messages to creeksta:
(click here to add new message):

from bethb :
aw! What a lovely entry about your grandma! i love the picture of your grandma and grandpa together, it's priceless! i'm so sorry for your loss. xoxo beth b.
from breathe-salt :
*blush* oh thank you so much, you really made my day. <3
from idividedbyi :
i don't know what to say. thank you. i just see what i see and try my best to document it and share it with the rest of you. you flatter me and i don't feel at all worthy of yr kind words.
from boxx9000 :
I like your template. I found you by accident. ~BoXx
from idividedbyi :
thank you. really. it means a lot.
from neeeeek :
Nice idea
from scifimagpie :
Have a good week! Hope to see you update your diary soon =) ~Mere
from lilchrissi :
Must read your entries must read your entries.........
from jen69 :
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!
from scifimagpie :
Just saying hello, since I haven't done that in quite some time. I'm still reading, though! Hope all is well as you read this! ~Mere
from scifimagpie :
Happy Easter =)
from scifimagpie :
Thank you so much for your note in my gb. Sixteen months without your love, already and more to go? I'm so sorry; you must be very strong, and I hope you stay so. That inspires me. So, I'll list you on my favorites, and we can count down the final seven months together. Be well.
from thajoker :
someone told me i look like avril lavigne
from breakup :
You make me think. Shame on you. *smile* I like that, though. A lot. I look forward to having more time to read your stuff. Caitlyn
from girle :
Hey there :) Thanks for clicking. I am like you...when I'm sad or lonely or bored..I spend...and it's really starting to take it's toll on me....
from averagewhore :
*in response to your note* i've done blogs before. i did one for my friend brad (but he deleted the images off his server so it looks like shit now) and i had a blog back in the day so yeah. whatever you want..if you still want one... you can email me at grrl@straykitty .com (minus the space) or if you have aim i'm grrlwithatwist or msn i'm there at grrl@straykitty .com
from gizmonator :
Awww, you had no notes, so I am giving you the bounty of my note-giving skills. Here's looking at you, kid.

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