messages to cmon4billion:
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from dearkate :
Why do you keep on deleting your entries?
from flabulosity :
You know, I didn't really expect to get any kind of response so your note was a nice surprise. I'm more than five kinds of game for teaming up, creating a support system. Any suggestions on how to proceed? I'm wide open. Oh...and thanks. :)
from dearkate :
Wait, it takes you 10 bucks to fill up a tank?
from dearkate :
Same here. I understand. Have a great day.
from dearkate :
Nope, I'm pretty sure I mean unique. It was a compliment. Do you have trouble accepting compliments? (That was not a question meant to be rude or mean in ANY way)
from dearkate :
Just wanted to say again how much I love your writing. It's so unique and I LOVE IT! :) Have a good day.
from meanatheart :
Hola! Thanks for the uplift.
from dearkate :
That's awesome - a pink viloin! Why did you buy one if you don't know how to play it? Have you ever seen Raise Your Voice? If you haven't - don't. It's absolutely horrible. I only saw it so I could have an opinion on it. Well there was this girl who played the violin and for fun she would go to these old buildings, amp up her violin and switch on some effects and rip it up! It was amazing ... wanted me to take up violin. But of course that didn't happen. I did take it for three years though - don't remember a thing. Well good luck with the pink instrument
from dearkate :
I hope everything works out. It sucks but, I know...
from analyzers :
You've just been Analyzed!

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