it.
from apothecary :
I don't think that guestbook signing had the proper inflection. What I was trying to express (if I may be blunt) was that that was an obnoxious way to put that.
from gentlspirit :
Hi Maggie, Just spent a week with Katherine, who is now back off to Costa Rica for the year. My God, how her spirit seems to linger. Got on-line tonight and thought I'd read your journal, as it is always a pleasure to share in your thoughts. Wondering if you've ever read much Rilke. I think he is one of the most brilliant poet/philosphers ever. If you haven't yet, I think you'd really enjoy "Rilke On Love And Other Difficulties". Pleasant dreams, Your Friend, Rob
from laquerida :
I love Gandhi. He has been my exemplar and hero since I was a kidlet.
from laquerida :
Thanks for the note. Your journal is almost always the first one I go to - what you have been reflecting over has been very useful to me. I am picking up "A Return to Love" tomorrow, since I have finished all the must-read books I brought with me on this trip. Your advice mimics that of my family and others. Divorce in and of itself isn't so terrible - it's the pain I will be inflicting that I am avoiding.
from gentlspirit :
Hi Maggie, Thanks for writing. I am complimented by your taking the time to reply. It is nice to see by your recent entries that you are seeking peace and looking at life in a positive way. I am reading the "The Nature of Personal Reality". In case you are not familiar with it, let me tell you that it apparently was dictated by some sort of spiritual entity, which identifies itself as 'Seth'. Seth has produced a series of books through the voice of Jayne Roberts, who is listed as the author. Katherine, who I previously mentioned to you, stumbled accross this book a few weeks ago. She excitedly called me to tell me that she thinks it was written for me. I have really just gotten started reading, but I believe that you will find it fascintating as well. I don't often recommend a book that I haven't finished, but I am going out on a limb here, in no small part because of my utter confidence that Katherine has found it to be so insightful. Your encouragement is apprecitated. I want you to know that your forgiving heart is not something that you should deny. If you do decide to dampen your heart, I don't think that having everything else in the world that you want, will mean much to you. You have to be who you were meant to be, and insist on creating your own reality of peace. Your Friend, Rob ps I will continue to write. pps I wish you the best with the publisher
from gentlspirit :
Maggie, I've had relationships with some beautiful and talented women, but I have only been in-love twice. The first time I fell in love, with Kaylee, was almost twenty years ago. The second time I fell in-love, with Katherine, was about two months ago. I'm not sure if there really is somone out there for all of us who we have been in-love with since before this life began. I think some souls are older than others. I think that we meet people in our lives and form relationships with them. Some are lasting and strong. I think that these are the one's that when we meet again in another lifetime, that we have a chance of recognizing. I do believe that it is intended that we meet some of these people. I will always be in-love with my first love. I could never not be. We did have a spiritual connection, and I don't think that that can be severed by the physical world. I always wondered why it didn't work our with her, we were so close. When I fell in-love a second time, a couple of months ago, I began to understand. This woman's name is Katherine. The first night I met her it was as if I swallowed her with my eyes and gave her direct passage to my soul. It was the sweet embrace of timeless lovers. This sense of having been looking for one-another has not dimished and it never will. I am certain that we have been lovers and mates many times. I will still always be in love with Kaylee, but I understand that though we were close in a previous life, and maybe even mates, it was Katherine that I have been searching for subconsciously since before this life began. I have a sense of your depth and that you are not a young soul, and believe that there is someone out there that you have deeply loved before. You will know when you find him, but in the meantime share you existence as fully as you can with others. It may be that you will meet one of them in another lifetime as well and they will be your confidant and friend.
from gentlspirit :
thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us out here. If you've never read Joseph Campbell, i think you will enjoy him. He was a brilliant philospher/anthropologist who believes that what we essentially need to do is seek what it is that brings us happiness, to "follow your bliss". I wish you all the best on your journey.
from laquerida :
Back home - which happens to be Alaska (runs away weeping)
from laquerida :
I love what you are generating... Celestine Prophecy was given to me at the end of spring break, and I'm just getting the opportunity to read it. See you in a month!
from apothecary :
Dude, are you kidding me?!! How am I supposed to keep up with all this new writing?? How about a nice executive summary for all us lazy folk? Good thing I live with you (theoretically, anyway) and I at least know what's generally going on with you...
from laquerida :
Whatchoo laughin' at?
from laquerida :
Deal with it? HA! I'm flipping LOVING it! Keep it coming - may your internet pen ever floweth with ink!
from gur :
you are so awesome! i loved that entry...
from laquerida :
That was beautiful. I'm ecstatic for you!
from lass :
Is your family Amish? Hahahahahaha. I have a lot of hits because I started the counter with the total from my dland stats...which have been amassing for about a year already. What can I say? There are a lot of people who like to read crappy writing and look at pictures of doll heads...
from nightlynews :
I turned me diaryland mail off because I was getting tons of junk. I'm turning them on. Send the mail! I need ths scoop. Confusion doesn't sit well with me! xoxo, J
from apothecary :
Maggie, you're jerkin' our colllective chain here! When are you going to REALLY put an entry up??
from nightlynews :
Maggie, what happened with the boy? Are you going to fill us in??? I'm confused. Did you move from Chicago to Indiana. I get that you're trying to do the whole "random" thing, but it's a bit too random for me. Or I'm stupid. Either way, I'm confused. Help! xoxo, J
from z0tl :
can you hold your horses, please?
from liquid-mojo :
the blue line is actually quite a safe ride. you should be OK. have yourself a fun trip. ;)
from laughercurve :
Maggie, what a wonderful adventure. You roar.
from lass :
Miss Magdalena, have a GREAT trip! I'm excited for you!!!
from an6elo :
just wanted to say hi... =o)
from liquid-mojo :
hey maggie, long time no talk. thanks for visiting my guestbook. it was getting lonely in there. ;) i'm sure your "love" tattoo looks really nice. :)
from lass :
Sorry you had such a rough day. I made my friend sleep at my house tonight. This world blows sometimes...
from sickday :
Thanks, kiddo.
from lass :
I have a good story to tell you. Email me.
from lass :
from lass :
Maggie, could you please stop writing such long entries??? I mean, I get to the third word and I'm confused. By the fifth, I'm totally lost. :P
from lass :
Waahh! Me too!
from redhorse :
what the hey, that e-personal ad, oh my goodness! "what the hey?!" ha, sorry!
from countessa :
Dude, I actually went out with a man I met online back in 1999, it was strange, and I feel like we both were uneasy around the other one. We both were pretty normal, attractive people, but I think we both felt like, why then had we been looking online for someone? Why couldn't we meet someone the regular way? I still don't know, the verdict is out...
from redhorse :
from redhorse :
happy for you! happy for you!
from apothecary :
hmm, yeah, that's why I tend to not write such things. it's not that bad, though! I think.
from lass :
I think you need to buy your mom some are NOT heavy, Maggie.
from lass :
Okay, I can't remember what amazing words of wisdom I wanted to leave the other day, so welcome back!
from redhorse :

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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