messages to celetra:
(click here to add new message):

from gnometits :
you there?
from indigoangel9 :
you think i did the right thing? i wasn't too mean? i'm so confused about it all (if you can't tell). i apreciate that you read, and i enjoy your comments. if you have aol, give me a shout sometime. my screan name is IndigoAngelNine. i'd love to chat :)
from gnometits :
i like how you changed the names to protect the "innocent" haha. they aren't very innocent.
from lealoo :
(eh, guestbooks are being wonky again) EEK! Sorry about that, I thought I had uploaded it somewhere else but apparently not. I should have checked. My bad. If you have any trouble getting the gold membership tonight let me know and I'll change where I have the pic uploaded. I'll also get your older page completed tonight. I ended up being too busy last night. Sorry again!
from gnometits :
man, i'm so lost, and sick, which makes for disorentation.
from prowlingleo :
Haha go ahead and use it, he still hasn't spoken to me again! :)
from chubbychic :
Awww.. what a beautiful family :) :)
from prowlingleo :
Wishing you a happy 4th, and thank you for giving me a great read!
from regz :
Hey there! Many thanks for the props in your faves listing. I'm glad that I make someone's day! Hope this note finds you well! *hugs*
from gnometits :
woman!!! where are you? you're supposed to be online to talk to me!
from gnometits :
i've figured out that the problem isn't diaryland. i now plan on finding exactly what the problem is and fixing it. wish me luck, it's trouble shooting time.
from deviousone :
I love it when people enjoy my writing...Thanks, darling! <3
from vyv-xx :
Hey, thanks for the notes. I know you must be rather busy, what with the hyper little monkey and monkey-to-be and everything. Anyway, yeah, hitting that bird sucked. The only other animal I've ever hit was a really long snake. It was attempting to cross a crowded interstate. doh. But things seem to be getting better overall since yesterday. Especially since there is still cake.
from prowlingleo :
I know this is officialy random guestbook signing week, but I'm making it a 'thank you for reading me' day. So here is me, thanking you, for continuing to read me.
from prowlingleo :
Yay, thanks :)
from prowlingleo :
This is me annoying anyone who hasn't updated, so update!
from kb8 :
Hey! Thanks for taking the time to fill out my surveys! You're the best!
from kb8 :
Hi! You were gracious enough to take my sexsurvey a while back. I have two new surveys if you want to take those as well. Thanks!
from gnometits :
you come live with mamma leah. i've got an extra room.
from barenaked500 :
Hey! Thanks for stopping by. :) Isn't ER the BEST? Did you watch the last one for the season the other night? It was okay...I liked last years MUCH better. Speaking of last years those are the episodes that are on ABC Sat. nights. Mark just re-died and of course I cried like a baby all over again. *sniff*
from kb8 :
Thank you for your candor in filling out my survey. "No legacy is so rich as honesty." -William Shakespeare
from zippy-star :
Hi Celetra :) It's Lucie ! Just thought I'd stop by your diary and leave you a note ! :) Bye !
from cindie-loo :
hey,...sounds like your son is a little bruiser...mommies are such punching bags sometimes. when i was a kid i used to bite all the time...until my mom bit me back. ooah
from vyv-xx :
You seem remarkably sweet and good-natured for someone who's had it so rough. I admire that.
from enn5393 :
Thanks for the note! Yeah the t.v. does look hideous there, t.v. heaven would be a good place for it. My friends are always taking advantage of my kindness *sigh*, guess I need to start being meaner.
from prowlingleo :
Awe, thanks for the note! I love spreading the cuteness. I love him with all of my heart. I just couldn't believe they would put a baby through that! If I were his mother, I'd be changing doctors. I understand the consent thing, but the poor kid was exhausted by the time we were done.
from leslieirene :
Hi! Thanks for your very sweet guestbook post. Yep, that is a recent picture of me. I've always looked a lot younger than I am. LOL Thanks again...Blessings Always, Leslie Irene :)

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