messages to chefamaranth:
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from sin- :
As a BDSM relationship is in many ways more deep than vanilla ones, making an amicable break takes a lot of strength and courage. You have that and I'm sure you will find what and who you seek in time. Good luck!
from noirpet :
*tells himself DiaryLand needs a comment system* You should try drawing even if you suck, I suck, but I love doodleing. I hope everthing gets solved with you and Rahani, she seems to like you a lot.
from canosmyth :
Been there, done that. Try to memorize this: 99% of the time, what goes on in your mind does not reflect reality. Cheers
from noirpet :
I added you to MSN & AIM, hope to see you soon <(^o^<) (>^o^)> <(^o^)>
from noirpet :
It is I briefly REMEMBER seeing
from noirpet :
I am bored so I am going to leave random messenges here.... *looks at your movies* I briefly seeing Labyrinth on Disney. Yes! You should of gone to Disney Land! I been there like a billion times! I have family in the management of one of the resorts.
from noirpet :
I another pet of Rahani's, but younger and not collared T-T. Want to be friends?
from noirpet :
Awww *pat pat* By the way, Do you know the muffin man?

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