messages to calico7:
(click here to add new message):

from yamakingj :
We all have our seasons of insanity. Just know that I have always been here for you. Your friendship is not one I would let slip away. I figured you needed some time. Welcome back.
from vikanda :
hey, c. it's been a long while. missed you! write back sometime. = ) hugs, v. 5/3/05
from evilestone :
Wow, you're alive... Hello Sexy.
from loztsoul :
You keep telling me to run, but I always end up running to you......
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays -2003
from invisibledon :
Happy Halloween 03
from invisibledon :
Have a great holiday weekend 8/29/03
from futureshock :
Prolific elsewhere.
from squirrelx :
The dogwoods must be an omen for you, and a powerfully good one. My granny always said that when folks dream of dogwood trees, they're about to have a long harbored wish come true. Perhaps their significance is the same as both an omen and a dream. Best, Xtine /Squirrel X
from vikanda :
congratulations on your career change and getting back to your roots (no pun intended)! it's amazing how well the pay can be in the hair salon industry. it sounds so tempting... <3 vikanda
from doombilly :
fanks. I added some hidden goodies in the image. Nothing spectacular. But since I am about to start job hunting, I guess I need to work on my skillz.
from vikanda :
hello c, been awhile since i E-ed you. the strangest thing, i dreamt about you last night (or the night before last). have no idea why. in the dream you were a vampire & swimming in the water. There was this poisonous green & yellow snake in the water, & you let it bite you. Then you put this chunky metal necklace on me in the shape of a bat. there was strong energy radiating from the necklace. When you took the necklace off of me, it left a permanent bat outline/tattoo. strange, huh? xoxo, v
from evilestone :
As someone who is anxiously awaiting your nakedness, I can only approve. ; )
from evilestone :
from tenaciousnat :
haha yw =) ur survery was kewl man. Take care xXx
from bpdgyrl82 :
you are to sweet!
from pattymelt :
you are so much more sophisticated than me!
from invisibledon :
Happy Valentines Day @-'---
from pattymelt :
yeah, i would be ROBBI! some chick named 'berta said some mean things about a friend of mine on a message board and someone popped back with "if my name was roberta, i'd be pissed off too" and i thought about it, yeah, if i actually WENT by roberta i would be pissed. i don't know who she is but she has a mean streak. i hate mean people. i am off to look for poop entries!
from doombilly :
Well I guess in the greater scope of things Diaryland is penne Reality TV...ooooh, I just had another idea, Celebrity Jailhouse Gang Rape, with your host, Robert Downey Jr...I better quit.
from pattymelt :
not only do i LOVE big lots, but i used to watch 'daktari' when i was a kid! what was that lions name? clarence? (or was it 'clearance'????) i also like the super walmart at 2am. i have my eye on a lovely wrought iron mosaic table for my patio...$10. i saw it this weekend while i was having my perscription filled, but, alas, could not bear the thought of braving the lines at 4pm. so i will be making a special trip friday night! have a great day!
from pattymelt :
except for the work part that i just glazed over because it makes me boil just thinking about it! but for the most part, i hope it is just a glimpse of what is to come!
from pattymelt :
and i can't tell you how beautiful his eyes are! i could totally get into just his looks. at least, for now. personality is way big with me. i am sure he won't call but it made lunch very pleasurable!
from glamorpuss99 :
i myself have been so busy finding a second job and taking care of my money situation...but i had noticed that i hadn't dropped you a line in awhile. How are things for you? i haven't done much reading of your diary lately (no time) but i'll catch up tonight... ~danielle~
from evilestone :
No, I don't sleepwalk or sleepfuck...though the idea has crossed my mind a time or two. I normally don't even dream, but have a few times lately. Doing so is disturbing, even when the dream itself isn't.
from vikanda :
hey grrrl, thanks for the thoughts. nothing like oral steroids to get my skin back on track. I've heard 5 people w/asthma died last week. something off in air. that was thoughtful to find the owner of the kitten & put it to rest. i didn't know about your father, my condolences. that is good that his things are finally out of storage & will be off to better use. xoxo =) v.
from pattymelt :
i just sent it to you again...
from pattymelt :
i am sure you thought it was some kind of porno spam! i will resend it whan i get home this evening!
from vikanda :
thanks once again for your words of wisdom. and thanks again for being there. if only i was as together as you. xoox, v
from pattymelt :
i sent the pic to your hotmail acct.....
from evilestone :
Unfortunately, that "got-to's" list will always be there, the trick is learning which of the "got-to's" will wait, and which have to be done RIGHT NOW! Once you have gotten the knack of that, you can actually grab yourself some breathing room every now and then, and de-stress some. Once you've relaxed, everything else will be easier to deal with. But then, you knew that last part already.
from pattymelt :
prioritize i tell ya! decide what is really important to you (after YOU that is FIRST on the list) it took me a long time to put myself first and now, at the tender age of almost 39 (!) i am taking a real vacation! (last one was, ummmmm, 10 yrs ago!) i finally have my own space and spend more time with myself than with anyone else and i love it. and, in the spring, i will once again fill my little patio with lots of flowers. kisses!
from pattymelt :
i sent you a pic of kb....
from evilestone :
>prrrRRRRrrrrr; Yes, Dear Kitty?
from evilestone :
OOOOooooooooo, I'll choose to read that as TOUCH instead of TOUCHE', and take it as an invitation... ; )
from pattymelt :
that's sounds great! i am off to have some BBQ and sour cream potato stuff. and maybe some fried okra. maybe then my headache will leave, dammit!
from pattymelt :
i have my elvis pin on as i type! i can't wait til 6pm when i can run over to chuey's and watch viva las vegas! (and have a margarita!) long live the king!
from evilestone :
Adding it in when I tell you it's not there isn't exactly fair, now is it? ; )
from evilestone :
OOOOooooo, if you knew me you'd know how much of an insult that comment was...but since you don't I will merely take it as amusing. Your pages don't have an email address in them under the "Contact Me" section, you evidentally never set it up. Also, your email isn't forwarded when you send to [email protected], I tried that when you first started talking to me. Lack of investigative skills...geez.
from evilestone :
Pity I don't have your email address, like I do Patty's...
from evilestone :
Go ahead, beautiful, scream. I love it when a woman screams...well, ok, I love it when a woman screams because of where my tongue is and what it's doing, but if you need to scream, go right ahead. ; )
from evilestone :
I didn't know you were actually gone somewhere, that was merely in reference to your not posting anything for awhile. Nothing too serious kept you away, I hope.
from pattymelt :
don't i know it? it seems like nobody gives a crap about the quality of work they do anymore. unless they are terrorists. then they do a damn good job! but, oh, well, it just confirms how superior i really am! right? yep, tis true!
from evilestone :
Welcome back, you were missed.
from invisibledon :
Happy New Year
from evilestone :
Not so much appologizing as explaining to those that accuse me of "whining". Which, I will be the first to admit, it often sounds like. Reading a constant stream of that becomes tiresome eventually...I merely offer a chance to get to know a more rounded me than is offered in the diary.
from evilestone :
That still didn't say good or bad, beautiful... : )
from evilestone :
Happy Holidays of your choice...
from evilestone :
I just read your comment, desperate in a good, or bad, way?
from pattymelt :
i soo love your idea of christmas! i do the family thing mostly for my mom. it's not so bad. when they remember to tell me what the hell is going on. sometimes i feel like, as the single person in the family, they totally forget about me until the last minute. have a happy holiday!
from evilestone :
MMMMmmmmmmm, FAR superior to your entry on the 14th... I hope it really happened for you and wasn't just fantasy...
from pattymelt :
mmmmm flesh pet. i like that!
from invisibledon :
Happy Holidays
from pattymelt :
and the party girl cannot comprehend that i would have some strange man come over and ravish me. come one! that's the ravish part, right? and let's not even get into the body parts....
from pattymelt :
your last note cracked me up! all things doody! but i am with you - i am a pretty open chick but SOME things are private!
from evilestone :
Wait a sex, spend a little time down here in the pit with's warm and we're already naked anyway... ; )
from evilestone :
No, my caring for beautiful and touching women (or touching beautiful women) has nothing to do with evil or not... Remember, evil can do as it chooses, for good or evil, but good...everytime good does evil they slip a little closer to the pit... : ) It has everything to do with the fact that I like you, though, and do not wish ill for you. So, cheer up, and spend more time naked... ; ) It's not as bad as you think it is (life, not the naked part). Hell, if *I* haven't killed myself yet, with my screwed up situations, why should you be feeling so down?
from evilestone :
I just read your diary... I hope you were quoting someone and not feeling that yourself... I don't know you at all well, and I already like you, so doesn't that render the end of it invalid?
from evilestone :
Anything I want? How about the orgy I was supposed to have on my 30th birthday? The woman that was supposed to throw it got married on that date instead. Of course, you and Patty would need to be in attendence. ; )
from evilestone :
How about sending you a plane ticket? : ) Staying in that hotel alone would be boring... But, I wouldn't be able to do any of your suggestions anyway, my wife would object.
from evilestone :
Welcome back, beautiful.
from pattymelt :
i am so glad you are back!
from pattymelt :
i can't believe it has been six days! shit! but i am about to upday for the 2nd time today and i have my pot of earl grey (in my desert rose teapot with matching tea cup no less!) and my lemon poppyseed muffin. miss you!
from pattymelt :
i love earl grey! yummy! yuo are putting me in the mood! but i must wait for tonight ~sigh~ it is supposed to be 70 here this afternoon. but i must work late (nothing new there) but it should be nice and chilly by the time i get home! have a great time in london!
from evilestone :
Makes my fangs itch and my horns throb, pretty lady... But I am usually a very tightly controlled individual, so few people die as a result. ; )
from evilestone :
There can never be a real relationship between myself and S, Calico. As for her reaction if there were, and she found out, it would depend on how far into the relationship we were. IF we ever managed to get together (not going to happen), we would be ideally suited to each other, and would be in an open relationship, so the reaction COULD be positive. But, since it's never going to happen, I just have to suffer silently, except for on Diaryland. Here at least I can vent a little.
from pattymelt :
how interesting...i have a tea pot too....hmmm, maybe i will make me some hot tea this evening! have a great day!
from evilestone :
Well, thank you for "taking my cherry" on my Guestbook. ((Smile)) I guess that's two of my cherry's you've taken now, Notes and guestbook. Thank you for your kind words, beautiful one...
from doombilly :
too true Cal.
from pattymelt :
darling, you have a fabulous weekend, i hope you have a couple of days off. not me. fucking retail! and i know you realize how lucky you are to be able to not care what others think and to be able to do what you want to do! i am right there with you! (when i am not working! (happy thanksgiving!)
from evilestone :
Well, thank you for being the first to leave a note on my notes page. And thank you for your comments. If you read my diary, you can see I am trying to work out a few things in my life right now, and your comments help. Thanks.
from pattymelt :
"poontang" yeah, i laughed at that! on A&E! that and something else i was watchign showed part of the "what it feels like for a girl" video - Ole' Kuntz retirement home. i'm there! have a great day.
from pattymelt :
it's the craps to live with someone that makes you more depressed than you are naturally. been there. the best thing i ever did was get a place of my own. know i am thinking of you and sending you some good thoughts.
from glamorpuss99 :
the second i get a scanner i'll post it...i'd send you a pic in the mail but i don't have your address..speaking of which, does my email address still not work for you?
from pattymelt :
they are all there now. god, so beautiful...the way it's supposed to be!
from pattymelt :
some of your pics aren't coming up! but the ones that are? holy crap! beautiful!
from pattymelt :
thanks for the note! you always make me smile. had some queso and some ice cream at lunch so all it right with the world again!
from invisibledon :
how you doin'?
from glamorpuss99 :
hey, glad to hear you're back! i assume you had a lovely time, @ least someone's getting a vacation around here :). is life still grand between you and your steve? -danielle
from pattymelt :
i saw you were back. i am sure it is horrible to have to come back to reality. but that's what makes going to paradise...paradise! now you get to plan your next trip. me? nothing so glamorous. trip to vegas with the cali queso queen in january to 'ho it up. but i have to get thru the holidays first! buck up and just remember to breathe!
from kyousha :
::Dropping by:: Hello! -^___^-
from glamorpuss99 :
the new email address is [email protected] thought i sent you an email to let you know that, but maybe i forgot...hopefully that one works for ya! danielle
from doombilly :
?something about the day of the dead? yep happy scary to you too.
from pattymelt :
i want to trick or treat at your house! instead, i will be at another damn party that i can't get out of. NOT drinking! wishing i was home in bed. have a good one, baby!
from bisa-pet :
Poor kitty. Did you see what Kimo said about his cold? That he wished someone could just squeeze his head like a sponge and wring the snot out of it already. LOL Wise beyond his 5 11/12ths years, isn't he? *beams like the proud Mama she is* Oy, now I have BOTH kidlets home sick. ~measures out a dose of Nyquil for each of the boys, then takes a long pull on the bottle for herself~ *hic*
from vikanda :
thank you for your thoughts and best wishes. xoxo...sleepy time
from invisibledon :
from anat :
actually, i went to the spoken word thingie at towerII last night, 'cause martha was performing there. it was rockin', and i think TowerII might end up being one of my hunting grounds. it was a deliciously dirty little butch/femme bar. i'll be at the drag king show on sunday, at my sister's room, of course. my orlando kings are performing. :)
from pattymelt :
i sent the link to your diary to a friend today...i know she will LOVE your current post! mmmmmmmmmm
from pattymelt :
you are fabulous!
from milkgirly :
Thanks for your note and I can't wait to read your diaries, you have very good taste in your interests I read on your profile.
from bisa-pet :
Where are you puddin pop?
from erato :
Words to live by.
from ladybugge :
Thanks for the note. And I had fun reading the last few pages in your diary <grin> There's never enough sex ... L
from yamakingj :
I was 23 before I saw "AoD", but I was 5 when I saw "Empire Strikes Back" and watched "Robotech" obsessively when I was 8-10. They had that effect on me. I miss it. I think we all miss that magic. Thanks for the note.
from kstyle :
no, not at, if ya wanna try it again i can delete it..if not it's totally cool...back to work for me...sent you some e-rotica...enjoy! - m
from kstyle :
no comment? shoot, i'm kinda bummed....but thanks for the dot! - m
from doombilly :
So did you say you wanted to get laid on your tile? Or did I infer too much. :P
from kstyle :
gosh, i hope you try again...that arrow is clumsy, i know...but it won't be complete, without you..have a cocktail, close one eye, and go for it! it doesn't have to be exact...that's almost impossible. but if you leave a dot and wanna do it again, let me know, i can delete it for ya...i already did that for someone else, it's no problem...michael
from loztsoul :
just because I post on here and it sounds like I'm at the end of My rope, which I kind of am, but like My description, none of it is from you. I appreciate and enjoy you being there and your company. I just use the diary to vent and let My subconscious out. If you didn't mean anything to Me dont' you think I would've ran everytime you told Me to.
from doombilly :
yeah, me too (vinyl Cars). But I prefer the method where they cut you into a cross section and count your rings to establish age. Heeeee. Sorry, pre-senile dementia...:P
from kstyle :
GREAT entry it! come see mine again, i expanded it...thanks for the note! - m
from edgeplay :
Feel free to come visit any time you like, but be prepared to spend the night on your knees.
from invisibledon :
i guess that means you didn't
from invisibledon :
I want that jones meter back to zero - oh and I know you are on my side in this -- oh did you get the e-mail I sent to you?
from invisibledon :
i know I keep hearing that from girls "You are such a nice guy don't change" but you know they never want to go out - go figure
from invisibledon :
Well then I am doomed to be counting days because try as I might I'm a nice guy and it always comes out even when I try to bad
from invisibledon :
isn't that a little big bad wolfish in nature
from vikanda :
you are just the sweetest. thanks so much for the wonderful b-day wunschen auf deutsch! I love you! i'll be emailing you sweetie. and thanks for the cyber hug. I hope you kidneys are all better. xoxo, Vicky
from kstyle :
wonderful entry today (9-10) so glad you don't keep your writing hidden away...kisskiss, m
from invisibledon :
I don't think you're a "ho" - I was happy for the SK when he said you to had gotten together :)
from invisibledon :
So was SK telling you what he was typing
from invisibledon :
it's been 191 days
from invisibledon :
the Jones counter is on the bottom of my page - it is counting up from the last time ...I had the jones
from vikanda :
I was just thinking of you and your wonderfulness. That is true friendship, taking care of your friend. I sincerely wish her the best recovery. Physical and mental health go hand in hand. I know that I don't appreciate my physical health as much as I should every living hour. Thank you for sharing. love, vikanda
from invisibledon :
Yes I talked to SK last night as a matter of fact, mentioned that you all talked - oh and thanks for the encouragement
from doombilly :
yeah, the NY Dolls pic is on my diary: Yeah, trash, don't pick it up...unless it's me :| Dust me off, point me towards the sun, hyuk yuk..
from invisibledon :
have a great weekend
from bisa-pet :
Oh no, sweetness. Kidney infections suck. I'll bring you some Cosmos .. hey the pinkness comes from cranberry juice! .. and give you a long backrub to help.
from doombilly :
ok, I totally didn't get that note you left me. :P
from invisibledon :
well I don't have anyone to do that with either -- oh well maybe someday
from invisibledon :
well being that I don't have anyone who is willing to kiss me like that right now I suppose I should save them rather than eat them or were you talking about kissing some thing else...?
from invisibledon :
I know I got it the other day thanks cute drawing and the candy made the Postal people freak a bit they inspected the letter-- or did you send another?
from doombilly :
No problemo. Talking about sex is all I can do now. And that does not qualify as "oral." Still it could be worse, I could be in jail getting sex I did not want :P!
from bisa-pet :
I'm here puddy tat. Just behind as usual. I made an entry so go check it out. You're mentioned as usual. *g* Thanks for the kick in the pants to get me jump started again. Precious babies you have! I can see how it would be heart-wrenching to leave them for any period of time. *kitten licks* bisa
from vikanda :
I love that quote you left me: 'when everything we have is taken away what is real remains.' So true. Thank you for your thoughts on the bright side of my employment. Wishing you the best! xoxo, V.
from bisa-pet :
Yanno, sweetpea, if we could get over our neuroses, we could have alot of fun together, either that or get busted together. LMAO You can't help but not be able to do the forgive and forget thing, sweet kitty, for the pure simple fact that you're a GRIT. Southerners are know for their grudge holding. Hell fire woman, the Civil War ended on 4-9-1865 and here we are 137 years later still bitching about the "damn yankees". lol It's in your genes, precious kitty, admit it, embrace it and accept it. Besides, if we were all Mother Theresa, how boring would that be?? Nah, gimme Scarlet and her attitude any day of the week.
from kara-melissa :
I just read your entry about how the man tried to break into your co-workers home.... it made me *smile* to think that you are kind enough to offer you and your 2 room mates staying at her house to help her feel safe... Seriously, It makes me feel good to know there are people like you in the world. ^__^ *kisses* ~~''~Kara~''~~
from bisa-pet :
Ok, do this .. type the url into your browser, don't just click the link. I click the link and get that damn 404 page, but when I type it in directly, it shows up correctly.
from bisa-pet :
Ok, do this .. type the url into your browser, don't just click the link. I click the link and get that damn 404 page, but when I type it in directly, it shows up correctly.
from bisa-pet :
Yanno, invisible don can't get into it either, but everyone else seems to be able to without any problems. I emailed two groups I'm on and asked them to please go check it and they all answered that they see it just fine. Wonder wtf is going on? Grrr .. heading out for vacation tomorrow, will check in on my fave Georgia peach when I return. Expecting some juicy entries!
from kara-melissa :
Thank you for your note on my notes page... it has been 3 months of pain now rather than one.. but finally I have cleared almost everything up and I am on the pathway to being happy now. Thank god, it's about time.... I have decided to start writing in my diary again too... check out my last few entries to see why...etc, if you like. I just wanted to tell you since you were kind enough to leave words for me. ^__^ ~Kara
from yamakingj :
It's been a very busy couple of days. I ate all of the peanuts, so for the time being, I'm safe.
from sexyatheist :
no problem honey. i enjoyed filling it out. and i love every second of each day myself.
from beckymojo :
thanks for the compliment! bye
from glamorpuss99 :
why thank you! i'm sure i will..same to you...danielle
from ddawg :
woah! a penis shaped rock?! awesome. well, turns out that things in the last frontier are quite dull as usual--but i'm going back to my real home in portland tomorrow, complete with a hot boy waiting for me and everything, so things must be good! i hope all is well and peachy with you!
from yamakingj :
Thunder hunts hearts as an archer seeks lovers. Thanks for adding me to your list. When I get around to updating my profile, I'll add you.
from ddawg :
alright! you twisted my arm, i took the survey! who can resist the topic of sex, anyway?
from yamakingj :
Well now, that's amusing. I like your entry on health food coupon insights. A good read. Feel free to mail me sometime. J
from yamakingj :
well, I just love surveys and I have a bit of a fan base that love to read my answers. I just randomly pick a few and do them. I do 'em hard.
from invisibledon :
well let me know which ones and I'll be more than happy to supply as much detail as you want -- one of them involves a two litre of sprite and ....
from invisibledon :
well I'm all flattered thanks I took your survey too
from yamakingj :
Thanks for the note. I know there are people out there who don't enjoy sex, but they are abberations. I feel better if I pretend they aren't real. Codine... I write, so it is only fitting that I die of some opiate. Well then to answer your question: "I like curves. The angle and radius is far more important than duration." If ever I'm in Atlanta, I'll look you up.
from invisibledon :
Well thanks I'm all ...
from invisibledon :
you're just saying that
from invisibledon :
not a problem
from invisibledon :
i wasn't complaining -- i think it looks good
from invisibledon :
from invisibledon :
Oh can I go there now .. .by the way do they have pizza too ?
from invisibledon :
I am putting out the word that I haven't died or at least I don't think I have maybe I have and this is all just me trying to make sense of it all
from ddawg :
hello my new pixies friend. we have another thing in common (besides my love of marc bolan)--tim burton! yeah! how could i have left him off my list? i think i'll go read your diary now...xoxo
from invisibledon :
thanks - but you know when your are a whore for attention and you aren't getting any it is a bad thing
from kstyle :
me again-here- i copied the note from the gals who designed my template---Hi! :) Thanks for using one of our templates. You asked how to make the title entry to show up: put the code %%short_description%% where ever you want the title entry to be. :) so easy-you might have to play around a bit -you can always take it out and try somewhere else-that's what i did-michael
from kstyle :
just got home-going right out-will answer you question soon- i have to go back and look-i did so many new things last night. you'll hear from me tonight or tomorrow-michael
from skarekrow :
hey, are you on msn or anything right now? I am, I'd hate to clutter your note box with messages. or we could [play email tag.
from skarekrow :
*Comforts you* It'll be ok, I'll take care of it. Meanwhile, ever hear of Dragoncon?
from skarekrow :
Actually it ws The Proclaimers, from the Benny and June soundtrack. The Plimsouls had "A Million miles away." Which sounds more like a surfing song and was used in the Valley Girl soundtrack. :) (I'm telling you I could be on beat the geeks and be all three.)
from invisibledon :
Thanks for adding me to your fave list
from invisibledon :
Yes you did it right thank you for doing that for me and I do feel very loved -- that is a sad commentary on my life that I am seeking satisfaction from a survey ... oh well I'll get it any way I can
from invisibledon :
I have a survey would you take it please, it is called invisibledon
from glamorpuss99 :
good to hear that you've gotten rid of your germs..i myself have been sick for 2 weeks now and it's making me absolutely nuts! so hip-hop-hooray to you for being snot free! danielle
from glamorpuss99 :
there's honestly nothing to say about bob...he's out of the picture. i'm sure once i decide i'm not pissed at him anymore, i'll realize that i'm really sad that we're not even friends now. but for now, he's nothing to me. so what's your email address? i think it makes more sense to email you, instead of writing these very public notes back and forth..danielle
from darkdiamond :
thank you so much for all the sweet notes you've left me :) i am in a wonderful place right now. it's somewhere i've never been, and i never want to leave. well, thanks again :)
from invisibledon :
I know the feeling I go all winter and never get sick then come summer time I'm sick so far though I've been lucky --knock on wood
from invisibledon :
oh I just finished reading your diary --yeah all of it -- well not all of it but most of it -- hope you feel better
from invisibledon :
thanks I really like not wearing the tie
from glamorpuss99 :
here i am! i've just been beyond busy lately and haven't had much time to update my diary or anything. But i'm not dead, i'm not in some uber-depressed state sitting in my room and eating chocolates...but thanks for caring. :) so how have you been? get over your men troubles?
from glamorpuss99 :
oh no, go right ahead and dump your problems on me. i'd much rather hear about other people's problems than deal w/my own. i know what you're going through though, as i am in the same boat. and as much as i love this guy and i've invested so much time, i just don't need him to bring me one is worth that. goodness, i wish things were simpler! so is this guy of yours just not interested in you, is he secretly married...what's his problem? If you don't mind my asking..
from glamorpuss99 :
sounds like you've also got some people to share?
from glamorpuss99 :
i read your 'horror-scope' entry and was wondering what sign you are? i'm HUGE into astrology...
from t-paul :
hey calico--thanks for the appreciation of 'imaginary underwood', and, hey mr. durantes schnozz puts the fear' o god in me too! hey, if your ever into it, give my website a boo too-it's at chock fulla poetry stuff'n such from all 'round north america! yeah--this diary ring thing?...well, that's what i figured too, that it sorta pools all we who share common interests together, keeps us potentially in touch. good to know that someone popped by my 'lil diaryland blurb area--thought it was kinda fruitless 'til you said 'hi'. i'm gonna glean your verbiage now-so 'til later bye!
from glamorpuss99 :
Thank YOU. I didn't even think anyone read my diary, and i figured if anyone ever did, they wouldn't be interested by anything there...I'm glad you found something you liked. :)
from darkdiamond :
thank you so much for the note. you have no idea how much that means to me right now :) the funny thing about still breathing is that one day my dad came home and he had gotten it that day. i had never even heard of it, and now it's one of my favorite movies. well, thanks again :) <3 amanda

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