messages to cf188:
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from zencelt :
Happy Birthday!!!
from hissandtell :
Are you ever going to update ever again? Have you moved somewhere else? I miss your writing - lots. Love, R xxx
from hissandtell :
Hi again, darling - just catching up on your recent entries. Your post about the SUV cretin made me think of a poem I haven't thought about in years: Countee Cullen's "Incident" - do you know it? On a totally unconnected note, I will come back soon when I have more time and read right back to 2000 - I truly love your stuff. Love, R xxx
from zencelt :
You think I can write pretty well, huh? Cool. Thanks!
from wbill :
yo! feeling invinsible is pretty dman good, no?
from blueshoe :
Hey mate, youre passworded, can I come??
from vbitch :
Hey there...I'm going through the Montreal member list and inviting everyone to partake in a little get together at McKibbins on the 24th of September. Drop me a note/email if you're interested! Cheers.
from kaffeine :
eeek! i still have a spiral-shaped scar on one knuckle from a tea-valve gone mad. that burn was hell; my condolences.
from kaffeine :
...since the old fork that was on it went out of production. oh, and steve's a madman whose best friend works at the bikeshop and got him an insane deal on it ;) *please* contact me if you see it anywhere, we're furious and heartbroken over it.
from anticrew :
i left you a link on your guestbook but the fbi has totally blocked that shit now. it's intense,man. the site says how access is "forbidden" and junk. so big brother and crazy. i hope you saw it. the violence/rape against women and how it's not being talked about AT ALL in the media, is super disturing. scary american bullshit, man.
from anticrew :
here's how to get rid of her: when you guys go out--and try to make it often for maximum effect--when she says things cut her off. when she talks, look over her shoulder so she sees you refuse to make eye contact with her. in return, be EXTRA nice to him. invite him out or over to your house OFTEN so that he knows that you care about him and you're thinking of him. she will get annoyed and tell him how you guys are being shitty to her and how she doesn't want him hanging out with you. he may begin to reluctantly pull back from you but you must be persistent. it's only been 3 months so he hasn't had time to really romanticise the relationship. if she already sees that his "lifestyle" and friends are gonna be a problem she might begin to pull away. you need to create a crack in their relationship in order to create a big enough wedge to catapult her out. this can be done. in order to get rid of her, you must apply the same percentage of negativity against her with an eqaul percentage of positivity towards him. it's physics, yo, pure physics.
from anticrew :
whoosh. i just read through a bunch of entries to catch up with you. you're sis is preggers (congratulations uncle J), a service rep from TORONTO(!) helped you with your computer and your tongue got sore after Valentine's day. whoa. and yes, you should run away to the islands as soon as possible....weird thing is, my parents were the ones to tell me about the turks and caicos thing. canada is so retarded, you know how many people would visit there if they used canadian money? shit. we'd have the most successful island ever.
from wbill :
dude, sent you an email .. just wondering if you got it.. hope all is going well for ya. (oh and thanks for the well wishes for my aunt and uncle).
from frenchpress :
i still love ya!
from anticrew :
dude...i AM coming to your city in May. i'll be there for 5 weeks doing that SLBP thing. didn't beyonce once say, "do you think you can handle it?"
from rhoeng :
actually, i worked it out and it's JUST under $15/CD CAD. dude, i work at a bank...i get special exchange rates, yo.
from rhoeng :
thank god...another canuck irritated by those albertans refusal to do a little R&D investment our ecological future. and south americans are great people...without them, i would cease to be. oh yes, the 514 is my favourite place in all of are one lucky, lucky lad--you get to sit on the steps of place des artes and watch the ste. catherine traffic mill about you--i am very, very jealous.
from praiseandrew :
raise the praise!
from oggydoggy :
Wow, your diary is amazing. It looks great and you write so well. I'm not nearly interesting enough to be on your fave list. And by the way...I live in Vancouver, not Victoria. Which is *so* much better. *g*
from marn :
My dear, you're always welcome out in the boonies, but some things are better eaten fresh out of the oven. Should you find an Aussie Meat Pie in Montr�al, just let me know and we can meet there in town and I shall treat you to one. I'll be in towards the end of the month to do my Christmas shopping, it would be fun to play catchup with you, eh.
from frenchpress :
hey stareee eyed lover....keep kissing your pillow...and making wishes at the wishing will all happen,i hard is it for you to get across the border????i was thinking of visiting's only about a 90 minutes away...hold on to her.she sounds wonderful!! xo~mel
from prplxtacy :
felt like i needed to leave you a note! I love the new layout btw and... i guess thats it. Keep in touch...-the canuck gone south!
from donuts :
oy me no speak inglish. i like the ants on your sweater, it has a pinkish hue.
from erato :
thought-provoking and compelling. it flows well. i haven't found a better diary to procrastinate to yet. nice lay-out, by the way.
from deepbluefunk :
ah yes, i find you quite intriguing. such a gorgeously intricate mind. and i suspect you smell good as well. mmmmm. i will return.
from rockerbaby14 :
Cool diary.I'm kind of at a loss for words...sorry
from ravieslave :
We have 'nerve' in common. My brain just died. I had something amusing and witty to say, and then, like that, death. This will have to do for now. Apologies to your conscious.
from verge :
very cool new look, cf. i like the colour combo. tres chic.
from birdie :
I may be totally off base here but this is what I think: when the dupper calls the dumpee and the dumpee still doesn;t have another person to totally occupy their thoughts than emotions run HIGH and voices qivver. When I was still not over my ex (we are talking like over 5 years ago) and he would call me - I would be psyched but old emotions got in the way and I am sure I was all quivvericans also. Love your diary. Did I mention that my hubby is a canuk (originally from Montreal and than Toronto.) Love, Birdie
from sicko :
you're way fucking cool. i think the thing that put you over the edge was the trudeau quote!!!!! rock on, montreal.
from level-off :
Hey! A fellow Canuck! (je suis n�e � Trois Rivi�res, et j'ai habit� au St Laurent, Kirkland, et Montr�al. Mais maintenant j'habite � Toronto, Ontario.) Your page is nifty-ness in full effect! You rule html. Stop it! You're making me look bad in front of the cyber geeks! Visit my page sometime so you can point and laugh.
from methybeth :
You know, cf, I hadn't said hi in awhile, and I like to check in and say hewwo. So, "hewwo". Still reading, still loving, hope you're doing well. And as for the niblet/creamed corn debate? This may be the only scenarion in which creamed corn loses. It has such a distinct, sweet flavour, it would overpower the shepherd, the sheep, the goats, and possibly the farmer and his wife, leaving them all for dead and cackling in classic creamed corn style. Niblets, a much gentler and easily assimilated version of our starchy yellow friend, is clearly the right choice for Shepherd's Pie.
from synthesis :
i absolutely love your disclaimer concerning people that know you IRL. bravo. will keep reading... .cheers.q
from donuts :
when i read cf188, i end up touching myself.
from mysteria :
Mmkay, why can't I sign your guestbook? As I was attempting to say over THERE, That's true, but I'm not sure what we're supposed to be doing about that. I mean, no, we don't technically NEED cars and planes and trains to pollute the atmosphere, but it sure is nice to be able to get from point A to point B within a day instead of travelling by covered wagon and getting mauled by bobcats. I mean, it's all well and good to try to "get back to nature," but nature is pretty fucking wicked herself, and we're all about conquering nature. I suppose the Greeks are, alas, still correct; moderation in all things. We just never know when to say when, and that's what gets us into trouble.
from mysteria :
I thought it *was* as cool as The Sixth Sense. But, as I said leaving the theater, I guess it wouldn't be as good a movie if you figured out the ending halfway through. I should ask my screenwriting prof what he thought of it, cus he said he almost got the ending to 6th Sense, just because he's seen so many movies. As for my paper, yes, potentially I am totally wrong about animals, but it's a lot like conjecturing about aliens or what would happen if we finally created some kind of autonomous artificially intelligent machines. We can only observe the surface, and unless we have some kind of common language to discuss the inner workings it's pretty useless to discuss it at all. And this class was big on bringing up Ockham's Razor, so I think that in itself kind of excludes animals from a 'human' sphere. [shrugs] Whatever.
from rushing :
Aloha! I've been reading your diary for the longest time, and it's wonderful! Simply wonderful! Keep it up hun, I love reading!
from apatheticq :
i like your diary more than creamed corn!
from mysteria :
Sweden is anti-Bush? Hell, maybe I should reconsider my move. I mean, I do really like Swedish fish...
from ford :
i read you daily. i spy on you. and before i started spying, i checked several times a day just to see if you'd updated yet. you write in a way that touches me, that makes me sit up and think, or makes me crack like a shard of glass. sometimes it's a cold, dark place you take me to. sometimes it's home. can i stop being sappy now? it's highly out of character.
from monstre :
namaste, and blessed be, and as far as I'm concerned the veil is always thinner when you keep the dreaming in your heart.
from zenboy :
You're still a freak. Alien eyes wide assed viola strangling mofugger.

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