messages to bongo282:
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from whystinger :
Hey, are you near Charlottesville? My sis lives there...
from whystinger :
Hmmmm, this is GREAT NEWS... the orgasm and getting closer to you hubby... Remember, the more sex you have, the more you will want and the closer you two will become! Go to the library and get "the Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger... We men are really simple creatures and you can charm the shit out of us...
from whystinger :
I think it is great that you got off of third shift... Staying away from the co-flirt will help keep the temptations away and will have a positive effect on your marriage. That is why I was happy that Terese' left my area... Even though I still call her, which I shouldn't... but her voice and Southern drawl is sooooo darn sexy
from whystinger :
Hmmm, I think you are right about us being similar. Unsolicited advice? Be careful about confiding in a male friend... that creates bonds and intimacy that encourages cheating... There is a book that another d-lander turned me on to... His Needs, Her Needs. I forget the author but will get it if you are interested. Good book. BOTH need to read it though...
from whystinger :
Be very careful with the work and flirt thing... can be troublesome. I understand that you don't want to be a homewrecker. It can be sticky for both of you... I also have those dreams sometimes.
from whystinger :
I tend to agree with you. I wouldn't get married again... for a while. I think I would whore around, but that is not usually me... There are a few women that I would definitely seek out to see if I could:)
from whystinger :
I don't know much about it, but have heard from some others that finding the lost father/sibling/mother sometimes doesn't really help. Sometimes it provides less closure than not finding them. I don't know about this stuff, so I may not be qualified. I hope you find what you need.
from whystinger :
Just sayin' hi...
from chromehorse :
Hey I found your diary through the search, I'm from Culpeper also! About 5 miles from Commonwealth Park on 522. You wouldn't happen to ride horses would you?
from almost-grown :
hey missed talking to you! I'm sure he's not cheating, everything should be fine. And good sex is always a plus!
from almost-grown :
e-mail them and take the initiative, will probably pay off!
from wifemotherme :
Send an Email acquiring about the job ASAP! Its proper business protocol. Now remember this for all of the days of your life "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" - Albert Einstein
from honeybee32-1 :
Hey there! I know you don't know me and I don't know you but I figured what the heck...let me send this kid a note! So...I guess that's about it! Short and to the point! You gotta love that phrase! Have a good one!
from adulterous-k :
hey! thanks for adding me - very kind.
from wifemotherme :
Have a wonderful New Year!!!!!
from wifemotherme :
I just wanted to let you know that I read all 101 things about me and wasn't board at all! We have SOOOOOOOOOO much in common!!
from lauralgood :
thanks for the info. sounds as if it would be a great investment for me... keep smiling. laural
from jasse :
hey, hehe thanx ;) and im from germany btw
from wifemotherme :
Thank you so much for allowing me to spend the day poking around your diary. I wanted to let you know who read thru if you see that on your stats so you dont worry.What a pleasure! Your honsty is rare here and I appriacte that kind of writting. I have added you to my favs and I will be back to read more!
from jasse :
+stops by and says hi+ :) nice diary!
from lauralgood :
Thought i would follow your advice of your banner and pop in to say hello. hello. By the way, what is a waterpick? laural
from blink-twice :
nevermind the lock thing
from blink-twice :
hey my password is 2004 and username is blink-twice
from tuff517 :
Thanks for the note! I've looked at those CDs, but I already own most of the CDs those songs are from. How sad! Thanks again. Yay for the 80s. Not the hair and not some of the clothes, though.
from mattferrara :
I don't know if God had anything to do with my return to diaryland, but thanks :)
from angel23wc :
hey... just noticed that you had me as a favorite on your diary... that's kewl... if ya ever wanna talk to me... just leave me a note... or IM me... or anything... hope to talk to you sometime... *staci*
from flyinby : has TONS of links to people who make FREE templates for you to use on your diary. some will even do free customs. :) Have fun!
from flyinby :
i clicked your banner, was curious. you should make a new template, one that reflects your personality. there's lots of free designs out there, anime ones too. ;) anyways, i just wanted to tell ya i stopped by!
from wasted1 :
Just wanted to say thanks for the words you sent and we are working it out. She's a little bit younger than me so sometimes maybe she doesn't think about the consequences of past relationships. Thanks again. Chad
from musicfreak18 :
Yay John Mayer!
from amberfalls :
You have a nifty banner and the cutest little kitties. I love that picture.
from oxsexigurlxo :
Hey thanks for the great advice. I've had so much support from people in the Diaryland community it's just fabulous. I can only hope that the little girl Jenn is carrying isn't his, and his family really will worship me. I guess that's what I'm really holding out for, the ultimate verdict, is it, or isn't it his child? Thanks for reading and for the support!<br> XoXo,<br> Lindsay
from oxsexigurlxo :
Thanks for the note! I definitely am going to be careful. I'm hoping to talk to him within the next few hours. So I'm hoping things go well. XoXo

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