messages to boredlaura:
(click here to add new message):
from student-bum : |
banana widget :D Sorry, forgot to give it to you! Hope all's well. |
from pimlico : |
The Funhouse itself never really looked like much fun at all, what with the cheap looking bouncy slides covered with pink goop and all. I think I would have been too scared to go in it as a child, especially with those revolving pillar things that look like they could squash a funhouser (they couldn't, obviously). |
from joistmonkey : |
Fair enugh, each to his own - and (as you know) I try hard to disconnect the music and the musician in most case so I can enjoy the music. It's just a shame that this disconnection is not more complete in the case of Rufus as Ido like some of his stuff, and he has a fab voice for certain songs. Regarding what I want my musicians to be like, I don't care if they are like the man/woman on the street, they are still people and should be subject to the same judgement on their behaviour whether they are famous or not. I just need my musicians to make good music! - Even sometimes (e.g. Hope Sandoval) to the extent that I completely forgive them their poor stage performance live. It was also a shame that I updated yesterday before I had a chance to see Fergie and exclaim what a gackbrained waxheaded gonk she is. Eeeh musicians as interviewable celebs sometimes goes towards the banal territory of sportspeople as interviewable celebs.. :-) |
from anibananie : |
I'll reply here, I think, even though you may not check here. Dylan Moran is usually right, except on one thing: I believe vodka tastes of hairspray; I always imagine someone's just got a can and put some in my drink. Even if I see them actually pouring the vodka. I'm sticking to wine in the future - at least I am sure it's not made from cosmetics. |
from anibananie : |
Wow, I was quoted. I feel honoured! |
from barefootruby : |
I think we go ON a hen night / stag night / date / pub crawl etc because we are part and parcel of the event. i.e. if we (the whole group) don't go, the event doesn't happen. As opposed to going TO the pub - the pub is still there whether we go or not. That's just a theory I thought up btw. I'm currently proving that I can't multitask. Trying to write this and scan documents at the same time. I keep missing the 'do you want to scan another page' pop up, so hit 'Yes'. I've now scanned the same page three times. Make that four times. A guy I know is a scout master. Some years ago, when Neighbours was popular (maybe it still is, I don't know. Or care) he would phone home each day and get the latest synopsis to pass on to the scouts. It wasn't till the end of the week that he revealed he had been making it all up. Five times now. Conditional Perfect Continuous is all very well, but can you spot a gerund (speaking as a founder member of the Gerund Preservation Society)? |
from barefootruby : |
yeah, course you can. email me - I've just (and temporarily) put my email address on my profile. And re your latest post: close female friends of mine will testify that I am also of the opinion that the human menstrual cycle is somewhere where evolution has failed. |
from barefootruby : |
Just found you via a banner (I really should get myself one of those). Having spent 30 minutes (when I should be doing something else) maybe I should add you to my buddy list. If you don't mind being on sassenachs' buddy lists. |
from anibananie : |
Ever since I got a needle stuck in my hand a few years ago, I've developed an aversion/phobia that's anything to do with skin and splitting of skin. Your entry has made me feel quite ill (though that may be partly the pizza and chocolate). Blergh. |
from pojken : |
1. i really shouldn't ever date musicians, let alone bugger them silly. 2. i've been meaning to ask, how on earth do you get those three little fields at the end of you entry to stay?? i tried doing that ages ago and have had ill-success, at best. 3. oh my dear god... my name is one of those fields... i'm totally honoured. |
from joistmonkey : |
as a teacher (albeit a crap one - best to take my lead on what *not* to do!) I'd say that as silly as the stuff about the 'space' in the room is, there's some truth in it. It makes a massive difference just how you arrange your classroom. I worked wonders on a couple of classes just by moving all the tables to face the front etc. And seating plans (if appropriate) REALLY *do* work. |
from anibananie : |
You have brilliant handwriting. |
from anibananie : |
That's the one the HMV guy recommended. Since I discovered today my funds have dwindled much more rapidly than I had thought (oopsie), I shall buy them as soon as the next paycheque comes in. Though in the end I spend the same amount of money, so maybe I'll just get them on Monday. Decision, decisions. |
from question-it : |
Of course I would add you! I asked you to join :P |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Hey, I don't know if you'd find this annoying or not, but I opened up this little club (question-it) on Diaryland and I'm going around asking all my most interesting buddylist friends if they'd like to join. Interested at all? |
from dragprincess : |
Rejoice! You hated that job and needed to leave. Sometimes what you can't do for yourself, your Higher Power does for you. |
from pimlico : |
Ah. The Baby Jesus/lepers thing is not as interesting as it sounds. It was ten pin bowling I was thinking off. Not an easy game for lepers... |
from dragprincess : |
my favorite simpsons quote! |
from anibananie : |
The sad thing is, I am now outraged that I didn't know the most pedantic programme in the world existed. That's my Tuesday evenings taken care of then. |
from pimlico : |
Thanks for the add. I used to do some Diarylanding way back when and for some reason I was drawn back... |
from anibananie : |
I'll enlarge the Tennant one, get it framed, and then buy my own haunted house to put it in. And alas we do not have a dog called Sebastian, but when we got Phoebe my parents wanted to call it Clyde for a while because our other dog was called Bonnie. I despair, I really do. |
from dragprincess : |
Love me some Louis Theroux, especially his piece on the twin sister who are little Nazis. |
from anibananie : |
Just as well I declined Aberdeen then, if it's that bad! Glasgae, if it's indie-rock-tastic, sounds to my taste. Lancaster is... somewhat less indie-rock-tastic. Also full of delightful chavs. Only 7 months to go, I guess. |
from anibananie : |
Your geekiness is most excellent as it provides me with valuable info about the place I'll be spending the next 5 years, all going to plan. I did actually get an offer from Aberdeen (a nice CCC) but it's about 6 hours away by train from Lanky which is just too much. Have you ever been to the student village at Glasgow? I think that's going to be my first choice accomodation. |
from smedindy : |
Thanks for the add!! |
from anibananie : |
In my eyes it makes you a bit more normal than the people who DO go clubbing. Not in the whacking sense, of course. |
from dragprincess : |
love me some Syd Barrett. |
from tailbonelust : |
The note you left for Dirty Bastard made me giggle. :) |
from randomrabbit : |
Not entirely sure why the 'big-haired emaciated gothic dandy' line made me laugh, but it did. Just been one of those days I suppose. |
from joistmonkey : |
I know it's surely not as bad as your Burns story, though that entry did remind me of the fact that (due to similar circumstances) I am still able to quote the majority of 'The Lang Coortin' by Lewis Carroll (see <a href="">here</a>) - another daftly Scots accented poem - with frightening accuracy. So my sympathies are with you :-) |
from randomrabbit : |
My appologies. I seem to have used the word masturbation in your notes. Sorry. |
from randomrabbit : |
Maybe they need one of those symbols that they use in brochures to say if the place has parking or a bar or allows pets that means unnatural acts are most welcome on the premises. I wonder if they have the same aversion to masturbation. There's probably elderly landladies skulking the corridors of B&Bs at night listening for signs of self abuse and then give you nasty looks in the morning as they slam your cornflakes down on to your table. |
from hedgehoggy : |
Damn, you stole my quote. I think I had it up for a December 22nd entry or around there. Funny as Matt Groening is. |
from anibananie : |
In March or so I went a bit loopy and was on the brink of getting an iPod; thankfully I came to my senses. I can't stand them because they make me feel physically ill (the texture of them, that is, not just because I hate them). I had to go into an Apple store in London in August and it was hell. Not sure the assistants appreciated me holding my mum's Apple bag at arms length with my fingertips... |
from hedgehoggy : |
Cock-punching? Total party foul. Unless he admits that his sexual techniques are as amazing as a mannequin, it's completely appropriate. However, balls and that thing they are connected to are perfect coffee stirrers. There is nothing like the looks on a barista's face when a guy unzips and does this while holding a piece of carrot cake in one hand and the money to pay for it in the other. So, a guy's telling a first date that he can fart "William Tell's Overture"....great ice breaker or possible ice down his pants? |
from rubery : |
It's so sad that I was about to come here and tell you that you win at sucking for having a Will Young album, but I just got far too excited at realising that you're (probably) "Laura is Bored" from Paramount Comedy Teletext Mailbox. I used to read that when I was young(er)! Coincidence indeed, as I can't imagine it was that popular... |
from anibananie : |
I've often wondered how people first discovered how to jiggy-jiggy-uh (I believe was your turn of phrase). Glad I'm not the only one. |
from pojken : |
oh god. i'd forgotten of Hush. i'm unreasonably creeped out now. thankfully, i have dr. who & billie piper & the end of the bloody world to distract me. |
from clairecav : |
You've made me chuckle! *Adds to buddylist and smiles in what I hope is an endearing manner* |
from pojken : |
brilliant. everybit o'it. [exclamation points subversively abound.] [[!!!!!!]] |
from joistmonkey : |
Evening! Thanks for your note. Well, half thanks - you'll be glad to know that I'm a little cross with you now because I had a goosey-gander at your diary, and laughing at the 'Von Trapp made of toast' factoid made the chocolate milkshake I was drinking come out my nose in a liquid tribute to Hitler tasches :-) |
from randomrabbit : |
That entry just made me chuckle - thanks for that! I needed something to break the monotony. Now it's back to making pictures with staples for me. Enjoy the rest of your day! |
from rubery : |
Actually the gig was kind of short and a bit shambolic and he played bloody "Dead Sea Navigators" AGAIN. Hate that song. And if you're including "Kelly Clarkson" as a guilty pleasure then I'd suggest the rest of my taste in music doesn't bear too close an examination. I own a Britney Spears Best Of FFS... |
from makelemonade : |
It's funny that you left me a note because I was just pondering the thought today that the only person who read my diary was me - and that was a bit sad! Yeah, I think JB is grossly underappreciated. I didn't like him, to be fair, at first, but if you just give him a chance he's really talented and (as you said) really funny ( if you're into that sort of humour). Just read your entry on horoscopes. Never thought of it in the way that if they came true, like, everyone would be getting that. Funny to think about. Thankyou for happening upon my diary and leaving me a note. x |
from anibananie : |
That you may, username: a, password: b. Although it's a bit angsty at the moment, usually I'm a bit more... chipper. |
from dinosaurorgy : |
Wow.. suddenly I feel like I am very interesting. |
from meldy- : |
you kick ass. that is all. :o) |
from randomrabbit : |
Sorry about that. If it�s any consolation I do it far too often and have gobbed all sorts of stuff on to my keyboard, the worst I think being minestrone cup-a-soup, which made my space-bar stick. |
from breadisdead : |
lady! thanks for your note. i got to go on tour as merch girl for my boss who was supporting this band who are not called the Fork. heh. twas bloody amazing. |
from raven72d : |
I just discovered your entries-- which are a delight. Twenty-one hours in Luxembourg... That could be a fun book title. |
from i-rose : |
i like the new look. a rainbow is a rainbow, but speaks volumes to some. i still pop by from time to time, if only to read your fabulously sharp, witty, at times acidic prose. thank you for being you. |
from geroad : |
I been reading your journal for a while now, a couple of years in fact. You mentioned you were trying to write stories and having trouble with em, and I wondered if you had created a whole story yet, and if you have out it out there, or here on the cyber world, cus if you have I would like to read it. If I have mis-used commas I offer a thousand apologies, but you see I am a little bit stupid heyyyyy. |
from breadisdead : |
OOH! Was it the new Hidden Cameras? "awoo"??!! they are close to my heart. 'Course i love Ed Harcourts head off aswell. Nice buys! |
from tailbonelust : |
I vehemently oppose apostrophe misuse, though I'm sure I've made a few errors on TailboneLust. :) |
from breadisdead : |
there should be a club for people who buy guitars they cant play. me and you so far anyway..thanks for the note! leg is much better. tres late, but happity birthday to you!! |
from i-rose : |
hello. i never read my notes, but i was glad to find yours. i know my journal is mostly in a foreign language, but i'm a bit incomprehensible no matter what language i write (or talk) in. hope you check in from time to time. stay beautiful |
from breadisdead : |
hey girl, not sure if i was near Zoo Bahnhof.. still learning the names of places! i was all up & down Bergmann Str. today, there is a hall-type shop there choc full of music goodness. ok really, BEST CITY EVER! |
from breadisdead : |
teeheeehee |
from breadisdead : |
it is boring when you don't update//check out the Little Flames, "Goodbye Little Rose" *swooooon* xo |
from a-libertine : |
Oh, totally, isn't it? How GREAT is Robert Smith when he's being the anti-goth? Like poncing about in a bear suit and wearing trainers? Okay... the trainers were never cool... |
from a-libertine : |
Oh, which Cure DVD? Trilogy? Trilogy's a trip, let me tell you--it's exhaustive and 3 hours and completely worth it but I don't know if it would cheer you up. Greatest Hits? Excellent. Not only does it have all of our favorites, but ALSO neat acoustic sets and the video for The Caterpillar and Pictures of You. Show? (I don't know if Show comes in DVD form, though I have the videotape), good choice--the most complete Cure concert for the popsect... good songs, especially some early ones, and some really good bits. I like it. I don't like how they film "Night Like This" in grainy black and white and nothing else. It's tacky. Picture Show? --The definitive New Wave goth video tape. Bit dredgy. By the way, I like your diary lots, I always love Cure fans, and yes. I shall be back. Yes, I will. |
from worldwar24 : |
I saw them for about five minutes in the toilet queue this year (I wasn't even aware they existed last, to be honest) but they still got a mention in my T in the Park roundup on LJ - something like the only thing interesting about them is their name. I don't know... sometimes I wonder if I'm a bad Scottish music fan since I despise almost every band to come out of my home country - apart from Ballboy. And Degrassi. And Arab Strap. And Idlewild. And Fucking Franz Fucking Ferdinand when I'm feeling generous ;) Anyway, thanks for the note and for not calling me names - I was worried after I left it you might have thought I was being gratuitously mean; I'm just a bit of a wanker about bands at times xx |
from killingjar : |
i've heard the name before, and i think it's one of the best names ever, but do you know where i can get a few mp3s? |
from breadisdead : |
from breadisdead : |
p.s, i feel like i'm reading my own diary! |
from breadisdead : |
We should hang out some time. |
from useafork : |
You rule! Thanks for the link action. Now if I just had the brain cells to make it work. |
from oxfordavid : |
Hi there. I saw you somewhere, then read a bit of your diary, then wrote this........ |
from gbg : |
You filled out my singasong survey some time ago, and I just now got to it. I just wanted to stop by and say THANK YOU. The majority of the people who've filled it out have *awful* taste in music, and it makes me cringe to see it, but your taste is amazing. Thank you for giving me some great ideas for songs to download. :-) |
from neuroticaa : |
does it work now? |
from boredlaura : |
Note to self: book flight. |
from neuroticaa : |
very rarely do i lock my journal but once in a while i will -- username= neuroticaa, password=upthewall / <3 |
from sylviashadow : |
Thanx for joining ladylazurus-"The blood-jet is poetry, there is no stopping it."-sp Welcome to the fold--sylviashadow,ringleader |
from neuroticaa : |
hehehe.... try not to stare at the beauty on the screen too long, it crosses your eyes :) |
from neuroticaa : |
lol. you Brits and your excess vowels! thanks for the addition, love, come talk to me anytime... |
from neuroticaa : |
me too. and notes boost my ego. ha. <3 |
from neuroticaa : |
good taste in music + movies + jim morrison quotes ;) |
from velvetdemon : |
Ah, darling, thank you! *air kisses* |
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