messages to cactusgirl:
(click here to add new message):

from oh-yea-baby :
hi! i totally agree. EVERYBODY HAS TO LOVE WEIRD AL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite song is "barneys on fire" what about you?????
from lone-wolf-x :
Greetings, fellow Chemical Engineer.
from anglewings :
Hey don't woory, just smile and pick your self up and look for a good boyfriend. Have time, check out my weblog, latezzzzzz
from keryanna :
Not worry about the contact or boy thing. In time, you'll get better at both. It just takes practice. I speak from experience.
from candygurl16 :
hey i like nsync and bsb. even though they r gone. i also love harry potter books.
from interview-me :
get interviewed!

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