messages to chumped:
(click here to add new message):

from dangerspouse :
Lotsa sleep and staying put. Viva la difference. See you next year?
from raven72d :
still out there??
from quincetree :
was nice to have you writing again
from raven72d :
i loved 'travels with a tangerine'...
from quincetree :
i am all about huge quantities of ambiguity.
from raven72d :
utterly lovely entries...and never enough of them.
from raven72d :
Back from the high plateaux of central Asia?
from raven72d :
What were you doing in Afghanistan?
from raven72d :
What were you doing in Afghanistan?
from raven72d :
How did you spend Halloween?
from raven72d :
MacDonald is always worth reading-- e.g., "The Chill"...
from raven72d :
Rather lovely early entries, too.
from raven72d :
The Tien Shan! How lucky... But--- Ross MacDonald: "Sleeping Beauty" is an old favourite.
from cloverst :
sure, but would it take place in new york or la?
from meltmade :
whosywhatsit? i make a mixtape cd in the holidays to sum up a year...i can send you one of those when i make it :)
from meltmade :
anything but lamb? you need some new music bigtime?
from meltmade :
and then lost was the
from eatdixx :
i got hooked on raymond chandler hard boiled detectives stories earlier this year. it was a great ride.
from cloverst :
i was looking at that moon too as i was driving down 101 towards San Luis Obispo. it was the end of twilight and next to the road a doe and fawn were standing, waiting to cross. i think deer are so strange and ephemeral, the moon was somehow more real.
from eatdixx :
from eatdixx :
from eatdixx :
hello, chumped.
from cloverst :
happy birthday! (very belatedly)
from eatdixx :
you're such a beautiful boy. i'd lean my head on your shoulder, too.
from eatdixx :
dear chumped. found you again. i've changed diariez. i used to be tokyo. anyhow, i'm glad you're still pedalling, thinking, listening. On my bike I like to listen to The Microphones and Calexico. sometimes volare, Dean Martin. Bye! xx
from apparitional :
email: [email protected]. i always miss the hat tossing part. is everyone is able to catch their hat, or must people make a conscious effort to not be unceremoniously hit in the head?
from apparitional :
was there hat-tossing at this graduation?
from wateryone :
What do I have on my comfort shelf at the moment? Plainwater by Anne Carson. Where the Wild Things Are. The Lady's Not for Burning. Always Coming Home by Ursula Le Guin and Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes. Those are my comfort books at the moment. When you were younger, did you used to carry certain books with you everywhere you went, just because you felt safer having them? Maybe that's just me.
from wateryone :
ooohhh, John Ashbery writes perfect comfort books. I love having The Wave near me. I have a comfort shelf, with lots of comfort books, so I'm so glad to hear you use a similar phrase.
from red-river :
hello, i just remembered that i think you live in new york. do you? we should go out for coffee. write back.
from leaf :
yes, i know
from apparitional :
you leave the best notes. i've never actually printed anything to date, commitment fears maybe. anyway. i keep forgetting to tell you how atmospheric your entries feel. that's good; i need my fix.
from leaf :
from throwingjuly :
"Vanity Fair" by W.M. Thackeray. most of the characters aren't exactly likable, but they're compelling, and the unabridged version goes for around 671 pages, so...or else "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by G.M. Marquiez. he's almost Calvino-esqe, or else Calvino is Marquiez-esqe. It's not so long, but the people are friendlier. either.
from apparitional :
update more (please?)
from apparitional :
be in a very atmospheric mood when you write... but that of course isn't always possible. probably why my entries can be so choppy. i like your diary.
from tokyo69 :
hello mister. you made my otherwise not so great day be ok, i'm flattered. ...sesame street brings you... my diaryname, and the word hott. thankyou, and goodnight. xx
from tokyo69 :
thanks tricksy. i always liked everyone says i love you.
from tokyo69 :
i LOVE rice pudding!!
from tokyo69 :
what, in your opinion, is woody allen's first and second best movie?
from tokyo69 :
i like your idea of being happy. it made me happy just following your happy adventure!
from bicyclelove :
"ambient holiday tintinnabulation" i can't believe you used that word in a sentence. i <3 arvo part.. your diary is very nice.
from endserenadng :
..and the snow began to fall and the sun began to fail completely and the world turned milky and i said 'holdyourbreath' and you said 'why/' and i said because entering the beginning of time. and we did. [douglas coupland, on snow.beautiful,beautiful snow.
from leaf :
now i shall have to read that book cosmicomics
from layers :
[i think maybe from dirty three] you are so refreshing. just the idea of thinkers like you out there. well. it helps.
from endserenadng :
hiheyhello. i j ust today found you and i was inquisitive as to if you ever updated this diary anymore? or perhaps if you had another. i was wishing there were more of you.

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