messages to curiosekwe:
(click here to add new message):

from heidiann :
Argh! I've lost where you moved to! Help!
from mslovejoy :
You review is finished. Enjoy.
from angryquail :
Hi, Kelly! I'm visiting here and leaving notes all over. I wanted to thank you for your generosity and support, and I hope everything is going well with you.
from enchantrev :
Your Review is up at:
from his-boy :
Im sixteen
from curiosekwe :
hi, i dont currently use AIM but i decided to DL it when you asked. only the page where one does such a thing appears to have some problems, so i have emailed them and am waiting to see what comes of it. why is your diary on hiatus?
from angryquail :
Hey there. Sounds like you are in a place of great opportunity and are about to make changes. Maybe like me? I am really leaving this note to ask if you use AIM. I'd be interested in chatting with you.
from smoog :
Cut out the asskiss blowing. It tickles something fierce.
from hunurevu :
I stopped by looking for the link and decided to have a look around. I have to say that I think you might have made a mistake in NOT requesting me. I think you might have gotten the best review out of me because on reviewer is Pro-Bush and the other is a Marine. I'm curious to see how this turns out though : ) ~Nikki
from sex-n-pot :
Hey, I think I changed my font size, see if that makes it any easier to read. Thanks for tellin me it was so hard! *hugs* -Angel
from funda :
strangely alluring, or is it just 4AM talking.
from prowlingleo :
Hi, I've created a topsites for creative sites, feel free to join!
from diaryreviews :
Hi, this is Amy from Diaryreviews. Your review is complete!
from neangel :
K� Thank u, I agree the banana does kick ass. Thanks for stopping in. love the pics. is that u? ab�olutely beautifuL!
from angryquail :
Did you find nitram through me? I found her here in February and I met her just this month. Meredith is awesome.
from sockpuppet- :
Hi, thanks for the note! Alors, Je souhaite que j'aie �t� un chaton au lieu d'un humain...=D
from angryquail :
I was just thinking maybe you should get a job or even make a commitment to volunteer somewhere. I know you are involved with many groups, but being on a schedule is a wonderful thing.
from angryquail :
Excellent! Thanks for the kind note in turn, and sorry my writing is not up to par lately.
from squirrelx :
Thank you for the guestbook message you left me. Your kindness is profoundly appreciated --- as is the information you've provided in your diary regardin' pierced nipples. I've always wondered what it would be like to have that done, but I don't know anybody who could give me a first hand description. Best, Xtine / Squirrel X
from angryquail :
Wow, you told Ponge! I admire you so much! You go, girl! Honesty can combat fear, and bring trust.
from neilyum :
Thanks, I think I could take the cabinet. Mostly elderly and considerably confused white men. I'm all for the free for all as well. That's fucking democracy.
from bettyalready :
Party foul. I thought I had listed you as a favorite and it wasn't there! You're in there now though.
from angryquail :
I absolutely love reading about your life and I'm going to add you to my favorites. (Isn't that original?)
from grrldreds :
as corny as this will sound...i really like your in facts kicks ass....sorry for the cornyness.....
from kittyspit :
from raven72d :
what got you to Senegal?
from bettyalready :
no comment? did I offend you in some way?

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