messages to boigrrl1der:
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from tabasco357 :
woot! i met bitch and animal last summer. they're awesome!
from grrldreds :
sorry to see ya go from dland but i will check in with ya at lj. hope all is well and congrats on the house and everything. been a while since i left ya a note. =)
from bevin :
honey, send me your email address and I'll forward you a code
from lizbathory :
So ya....MPD. It's fun......I just found out that Jay didn't leave you a was one of the kids. Probably Toots. *points down* But she did sign your guestbook. As you can see, MPD can get a little confusing at times, but for the most part I keep them in line. I am "mom" after all. Feel free to travel through the links on my diary into the alters diaries. Toots, Lickus, and the kids all have diaries. And recently they started their own online paper. It's actually quite interesting as you get to find out about it. Due to her "gender issues" she tends to have mostly male alters. I call them my boys. Now incase you don't know...MPD is caused by severe abuse as a child. The child disassociates the memories, and usually the initial split is due to sexual abuse by a parent, or a really close and trusted person. Jay was ritually abused by her birth you can see in Licus' diary comments. Then she was given over to pedophiles at the age of 2 in an illegal adoption. Those "new parents" beat her, raped her, used her as a party favor, and locked her in the basement, usually chained up, for sometimes weeks at a time. She was literally tortured. I discovered the alters after the last time she was raped in 2000. They saw me try to help her, instead of being disgusted. Since then, I have come to know over 450 alters, and there are stiil more I haven't met, and more that are still hiding. The alters around right now, are 1,2,and 3 years old. I just live with a group of people, not just Jay and my son. They respect me, and I take care of them. how do I do it? easy...Jay is the only person who has ever understood, and loved me.....and only I understand her, and have ever loved her.....literally. She is everything to me, and so are the kids. Feel free to ask us any questions if you get confused by it all.
from taffy77 :
hey man! hows tricks? i love your diary. let me introduce myself, my name is jay i'm 21, born in england i live in canada with my gf. in 2000 i was going through the works to have a sex change,due to circumstance it didn't come to pass and sometimes i wonder if i made the wrong choice....but still, i'm as butch as they come lol you stay safe
from grrldreds :
hey thanks for the props! your diary kicks ass too!
from cherry-girl :
bitch and animal! whoop! luff em lookit my diary
from bevin :
Hiya, welcome to the Drag King Diaryring. Interesting diary and I LOVE the name! I'll be back to read more!

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