messages to bernoulli:
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from sazzyone :
oh my goodness, i feel you on that being over qualified bull. i've been looking for a job since i got home for break, and everybody has been saying that. i hate that, just give me the damn job.
from sugarbear01 :
I don't have a plunger (i know that's sad lol) I see now though, that the water is slowly but surely draining. After 3 hours, there' only about an inch and a half of water left in the tub, so I guess by time I get back from me test it'll be all gone.
from miscreant444 :
I followed your banner, and Have been reading. Enjoying it so far.
from sad82girl02 :
u know i loved the movie. i just didn't like how it ended. i was all into it. there weren't all that many twists and turns that suprised me except when the source started blabbing away. i felt like i was in school not understanding a damn word. but i got the basics and the movie wasn't that hard to comprehend. i don't wanna say anymore though b/c there might be those who haven't seen it and i don't wanna give anything away.
from sad82girl02 :
i don't mind catching the matrix. but i'll prolly end up going with my girls on monday!
from sad82girl02 :
see, i'ma have to add you to my buddy list b/c u cool like that...nah i'm just feelin you that's all, and yeah Bonecrusher on Conan was hilarious!

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