messages to cinderella76:
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from twomoms :
Great answers! Sugar is a big weakness for me: in any form, also. (I just ate a slab of milk chocolate while I read your answers.) I'm glad you have dogs in your life: a great gift from your grandfather. Maybe our paths will cross again, Cinderella! Until then: Peace.
from twomoms :
Thanks for filling out my Dogpeople survey! It's so nice to hear from people that are over the age of 17! LOL I have another survey, too. Doggyideas. it's not about dogs, really, but random questions. Would you check it out and maybe answer it also? No one has responded to it (besides me!! EEK) and I'd apreciate it if you did. If you don't want to, that's fine. No hard feelings or anything.....
from mysticwhisp :
Hi Cinderella. I enjoyed reading your diary. Just wanted to say hello from on Tennessean to another. :) Where are you located? I am in Tullahoma. Spirit

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