messages to coronagrl69:
(click here to add new message):

from blondeness :
I see you are now updating again but that you are password locked. Could you email me a password at [email protected] please? And then I will give you mine. Thanks!;)
from blondeness :
Merry Christmas!!!
from spoildangelz :
Wow...I'm sorry you had to go through that. I agree - you didn't deserve any of that. If anything, he needs to support you through all of this. If he's going to marry you, he needs to stick with you "through good times and in bad"...that means staying with you in the waiting room for over an hour when you need to and being with you for support.
from miss-k2 :
Hope you get taken care of soon. Scary stuff.
from blondeness :
Wherever you may be, Happy Holidays!
from blondeness :
thanks for the note!;)
from blondeness :
Just popping in to wish you a happy Turkey Day!!!
from spoildangelz :
Hey...I know you've heard that "you'll be fine" a thousand times...and I know it doesn't help. But...all you have to do is hope for the best. I've gone through the same thing. My pap didn't come back normal so I had to do a colposcopy...and I was freakin' out as well. I looked it up and it said that it was a process they did to look for cancerous cells in the cervix. And it didn't matter how many people tried to reassure didn't work. BUT...your lab results doesn't come back for another 2 weeks. There's no use worrying about it now. I know it's easier said than done, but just try not to worry about it now...just deal with it as it comes. Because if and when it turns out that you are fine, you would have just worried over nothing...and that's 2 whole weeks wasted. :-) Keep us updated!
from spoildangelz :
Hey girl...I'm doing fine...I have my good days...and I have my bad Thanks for checking up on me! You're too sweet!
from blondeness :
Just dropping in to say "Happy Holidays!"
from blondeness :
Just wanted to say that I miss reading your updates. Hope to see them again!
from miss-k2 :
hope your day today is brighter.
from spoildangelz :
Hey, girl...I'm sorry you've had such a bad day...but don't let it get to you. It happens. And I know it's depressing to feel like you're all alone and the person you need the most just doesn't seem to be there for you, but I'm sure he didn't mean to be like that. Maybe he was having an equally bad day...Anyway, I hope things gets better for you! Cheer up! You know what they say..."when things are down, there's no where else to go but up"... :-) Oh, and don't worry about the people at work...they just don't have anything better to do. At least you're still getting a paycheck!
from jennlynn24 :
Im back!!!! Thanks girl for asking..I gotta catch up on whats been going on with you!! been down the shore, LBI, Barnegat, A.C. all last week and weekend... lifes rough. heheheh :) Have a great day!
from spoildangelz :
Ooooh...Vegas!!! Have fun, girl! And give us all the details when you get back! :-)
from spoildangelz :
Hey girl, thanks for the note. He really is being sweet right now...let's just hope he stays that way. Oh, and we're both hoping for a girl. I dunno why, but for some reason I'm always picturing a little girl! I mean, I wouldn't love the baby any less if it were a boy, but it's just easy to say "her" instead of "it"....ya know? Kind of gives it a personality. :-)
from jennlynn24 :
Im so with you on the jekyl and hyde thing.. i can be so nasty, so nasty and pete (or whoever it may be) doesnt deserve it.. I see myself being bitchy at the time,and continue to be bitchy but then later i look back and feel awful, but then it happens again.. vicious cycle..i was on the pill,ortho tri cyclen for about 1-2 months.. and then stopped taking it. i was a mess, i was an emotional mess, crying like everyday (and i dont get like that usually) but the pill FUCKED ME UP BIG TIME.. since then, I havent taken any other pill bc I never want to feel like that again, but again it depends on the chemestry of your body... some people arent even affected.. Have a great weekend girl.... today is BORING yet again.... is it 530 yet??
from jennlynn24 :
Oh your the best! :) Thanks girl!! :) its freaking hot outside.... I wnat to go to the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a great one! :)
from jennlynn24 :
wait, girl... tell me how you get the "email tracking thing" off of your computer.. i got "Red flagged" at work for too many personal emaisl on my work account. they broke it down to who i emailed, who i got email from and how many times..... so i got in some trouble.. how do i undo it? I need all the help i can get ( now i go on websites all day, how do i get rid of that tracking.. i obviously go to hisotry and clear that folder out like 6x a day and then the temporary internet files..) I NEED YOU GIRL!!! S. O. S. Have agreat day!! You are gonna have a blast in vegas! :)
from jennlynn24 :
I live in summit (originally from New Providence) near Morristown, Chatham, short hills ect.. your north of me, Ive heard of cliffside park, is that near paramus, wayne and ridgewood ? If not, im just confused... ha!
from jennlynn24 :
Holy shit you had me cracking up... ha!!! now your feet are up? Yep, Im a freaking baby when it comes to that.. good stuff!.. hey where in jersey do ya live? :)
from spoildangelz :
Hey girl, thanks for the note. That's what Bry said -- that I would change my mind about her when I meet her because he said she's nothing like me and I'm what he wants. But I guess that picture just kept popping in my head. Anyway, we made up. She didn't come last night, after all. And I told him last night that I was sorry for the attitude and he said he understands because I'm all emotional right now and that he'll just have to tell me more often how beautiful he thinks I Anyway, you've got a good head on your shoulders and thanks for sharing it with me!
from coronagrl69 :
oh believe me I do freak out... that fuckin thing is unbearable- it doesn't quit... i need to put a spell or something cuz i havent slept more then 4 hours a night for weeks! i would love ur password, just email [email protected] thanks for the note!
from jennlynn24 :
I would seriously shit my pants if i heard any of those noises, or heard tip toeing or doors slamming... that would freak me the fuck out..... you are too cute, and you and james are adorable :) Hope you dont mind me reading. if you want my password, just let me know! :)

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