messages to blueballsday:
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from merkova :
I adore all of your classroom decorations sweetheart! Especially those giant snails *giggles* and the Monkeys! Your volcano reminds me of the things I did love about school. Displays like that always tickled my brain and made me feel so excited and happy about learning. I think your beautiful presense and sweet, compassionate spirit makes such a difference to every student in that school. *kiss* I love you.
from merkova :
*giggles* Stop the Digletts! They've all got on pointy little party hats! :D I love you, sweetheart. *smooooooooooch*
from augustdreams :
Yay! It's fantastic, sweetheart. *giggles* I hope there aren't any Houghtons lurking about wearing plastic tackle. I love you.

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