messages to byronic:
(click here to add new message):

from quois :
that is so great. You have been missed.
from intheory27 :
Your screenname caught my eye and I love your diary. :) Fantastic idea, wonderful words.
from mllecathy :
ai. and i'll bet you are inordinately pleased with yourself, n'est-ce pas? tsk. =)
from pasunrond :
from tower :
*laughs* Oh dear. Just... hi, i love you.
from caudelac :
In-teresting... What /is/ it with Courfeyracs that they always seem to feel the need to insinuate themselves into the nation of two that is a Joly and a Lesgles? Ah bien...
from mhari :
from partouse :
Ooo. This is splendid. Do write more. I particularly like your Courfeyrac -- and your poor Bahorel. M'sieur does tend to get himself into trouble.
from bad-madi :
ps. Are you going to give the girl a name? You know which one. May I suggest Oph�lie? *grin*
from bad-madi :
Eeeek! I told you that it would work, no? J'adore your bahorel! I need to write something soon, you're turning out more than i am now, but I'm glad that you are--one of us needs to!
from bad-madi :
You can borrow Fabi or Jean-Auguste whenever you like, just don't do anything to them that I wouldn't!

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