messages to bolingo:
(click here to add new message):

from llttleslster :
I am pretty excited, and confused. I have a daughter, who's nearly three, Carmen, and I've given birth more than a few times before, but I've never had experience with twins. The only twins in my family were born way before I was made, so... I'm pretty amazed. And thank you. How do you do?
from bluemeany :
Hey nice banner! (I definitely want some ;) )
from candoor :
yes :)
from finjamartens :
Oh,hey,you seem to have a whole new spirit,how did that come on!! Sounds very interesting!
from angeleyescia :
Hi! I had to tell you that I clicked on your banner because of the irish! I thought I had a found a fellow irish cailin but I didnt! Lol. Well done anyway! You caught my attention! *hugs* Ciara.
from ruvoryn :
Hey! I miss you! Our computer crashed and now I don't have your email anymore... email me sometime if you can: [email protected]. Love you!
from hissandtell :
Oh, darling, I'm so sorry about your loss. I'm glad you're back, though, since I thought I'd lost you for good. Please keep writing your wonderful words when you feel like it. Love, R xxx
from ruvoryn :
Hey, silly girl - I name nearly everything, too, and have for years. :) You're not alone in your insanity. How are you? I miss you. Love you!
from hissandtell :
Are you there? Are you okay? I'm missing you.
from ilonina :
Faoi smacht? Gaeilge ar Diaryland ab�! Maith th�!
from luv2last4eva :
wow. your last entry left me in tears. im so sorry about what has happened in your family within the past month. im glad you have a new tradition.
from banefulvenus :
I clicked on your banner. SWEET SITE!! :)
from celtickatt :
Thanks for the compliment! Yeah, Calvin and Hobbes are the greatest. I've made a couple of templates with them and I can't seem to stop thinking of more!
from velvet-heart :
You're AWEsome! and make my eyes twinkle with the sparkles of your words. Such a lovely heart you have. *muah*
from pnkpnthr :
Love your poetry!!
from vegaomega :
i tried to post on your guestbook, but i don't think it worked. anyways. there's another, slightly more disturbing, version of that song in "scary stories to tell in the dark," by alvin's called "the hearse song," but it's pretty much the same.
from ruvoryn :
Not only do *I* know the worm song, I'm also Mythical type #1, the Creator, *and* Autumn. No wonder, huh? :) I'm glad you like my layout. <hugs>
from decobray :
I stumbled across your diary. Well, I suppose stumbled isn't the correct word since it was a haphazard search through Tori Amos fans that led me here. I want to say that I love your poetry and that your views of life are interesting and unique, so different than the people around me.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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