messages to closeup:
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from masala- :
My mom works for the state of Texas and my father works for the federal government, and thanks to Bush and his ilk and their utter incompetence, my parents have lost enough benefits to more than make up for whatever might have been gained from a tax "cut."
from drawtheline :
the strangest thing a week ago i tried looking at yr old journal, but it was password protected. i...i can't believe i'm hearing form you. it's crazy. my AIM is illcut yr throat. ill be in touch very shortly.
from ann-drew :
Hello. just to let you know, i'm adding you to my friends list, i really like your diary. oh, sorry about mine being password protected. when it is the username and password are both always just "1". sometimes i have to lock it up when i don't think about what i've written, that i don't want some people to see. later, andrew.
from ann-drew :
Hello. i really like your diary. i checked out your profile and you really seem pretty cool. good taste in music. later.
from illucid-star :
Nice diary. Keep up the writing and i'll keep stopping by!
from faithop3luv :
hey...i like your diary writing and your layout. its cute. i guess thats all i have to say. okay. xoxo
from iceyangel11 :
I like your diary...

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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