messages to blah-g:
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from dangerspouse :
from jaysthoughts :
Struggling as a lesbian? What does that mean? When I struggle, am I struggling as a heterosexual?
from dangerspouse :
Way to go! The ghost of Maurice Andre says he is very proud of you (he talks to me for some reason). And welcome back :)
from omfggwtf :
adding, hope you don't mind? x
from bibles :
Congrats on your new purchases! I always love reinventing myself and it sounds like you're having fun!
from twinny2 :
hey! If you decided to Live in Kingston, we would be super close together, cause that's where I'm eventually moving to.. In about a year I'm hoping! Wouldn't that be good??!
from bulimic-vamp :
don't you wish we could film our dreams at night?
from surfking :
for some reason I have myself like 10% convinced that my words will offer some sort of comfort hopefully, but your journal entry made me think of when my friend says that most people only know a third of him...i mean your journal is a part of the whole i'm guess...also the disappointing mardi gras beads was silly, i like it!
from looniebin :
I just came across your blog and instantly thought of a book (biography) I just recently finished reading - it's called "Madness" by Marya Hornbacher. You might be able to relate and it's a fantastic read.
from bulimic-vamp :
Thank you!!
from hintonbound :
Always know that...

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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