messages to carebearrave:
(click here to add new message):

from ray0flight :
no power SUCKS! I feel ya!
from lindzeeleigh :
BTW, sucks my butt. I just typed you a nice entry and then it went and didn't work. Now your gb won't even come up. Grrr. I will re type it all just for you though, no worries. I wanted to tell you that a) your kitty is super cute and i wish kitties could stay kitties forever b) your entry about crying made me want to cry and I have days like that too c) your boobs hurt because you are going to get your period soon, or you are going to have a baby or someone punched you in the boob d) i love ya!!! p.s. d was the most important.
from lindzeeleigh :
p.s. To my last GB entry......I love the song Local God. I haven't heard it in so long. I want to go home and download it right now! It is sooo good. :) Just thought you should know that.... :P
from lindzeeleigh :
p.s. To my last GB entry......I love the song Local God. I haven't heard it in so long. I want to go home and download it right now! It is sooo good. :) Just thought you should know that.... :P
from newreviews :
Hey, we're a new reviewing site looking for people that might be interested in being reviewed by us, if you want you can check out our website, Thanks!
from atgaspain :
You like that fucking bitch Atgas, don't you? Fuck her, she sucks. Atgas Fain is a whiny virgin fuck who doesn't know shit about anything. Everything said in her diary is copied from the fucking dictionary.
from atgaspain :
Quit trying to fuck with me, bitch. I know what the fuck you're up to.
from darkfairy13 :
awsome new template
from seanandjacob :
Be careful that doesn't get infected. It would be bad for you and the world. Thanks - Sean
from ediblmercury :
You have one of the best banners on here. Just thought I would let you know.
from atgasfain :
What's unfunny is that I have a copycat. Diaryland and its kids, the future of the world. Look at it, but not too long or you'll turn stupid. Thanks for enjoying my site - warms my heart and so on.
from krazypenguin :
here's a gift for you:
from krazypenguin :
okay i omit it, penguins aren't the most subtle of water fowls :).
from krazypenguin :
i made a scene in your tag board.
from mspsyched1 :
I clicked on your banner and thought that I would say hi. By the way, I *love* your design.
from bytwilight :
Hiya. Just wanted to correct a mistake in your profile. Chalandrea's diary isn't bytwilight. It's "opened-up". -Candace :)
from tiki-reviews :
Crap, I forgot to tell you your review was up. Uhm, your review is up...sorry. ~ Adrienne
from sexfiendgirl :
if you want my password, leave me a message
from smushy :
You are locked!! Can you send me the password please! also I didn't get that email - u can send it wherever hotmail or colosseum cause I can check that from home now - OR to [email protected]
from randomee :
I was just checking my link (in Reviews section), and I saw your layout. I just wanted to let you know that I think it's awesome. :) Very cool.
from shoelacepunk :
hey! i LOVE the new layout, its awesome. sucks 'bout you feeling sick all the time, reminds me of how i felt when i has diagnosed with diabetes. get better soon!!
from spoof-review :
your review is up. :)
from x-kitty66-x :
KEWL!Kute diary.I like Jhonen too , so was the movie Signs, good? I haven't seen it yet.Well, leave me a note or something.BYE!I so scared.
from caitlicious :
Hey I really like your layout! It's pretty cute! And the colors compliment each other very well. hmm....well you said to leave some form of contact, and it's all on my diary!
from diamondviews :
i finished your review! :) it's posted at
from bop-reviews :
I didn't see our link on your links page. If you want a review please put it up and let us know. Thanks.
from skittlehead :
Hey Ashy. Just got your note. I'm going to my ma's this weekend, if u wanna come drop off those pics. I'll call u incase u dont get this. if u do, call over here, or just come over and drop em off!
from skittlehead :
ASHY! Heyy! Hows it goin? lol! so bored!
from candygirl15 :
hey! LOVE ya page, but how do u get the carebear pics on my page? where do i go to get the HTML codes and stuff?? leave me a note or in my guestbook, by gurl melissa
from bellaonahill :
you probably left the note a long time ago (i almost never check)...but i designed the main picture and then my friend ( put all the html together.
from backyardbob :
someone (that i didnt tell to) linked me! whoops, this is shoelacepunk, forgot to switch diaries. i like your diary. i was reading about you getting sick and you said something about eating too many carbs/sugar, and i was wondering, are you diabetic (i am)? well, just dropped by to say hey.

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