messages to couchmobile:
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from anahcra :
hahaha.. i like your posts.. :-) i share similar sentiments. it's funny how big the whole blogging thing has become .. so that now all us long-timers who started when style/punctuation etc didn't matter are surrounded by the newbies who care
from lowkey-d :
wow, i just looked at my guestbook, little did i know it has a few entries from you! the guestbook thing doesn't send out an email notification any long unless if you pay for it or something i just read your profile thing you have for me..i completely forgot about that screw driver thing up until now, it's hilarious! and truely what my mom is all about
from composer :
oh yes. about you being out with saralampi. seeing the scene from muriel's wedding, you do know what busting a nut is, right. is it that funny?
from composer :
i knew about brody, s'cause i'm smaat(with southie accent). as for the incident with the invaision of the critters in the apt., wow you are such a prima donna. no offense, you know i love ya. there was something else, but i duh-na remember. i'll hollah....
from ryan8-5cut :
member name: kidssuck password: kidssuck
from oddcellist :
In Foucault's Pendulum, section 'Binah' and chapter 18 (or is that the other way around? never mind), Colonel Ardenti mentions Rennes-le-Chateau in passing, discussing another case: 'I had recently read a book about the secret of Rennes-le-Chateau, another story in which the Templars figure. A penniless and obscure parish priest was restoring an old church in a little village of some two hundred souls. A stone in the choir floor was lifted, revealing a box said to contain some very old manuscripts. Only manuscripts? We don't know exactly what happened next, but in later years the priest became immensely rich, threw money around, led a life of dissipation, and was finally brought before an ecclesiastical court.' Anyway, as far as new information goes, not particularly useful, but it is a reference in Eco. Yes?
from oddcellist :
sir couchmobile -- just as an incidental regarding the rennes-le-chateau entry, the passage is mentioned briefly in 'foucault's pendulum,' by umberto eco. you probably already knew that, and it's of very little value, the information, but. i shall continue to read.
from couchmobile :
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo..... I'm melting!.........
from xparrynightx :
NERDS ROPE!!! bwuahahahahahah (evil laugh thingy). hehe :)
from k9642042 :
I bought my dad a drill. Not cordless though..heavy duty. He he. I think you shouldn't feel awful, meathead was a dork.
from xparrynightx :
that's so weird. my friend brandon got a cordless drill for xmas too. and so did amy, another person here that i read. i can't believe you did too! mine isn't pretty and silver, but it's super high quality, so i'm happy. and yes, hurry up and come back.
from xparrynightx :
hey! i miss you. come back :)
from k9642042 :
the new design is very pretty. I like purple. OH MY GOD! They have those boys at the abercrombies here in ohio too. I stared.
from k9642042 :
hi..i found your diary through sarah. I like your design, but sometimes when the text goes over too far and gets in the heart of the sunflower, I can't read it. Brown on brown so to speak.
from composer :
i love that you rationalize like i do, you should be very uneasy with this fact. i have been in a similar situation, with an ex. but it was a little more complicated due to the fact that we were both alledgedly straight and then whoops, yeah, i'm doing this other thing now. so, that left me still wanting to sleep with the ex and also wanting her fucking hot punk ass girlfriend. fortunately for me there was no bitterness from me, unlike you we had no commitment. it was just time for it to end. c'est la vie... be well my friend.
from xparrynightx :
ooh, you discovered poodesigns :). yes, a bit anne geddes-ish, but cute. had lotsa fun the other night. thanks!
from xparrynightx :
ooh, you discovered poodesigns :). yes, a bit anne geddes-ish, but cute. had lotsa fun the other night. thanks!
from composer :
don't hate because your xmas spirit is in tact. it's a beautiful thing, more people need to feel the fine yule tide warmth. the older i get the more special the gathering times of year seem to be; which is a good time/sign. i would be a little worried about myself if all i cared about was whether santa was gonna get me the fire-truck i asked for, while sitting on his lap. the only thing i asked for this year was health, mine and everyone else's (also a jaguar x-type). yes i am a shallow superficial bitch, i still love myself. peace and yule-tide dVRG
from xparrynightx :
okay, so questions, yes... can i come early to make the fondue there? i was trying to figure out how this is going to work, and i think bringing hot melted cheese in my car sounds a little scary...
from composer :
oh my fucking god, you are the biggest dork i have had the honor of knowing. my goodness. the recipe chat i dig, but that's my thing. your excitement over the pending party, 'cause of the fondue, you're funny. but i love you still. peace and blessings dVRG
from soliloquy-- :
you should write in your diary.
from soliloquy-- :
mmm - boyfriend in your room? with you?? mmm - isn't it sort of rude to put the moves on your friend's man . . .??? also, WHO ARE THESE OTHER FRIENDS??? I much prefer exclusive relationships . . . what class do you want to take??
from xparrynightx :
do you use any messaging programs? if you do, you should add me or something. i use icq, msn messenger, and aol instant messenger. i'm a instant messaging whore :)
from soliloquy-- :
When are you going to write again, punkin? I miss your entries. :) How's work? Are you overwhelmed yet? Here is a hug: HHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! bye.
from xparrynightx :
Congratulations! Does that mean you're moving to the cities?
from soliloquy-- :
OH MY GODDDDD!! I am totally outraged on your behalf. If they don't hire you . . .I'll - I'll - I'll - I'll never send MY kid to that school, that's for damn sure!
from xparrynightx :
Good luck at your interview. I know how excruciating that whole process can be. I just talked to a recruiter, who always found jobs for me in the past, and she said she hasn't seen the job market this tight in years. I may just have to take your advice. We'll see how much longer I can last...
from soliloquy-- :
You may be alone. You may be living at home - your parents' home - and in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, but I think you are beautiful!!! (Sigh . . . if only you were straight - I think I could flirt with YOU!) tee-hee. Ego stroked? :)
from xparrynightx :
Yes, we'll have to get together when you move here. Your writing is great. That seems so dryly put (or something), but I mean it. Your writing is really great...
from soliloquy-- :
wow . . . seriously Rusty - I've just finished reading "the long and winding entry . . ." and it was truly . . . something. Something good, in a deeper, less than lighthearted sense. I guess I don't have a word for it - I've been sitting here trying to think of one - but it is a really powerful reflection. It just makes me want to thank you for writing it. So thank you. (Note from the editor in me: you MUST remove the apologetic tone from the end - "I guess I'm rambling and this isn't making sense", ect. Your writing made beautiful perfect sense, and is absolutely *powerful* - adding a sentiment like that at the end doesn't ruin, but definitely takes away from the power. I know I sound like I'm gushing, and maybe I am a little, but I don't often - this entry just struck something in me, and I am still kind of reeling from the effect).
from xparrynightx : must be rusty :). i'm julie's friend sarah...who got her hooked on diaryland. i'm using the same lex design on one of my diaries, yay :) you've got good taste... i met you once long ago, but only briefly. hmm...this is rambling a bit, yes. i'll stop now.

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