messages to binkles34:
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from noctus-angel :
Hey sweetie :) I too was very surprised and happy to see that you updated! I am sorry that you and Kimball are going through this, and that you aren't feeling yourself. I can really relate to that actually. When you said that just because someone physically looks better doesnt mean they are- is so so true. I feel that way all the time.... I hope everything goes well with your talk, I am sure if you are honest he will be respectful of your feelings. take care! Ange XO
from kari92 :
Wow :) I got a huge surprise to see your name in red on my buddy list, I have to admit - a good surprise, though, obviously! I hope you do get time to write more frequently; it would be nice to know what you're up to, etc. Leah's got a livejournal diary that she's keeping whilst she's in Australia (on exchange)...the journal's for everyone who knows her, so I'm sure she won't mind me posting the address here; I hope you're ok and look forward to (maybe) hearing more from you soon! Kari
from skittleblue :
you're doing almost the same thing i did a semester ago. i don't know if you remember, but i was doing engineering too. well, i've changed to teaching, only i have about 2 years before i can get through with that because i'm doing elementary ed (i realized that i don't want to teach high school). it's rough to look at how long you've gone and then think about having to go back, when you're ready to just be done with it. but it'll work out. keep me posted. sarah
from silent-belle :
*hugs*'ll soon be over and you'll be enjoying Christmas break hun. I'm sorry your feeling this way though. It's rough. xo
from serendipityv :
I tried using the guestbook but it's not working. I love your layout! I can feel your stress through your writing, I hope you find some relief soon. Keep your chin up!
from ginns :
I LOVE the new page. Good to see everything is going well with you.
from sun-down :
Hey, I'm glad you're back! I hope everything is going great with school and friends. Take care! XOXO

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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