messages to chickyo:
(click here to add new message):

from earthchild44 :
Thinking of you.....and smiling. I love you.
from timetosquare :
Thanks very much for your did post me once before in iamthecheezy, which I no longer update...Biology has always interested me, but so far this year I find it difficult to pay attention as the class is entirely lecture. I catch phrases every one in a while that trigger pages-long tangents, but nothing that's ever gonna be on any test!
from timetosquare :
I feel the same way about darknes and weather as you...I though that was pretty cool... And I enjoy Mike Patton, as well, though I've only really heard his stuff from Faith No More.
from earthchild44 :
I had a funny dream last night where I was singing "Run To The Hills" by Iron Maiden, to you. This is slightly normal in that I have been partaking in Karaoke as of late, but the sheer fact that I was singing a song beyond my vocal capacity is just hilarious! I wish you could have been there! HAHAHAHAhahaha.
from earthchild44 :
Thanks Kel. I know I probably over exaggerate how bad things really are, but I just needed to vent, obviously really bad! Thanks for listening to my sobby butt. I feel better now, and I even start work tomorrow. Wish me luck. :) Love you.
from earthchild44 :
Yes hun, he gives me gas money. I wouldn't let him take advantage of me like that. It works out in the end. Dave is giving me another $10 tomorrow for gas, so even though I cart thier lazy asses around all the time, I'm still provided with enough gas to get myself to and from where I need to be as well. We all benefit from it. I'm just trying to be a good friend, hoping that my good deeds don't go unnoticed. He helped me with my research paper today since I've been bringing him places all week. Anyway, I'm still in the middle of writing the gawd-aweful paper on how much Bush sucks and is a liar and cant be get the point. It's butt loads of fun. Hehe. I love you.
from earthchild44 :
Ya know what I was just thinking? You never gave me your yahoo name, if you even use it anymore. If you do, fork it over will ya?! Anyway, I love your new template, it's beautiful! But since you got help with yours I was wondering if you could help me with mine, I only want to get my older entries page to work, and everytime I click on the link they give me to fix it, it sends me to the error page and I'm getting really frustrated already! So, HELP! Yours works just fine, and I'm jealous. love you.
from earthchild44 :
Hey sweetie, I LOVE YOU TOOOOOO! I always will and don't you ever forget that! The poem you wrote was beautiful, I wish I could write things like that, so descriptive, and not always depressing and about my stupid love life. Ya know how that goes. Well I must be off to finish up an essay, but I'll get ahold of you before the week is over so we can get together this weekend sometime. ~HUGS~
from earthchild44 :
Alright chicky...I know you got time, SOMEtime, ANYtime, to write in here so I alteast know how your doing. Miss you, love you, hope all is well. Say hi to Zack and kitties for me. *I stick my tongue out at you!*
from earthchild44 :
nope. i love mike patton too. and yes i did get your last message, only the first one was a note, the second one was in my guestbook. thanks hun. i have yahoo messenger now, but you dont seem to be there. anywho, i'll give you a call next week sometime.
from sickpuppy378 :
I think we are the only 2 people in the world that like Mike Patton. If you kno of others please let me kno.
from shado :
DAMN YOU...and your e:mail. I've been trying to get in touch with you but all my messages 'aren't deliverable'. Write to me!!
from shado :
Maybe if you responded to a certain e:mail that a certain someone sent you yesterday, you'd feel better. It's just a suggestion. We need to get a talking thing going on. I have lots to bitch about...well, talk about, I should say.
from shado :
Oh Chickenfoot. It's all a "magic show". The powers in control play a sleight of hand game with us. They avert our attention from the problems we're facing in our own country, by popularizing war, terrorism, etc. We don't have to worry about terrorism here. Do you think the gov't didn't know the WT Towers were gonna get demolished? They knew. They just needed the support from the rest of America to start a full-fledged war. What better way to gain our support than to see what cruel bastards these terrorists are. The other thing...remember when Georgie Sr was the Pres? Hmmm...Operation Desert Storm?? Funny...he's the last president who started up a war. Do you see something going on here? Love you!!
from cherries13 :
i love you kelly. i signed up anyway...oh well. i will probably end up doing this for like a month and then stop like i did with the last one. lol.

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