messages to bibliomaniac:
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from lobo21 :
sorry, meant "love the way you..." and :0 was supposed to be :). I am unfortunately afflicted by ffs (fat finger syndrome), hands that type faster than I can think, and an inability to proofread my own writing. Maybe you'll still let me come by once in awhile, but limit my ability to post to your notes section. :)
from lobo21 :
Found my way to your page and immediately liked the way you express yourself. Feel for you that your writing may suffer due to rotator cuff issues. Love the way to find positivity even when the day starts to go sideways. Hope your return is a long one and you get more than three readers. :0 With your permission, would like to be one of the regulars. Take care.
from annanotbob2 :
Nice to meet you.
from bibliomaniac :
Just testing ...

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