messages to broomcloset:
(click here to add new message):

from katehackett :
You've been Tagged! You seem to be on the lookout for a job, but what would your ideal/dream job be?
from diarytag :
Since there was no "respond by" in your tag, I would like to add that you should respond by June 4th. Thanks.
from diarytag :
Tag! If you could sit down to lunch with three people, (dead or alive) whom you've never met, who would they be? -Janelle (bamboopink)
from deathdiary :
Just read your guestmap signing! thanks! btw you're diary is awesome
from dominia :
Hey! Will you let us know how that Sybil Leek book is? I've read a BUNCH of her stuff but not that one. Maybe you could do a small review of it or at least say thumbs up/thumbs down on whether it's worth the read? :)
from diarytag :
Tag! One of your diaryrings is about activism. What cause/issue are you most passionate about and what do you do to help?
from thecity :
Love for your layout.
from lunablossom :
from multiple :
*smiles* it's not a dumb question... Cy's an Outsider. ^_^ if he were an Alter, i would have killed him by now.
from abrayla :
Just wanted to say a friendly hello. Thouhgt I'd be nice to let you know who's been reading your diary.
from orlandoninja :
I am up at 5:30am...I just haven't gone to sleep yet. Does that count?
from shiloh26 :
Hello, I just read your prayer/spell. It was beautiful and heartfelt. I'm sure it will be held. I also love your new layout. Blessed be.
from favoritesong :
thanks for adding me to your favorites!
from enchancea :
that sounds like alot of fun. Wish we had those around here.
from enidhere :
I hope you are getting a bigger bed...I know its the heart of the must have lots of plans then. Have a fun move.
from cairli :
Really nice layout you have...and it's always nice to meet other Pagans - broomcloset'ed or no. :) Bright blessings to you!
from glitzi :
whee, james! you rule :) muah, m.
from jennamhughes :
Loooooove your diary. Always good to find another witch in the broom
from arianafoxx :
I think I'm going to quite like your diary . . :)
from pischina :
Oh I had to stop by to Re-Fill your Lovin's! (((LOVELOVELOVE))) Love ya, ME.
from ornerypest :
YAY for M&Ms!! For more neat chocolate stuff check out .
from mskaos :
What about blue M&M's??:)
from broomcloset :
Oh no! I just checked my Analyzer page, and all of my signatures are gone!!! :( Thank you to Scary for rescuing my empty page with a signature. <|:)
from glistenen :
You're diary is totally nifty, and I sort of copied your moon phase thingy. Also, I left the first message and this makes me beyond happy.

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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